Name Time

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              I was woken up by a bright light coming through my room and onto my face. I turn over as much as I could. I look at the clock on the nightstand and see that it's almost eight in the morning. I throw my legs over my bed and take a deep breath.

          "You got this. You can walk. You can do this." I say to myself quietly and slowly. I can walk, just not very fast. There's moments where I feel like my legs are gonna give out on me, so I have to slow myself down or little sit on the ground.

          I take another deep breath before pushing myself off my bed and onto my feet. I wait a moment before taking a step. And then another and another. I let out a chuckle knowing that I am getting stronger. That my baby is probably the reason I have faith in myself to get stronger.

          I walk over to the dresser and put on some maternity pants and a baggy shirt that Aaron had found for me when he was out on a run.

          I look in the mirror and pull my shirt up and start to gently rub my bump.

          "I can't wait for you to get here. I can't wait to figure out what you are. Daddy already knows, but momma wants to be surprised. Daddy and I are still having some trouble with naming you. We just for the life of us can't figure out what to call you. Maybe once you get here the name will just come to us." I say to my bump.

          I feel a little kick and I let out another chuckle. "Yeah, I know you can hear me. I promise we'll have a name for you soon." I say before putting my shirt back down.

          As I slowly walk downstairs, I see my dad and Dwight in the kitchen, making breakfast together.

          "What is this?" I ask the both of them. They both turn around and smile at me.

          "Can your two men not make you breakfast?" My dad asks me. I playfully roll my eyes at him and sit down at the table.

          Dwight puts some eggs on my plate with some toast.

          "It looks good, D. Thank you." I say as I start stuffing my face. I hear my dad and Dwight chuckle at me, but I pay no attention to them. Only my food.

           After I finish eating, Dwight takes my plate over to the sink and cleans it.

         "Dwight, I think our child is a little pissed we don't have a name for him or her yet." I say to Dwight with a chuckle. Dwight looks at me with a confused look.

         "I was upstairs talking to the baby and I said we don't have a name yet and they kicked." I say. My dad lets out a laugh so loud I'm sure the whole community heard.

          Dwight sits down next to me and grabs a piece of paper. "So let's start." Dwight says to me. I give him suggestions and he gives me suggestions and neither one of us can agree on a name. Not a single one.

          "Why the hell can't we agree on a single name?" I ask Dwight while getting frustrated. Not at him, but at the fact we suck at this.

          I can see Dwight looking down at the paper with such intensity. "May I make a suggestion?" My father asks. I look at him and nod my head.

         "After you were born, your mother and I talked about having more children. Obviously we didn't, but we had a name picked out for a boy and a girl. You wanna hear them?" My father asks me. I look at Dwight who shrugs his shoulders.

           "For a girl... your mother and I were gonna name her Emily. It's a simple and elegant name. For a boy... it's Cole. Your mom and I had a friend growing up who we did everything with. He was the most loyal, most kind person you'd ever meet. He died the summer before junior high. Car accident. His name was Cole." My dad says to me, giving me suggestions on names.

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