Part 2. Click

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I drop the mans gun on his body and grab my gun from the floor. With gunshots still happening outside. I run downstairs and get ready to make my way to the fight on the ground.

As I come around the corner of the staircase, I see Eduardo running towards me. "You okay?" Eduardo asks me. I smile at him and shake my head. "No." I honestly say. I make sure my gun in loaded. "Go find the children. I think I heard them run into another room." I say to him. Eduardo nods his head before running upstairs. I take a deep breath and run outside to help.

The smell of gun powder hitting my nostrils with so much force. I see Maggie behind a run down truck. I see someone near her and they were about to raise their gun to shoot her, but I was quicker and fired first. Killing them instantly. Maggie turned around and gave me a thank you and what the hell are you doing out here look.

I raised my gun and continued to help defend the community. I see an enemy and I shoot him in the knee. The man falls to the ground in pain. "You bitch!" the man shouts into the air as he looks me in the eyes. I run over and pull him into my spot. Wanting to get information. "Why are you all doing this?" I ask the man over the gunfire. The man just shakes his head. "I didn't want this. I wanted to leave you all alone, but my group are greedy bastards." the man confesses to me. I shake my head the man. "You could have done something. Warned us or something. You had a chance to help us. You didn't." I say to the man. I raise my gun to his head and pull the trigger. Not caring that his blood splatters all over my shoes and pants.

I raise my gun and go to shoot, but I hear it click. I let out an aggravated sigh and threw my gun to the ground. I was pissed at myself because I had left my other hand gun upstairs. I grabbed my knife from my side and took a deep breath. I look at Maggie. "Looks like I'm gonna be fighting up close." I say to her. Maggie went to protest, but I didn't give her an option to before running away and sneaking up behind the enemies.

Thankfully for Maggie's getaway plan with Negan, she still had the tunnel. I lifted up the trunk and was about to go down into it before I saw a long piece of rope hanging over the wall behind the main house. That's how the enemies had came in and were able to get into the house. I let out a huff before going through the tunnel.

The tunnel wasn't very long. Maybe only two or three minutes crawling. When I finally made it out, I ran from inside the woods and back towards Hilltop. But through the main gate. As I came around the front of the community, but didn't see anyone in any of the cars. But to just be sure, I walked up to each one and opened them up to make sure. When I opened a red four door car, I saw an ass load of guns in the backseat. I let out a chuckle as I grabbed the bag.

All the guns were already loaded. I grabbed a heavy AR from the bag and strapped it around me. I looked down at my stomach once more and took a deep breath. "You still fighting?" I ask my baby. I could only hope. I was jumped out of my mind when I heard a crash and saw that someone had set one of the trailers on fire. I wrapped the gun strap around one of my shoulders, while I wrapped the bag strap around my other shoulder.

I run back into Hilltop. With the enemies now at my wrath, I raise the AR and open fire. Killing as many as I could.

I dropped the gun to the ground when I saw them all dead in front of me. I saw one of the men trying to get up from the ground, but he was quickly finished off by Maggie who walked up and shot him in the head. Maggie looks at me and I look at her. I watch as Maggie walks up to me and and grabs onto my stomach. "We need to get you checked out. Damn, I wish Enid was here right now." Maggie says to me. I let out a chuckle and smile at her. "Let's go check on your boy and the others." I say to Maggie.

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