Little Yellow House

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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my bedroom door. "Come in." I say to the unknown person on the other side of the door. I sit up just as the door opens. I look up and see that it's my dad. "Hey dad." I say. He looks at me and chuckles. "Morning sweetheart. You wanna fix your hair?" my dad asks me with a smile. I chuckle at him and pat my hair down. "You know... it is the end of the world, right? Men and women really shouldn't care what they look like." I say to him. He smiles at me and sits on the edge of my bed.

"That's true." he says to me. I sit up the rest of the way, letting a groan out. "You need something?" I ask him. He looks at me and then back down at the ground. "Your man... Daryl and one of my men, Richard went out the gates earlier." my dad says to me. I look at him confused. "Daryl can take care of himself, dad. Always has and always will." I say to him. Which isn't a lie. I met Daryl in Atlanta, after the world went to shit. After three or four years of knowing the man, I've learned a great deal about him.

"It's not Daryl I'm worried about. It's Richard that I'm worried about. He's... always hated the Saviors. Always hated them. I fear that he's trying to get Daryl to help him attack them. I doubt Richard cares if Daryl dies helping him." my father said to me. By this point, I'm listening closely. "Richard wants to fight the Saviors. Kill them all. I don't think he cares about the cost." I look down at my bed and sigh.

"Do you happen to know which way they went?" I asked my dad. He looked at me and pointed East. I sat up from my bed and grabbed my bag. "I'm gonna get ready. Go after them. Not letting Richard get Daryl killed and I'm not letting Daryl get himself killed." I say to my father. "You want me to come with you?" my father ask me, standing up from my bed. I look behind at him and shake my head. "No... stay here. Look after your people." I say to him. I turn around and start going through my bag when I feel a hand on my arm. I turn and see my father has grabbed me. "And I want to look after my daughter." he says to me.

I look up at him and smile. "I'll be back. I'm gonna go and bring Daryl back. Dad... he's my best friend. After Dwight... Daryl was there. It might have been the end of the world, but Daryl was there. He was an asshole at first, but once he settled down, he really is a angel. I'm not about to let him kill himself. Not over the Saviors." I say to my father. "And plus... I have to get Dwight out of there. I can't kill him. I won't and if I can stop any of my friends from killing him... then I'm going to try." I turn back towards my bag and start pulling out clothes.

I feel my dad grab my shoulders and pat me. Then I hear my door open and shut. Once I hear the door shut, I start taking off all my clothes and getting into new ones. I put my dirty clothes into my bag and throw it back in the corner. I grab my knife and gun and begin my journey looking for Daryl and this Richard.

As I was walking down the street to the gate, I hear someone jogging next to me. I look to my left and see Morgan. I stop walking and he stops as well. "Where are you going?" he asks me. I look at him and then back at the gate. "Going to go look for Daryl. He went off with a Richard and I don't want Richard to get Daryl killed. What do you care? You would rather your friends die than kill the enemy." I say to Morgan. The look he gave me was almost as if I had just stabbed him in the gut.

"That's not true. You know it isn't." Morgan says to me. I look at him and give him a fake laugh. "All life is precious? That's a load of horse shit. Some lives, aren't even worth breathing the same air as us. Some people just don't deserve to be alive. If you can't accept that, then I have no idea how you are still alive." I say to him. I turn and start walking away. "You've killed. I've killed. Rick's killed. We're all murderers." Morgan says to me. I stop walking and turn around and look at him. "You're right. We are, but at least we only kill the ones who threaten us. Who kill our own, who kill for fun. We don't kill just anyone. We don't kill for fun. We kill to protect the ones we love. So don't you dare compare us to them. You do that again... you won't be alive to see the next day." I say to Morgan.

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