The Vote

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          "Hi, Dad. I know it's been a minute since I came and visited. I think you understand though. Having a baby, it's a lot of work. Not sleeping and being busy with Cole. I just haven't had time." I say to my father's grave.

          I put a little yellow flower on his grave and keep my hand on the ground and I feel a tear run down my face.

           It's been around a month and a half since Cole was born. Since my father died.

           I stand up from the group and smile down at the handmade cross that Dwight had made for my father's grave. "I love you, Dad. I wish you could have gotten to meet Cole. That boy... he is you through and through." I say to my dad. I gently lean forward and touch the cross before walking away from the grave.

           I enter the home I share with Cole and Dwight and hear Cole crying. I walk into the kitchen and see Dwight holding Cole close to his chest and gently bouncing him and trying to sooth him with some singing.

           "I'm guessing your singing voice doesn't sooth him like it soothes me." I say to Dwight as I walk up to him and Cole. Dwight looks into my eyes and I see relief that I was back. I couldn't have been gone for more than thirty minutes and I can tell those thirty minutes must have been with a screaming kid in his ear.

           "Want me to take him?" I ask Dwight. Dwight quickly nods his head at him and gently places Cole in my arms.

            Once I get Cole comfortable in my arms, he stops crying. I hear Dwight let out a frustrated sigh. I look up at him and get up on my tippy toes and give him a gentle kiss.

          I pull away and smile at him. "Don't take it personal. I have the booby milk. That's all this little guy cares about at the moment." I speak the truth to Dwight. Dwight smiles at me and sits down on the chair at the table in the kitchen.

          I sit down in front of him and pull my shirt down and allow Cole to latch on and feed. The first few times I let Cole feed was painful, but after a while, you start to accept the pain and it stops hurting as much.

           Dwight and I both smile at the smacking sound Cole is making with his lips as he feeds.

           "How was the grave?" Dwight asks me with hesitation in his voice. I look into his eyes and lightly shake my head. "A part of me, a huge part of me, doesn't want to admit that he's gone. He left this world in pain." I say to Dwight. I see the pain wash over Dwight's face and I look down at Cole. "But, the grave was nice. I'm making sure to keep it clean and nice looking. Thank you for the cross." I say to Dwight.

          I feel Dwight place his hand under my chin and force me to look up at him. "Your dad... he loved you and more than anything, he wanted you and his grandchild to be okay. Yeah, he left in pain and he left without getting the chance to speak to you one last time, but I just know that he left knowing that you and the baby would be okay. I just know it, Jasmine." Dwight says to me. I feel a tear fall down my face and Dwight quickly takes his thumb and wipes it away.

           Dwight leans down and connects our lips together. I bring my right hand up and gently touch his scarred face while the other hand keeps Cole in position as he feeds.

           I slowly pull away from the kiss and smile at Dwight. "I gotta move Cole to the other boob." I say which causes Dwight to let out a chuckle.

          I hear a knock at our door. I look at Dwight and he looks at me. We both know exactly what this knock is about. I look take a deep breath and grab his hand. "Are you positive? You sure you're okay with this?" I ask him. Dwight looks down at Cole and smiles. "Without him, Cole wouldn't be here and maybe not even you." Dwight says to me. I nod at him and pull Cole off my breast and hand him to Dwight.

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