Polaroid Bump

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          "This is no use!" I yell out as I start to get frustrated. Both of my hands have a death grip on the bars beside me as I walk slow as a turtle.

         "It takes time, Jasmine. People don't just wake up from comas and walk like they used to. You're body has been in a limited amount of motion for five months. Give or take. The only motion is when me, your dad or Dwight would raise your arms and legs during all this." Siddiq says to me. I let out a sigh, knowing he is right, but not really wanting to hear that at the moment.

         It had been about a month since I woke up. Siddiq explained to me that the reason why I wasn't as big as a normal pregnant woman was because of the lack of food. They fed me with a tube, but with the end of the world and all, I just didn't get to eat like pregnant women from before.

          Siddiq grabs me and slowly walks me over to a chair, which I gladly sit down on.

          I grab the rag from Siddiq's hand and wipe my face with it. I nod my head at him and chuckle.

          "Can't believe how fragile the body is." I say to Siddiq. Siddiq looks at me and nods his head. "I can't believe how strong you are. How strong that little baby is." Siddiq says to me. I look at him with a smile, but I quickly look down at my stomach and rub my bump. I'm slightly bigger than I was when I woke up, but I frowned when I remembered my baby bump with my first child. It was much more round, had more weight. Siddiq must have caught the frown.

          "You're baby is healthy. You're a little underweight for a almost nine month pregnant woman, but for eight months, you and the baby are doing well. Just gotta get a little more food in you before the end of this pregnancy." Siddiq says to me. I look over at him and nod my head slowly.

          "Got anything planned for today?" I ask Siddiq. Siddiq chuckles at me and shrugs his shoulders. "Gonna stay here today. Probably, go through inventory." Siddiq reveals to me. I smile at him and nod my head. "I wanna go home, but I know Dwight isn't there and that makes me not wanna go home." I say to Siddiq. Siddiq chuckles at me. "He'll be back. He should be back today, unless there was problems." I drop my shoulders at Siddiq's comment.

          Siddiq notices this and quickly tries to make me feel better. "I'm sure nothing happened. Dwight is strong and he has Rosita and your dad with him." I let out a irritated sigh and slowly get up from the chair.

          "Want me to help you? I'll walk you home." Siddiq asks me. I shake my head at him.

          "No... Michonne and Rick have offered to help me while Dwight is gone. They are waiting outside for me." I say to Siddiq. With that, I walk out of the building, well, more like lean against the walls and try to stand up-right. It's painful, but pain reminds me that I'm alive, my baby is alive and that my body is working to help itself.

          As I push the doors open to leave the building, Rick and Michonne are quick to my side. I put my hands up. "I have to push myself. It's a bitch and I hate it, but when I need someone to hold me or help me, I'll let you know." I say to them both. I look up and see them both smiling. I give them a confused look. "What?" I ask them.

          "You are stubborn. I can only imagine how stubborn that child is going to be." Rick says to me. I scoff. "This child is gonna be an angel. You'll see." I say to them both with a smirk on my face. I hear them both chuckle behind me as we all three start to slowly walk back to the house that Rick and Michonne gave Dwight and I.

          With Siddiq being here at Alexandria, Rick, Michonne, my dad and Dwight thought it be best to just stay here. At least till after the baby is born.

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