Part 1. Click

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          "What are we gonna do?" A fellow Hilltopper asks Maggie. Maggie looks at me and I can see the worry on her face. Maggie shook her head and looked out towards her people. "Get ready to fight. They aren't getting what's ours." Maggie says. I watch as everyone scatters and grabs their weapons. I look down at my stomach and close my eyes. I let out a shaky breath. I feel someone grab my hands. I look up and see Maggie. "We need to wrap your hand and stomach. Then we gotta fight. You and this baby... are gonna be fine." Maggie says to me. I give her a fake smile.

          Maggie pulls me into her office and starts to wrap my hand and stomach. I put my shirt back down and run over and grab two pistols and a assault rifle. I wrap the strap of the rifle around my shoulder and get a good grip on the gun. I take a deep breath as pain shoots through my hand. I look down at my stomach once more and sigh. "Mommy's sorry. But you fight. Please stay alive. I'll do what I can to keep us both alive." I say quietly to my stomach.

          "Listen... you get upstairs. I'll have Eduardo up there with you. But you stay up there. We'll stay down here fight. You kill as many as you can from above." Maggie says to me. I nod my head at her. I watch as Maggie picks up Hershel. Maggie looks at me with pleading eyes. I reached over and grabbed Hershel from her. "I'll put him in the closet with Judith. She'll take care of him." I say to Maggie. Maggie gives me a soft smile before running outside.

          I look over at Judith and a few of the other children. "Okay... here is what we are gonna do." I say as Eduardo and I both grab the children and walk upstairs with them. I open the closet door and lightly push the children inside. "You guys are gonna stay here. Okay? You protect one another and you don't come out unless you hear me or Maggie calling. Okay? You will gunfire and probably other things. Block it out and stay put. Don't be loud." I say to the children. I watch as they all nod their heads at me. I shut the door and walk out of the room into the next room to help fight from above.

           I set up the gun on the window frame and look over at Eduardo. I give him a small nod, he does the same. I look out the window and take a few deep breaths. So much is happening in this moment, that my body was slightly shaking. I closed my eyes and took more deep breaths. I knew that if I didn't calm myself down, then I may be a bad shot. I take one final deep breath and open my eyes.

          I can see the group below, getting ready for a stand. I watched as Maggie climbed the latter and looked below. I couldn't hear much as I was in the house, but I could tell that the person responding to her was a man. A man with a rough voice. I could tell from Maggie's body language that the conversation was getting heated. I looked over at Eduardo and I could see the worry in his eyes. "I mean... we beat, Negan, right? We can handle these assholes." I say to him. Eduardo lets out a shaky chuckle.

           I looked back out of the window and continued to watch as Maggie spoke with these people. I could only assume these were Hannah's people.

           I watched as a shot rang out and the person next to Maggie fell down. I jumped from the shock and knew that it was about to get very violent. I watched as Maggie jumped from the platform and down to the ground. I let out a sigh as a car came busting through the main gate. I got my gun ready and started shooting into the windshield and shooting at the people coming out of the cars and into our community.

           My body shaking from the force of the rifle, my ears ringing from the gun firing near my ears. I watched as most people I shot at either fell to the ground dead or stumble from me at or near them. I hear Eduardo's gun click, which let me know that he was out. "You need another mag?" I ask him. "Yeah!" Eduardo says over my gun firing. I duck my head and reach over and grab one of the mags that I had grabbed from downstairs. I slide it across the floor towards him. I knew that my gun was running low, so I put my gun back in the window and started shooting the remaining bullets from my gun.

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