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          Negan was standing in front of Glenn. Holding the Lucille with both of his hands. Negan turned over and looked at me with a sadistic smile. "Jasmine, you really should have given me a person to kill while I asked you to." Negan says to me right before bringing Lucille down onto Glenn's skull. I let out a blood curling scream. "Jasmine! Jasmine!" I hear someone say my name. I try to look for the person calling my name, but I can't take my eyes off Glenn. "Jasmine! Wake up!" my eyes shoot open and I see Dwight standing above me. My chest rising and falling harshly. Trying to catch my breath. I could feel sweat soaking my body.

           Dwight put both of his hands on my face. "You okay?" Dwight asks me. I look into his eyes and swallow, trying to sooth my throat from the screaming I must have been doing.

          I shake my head and look around. "I just-" I don't get to finish my sentence because the need to puke my guts out over takes me. I push Dwight off me and run to the bathroom. I fall the floor and puke whatever was left in my stomach into the toilet.

          I was too busy puking my guts out to hear Dwight walk into the bathroom. I feel him grab my hair and hold it back for me. "Baby... you want me to go get someone?" I hear Dwight ask me. I continue to puke as Dwight rubs my back with his one hand while holding my hair with the other.

           Once I feel like I was finished. I let out a sigh. "Jesus that was violent." I say softly. I hear Dwight chuckle behind me. I stand up from the floor and walk over to the sink to repeat what I had done last night. Wash my mouth out and brush my teeth.

          "You want me to grab someone? Aaron or Siddiq?" Dwight asks me. I look over at him and shake my head. "No... I'll be okay. It's just being behind these walls and having that nightmare. I'm just not gonna feel better until I get away from here." I say to Dwight. Dwight looks me up and down before nodding his head. "You think you'll be able to keep anything down?" Dwight asks me. I chuckle at him. "I can't promise." I say to him. Dwight walks up to me and kisses me on the forehead.

          "I'm gonna go see if Aaron has anything I can make for you to eat. After you shower and eat, we'll leave all right?" I smile at Dwight and nod my head. "You want to talk about your nightmare?" Dwight asks me. I look into his eyes and the image of Glenn's bashed skull flashes in my brain.

          "No. We were both there. No need to bring it up in detail." I say to Dwight. I think Dwight knows what I'm talking about. He gives me a small smile, letting me know that he is here for me if I need him.

           I watched as Dwight left the bedroom. I let out a heavy sigh. I shook my head, feeling embarrassed that I was screaming in my sleep and that I probably woke Dwight up. And that I puked my guts out in front of Dwight. I grabbed a new pair of clothes in my bag and took a shower. Removing the sweat that was sticking to my body.

          After the shower, I walked downstairs and I could hear Aaron and Dwight talking to one another. I quietly walked to the wall and listened to them. "You just gotta be there for her. Let her know that she isn't alone. Let her know that she has you." I hear Aaron says to Dwight.

          I hear plates clashing into one another. "I feel like she wouldn't be having these problems if it wasn't for me. Because of me, Negan found out about Alexandria. Because of me, Negan was able to trap them and because of me, Negan killed two people she loved. Because of me... her life has been turned around and not in a good way." I hear Dwight say.

          I look down to the ground and try to stop myself from crying. I shake my head and decide that I need to talk to someone. Not Aaron or Dwight. Someone I really don't want to talk to. I quietly walk out of the house and head towards the cellar. I figured that's where they would be keeping him. Morgan made the cell to have another plan that didn't involve killing.

Love the Other Halfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن