How Did We Get Here

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So... I know... It's been a while. But I hope this chapter makes up for it. Please remember, I love feedback. It helps me understand my story in some weird way. TRIGGER WARNING!!!!! This chapter will have the death scene in the season 7 premiere. This chapter also picks up right where we left off on the last chapter.

After Daryl and Jasmine talked, She finally heard him walking down the stairs. She look up and she could see just how physically tired he was. Daryl and Jasmine have been close since the farm. "You want to know something?" Jasmine asks Daryl, trying to break the silence. Daryl looked up and listened to her speak. "When I moved here, to Virginia, I was excited and scared. It broke my heart when I left it, actually." Jasmine told Daryl, catching him staring. "My family and I had to leave California and we, somehow landed here. I was excited for a fresh start, but scared because I was afraid I wouldn't find anyone to hang with." She told Daryl, cracking a smile. Daryl still listening closely, making sure to hear every word. "Then this guy, was running late to school and dropped all his shit in the parking lot, and me being me, I helped him." Jasmine had finished dinner and made her and Daryl a plate and sat down at their little table. "I remember he always called me new girl, because he had a shitty memory." Jasmine tells Daryl laughing out loud. "A part of me, wishes I knew where he was, what happened to him after I left, if he moved on." Jasmine says, fiddling with her fingers. 'But the other half.' She pauses. She looks up at Daryl with tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "The other half is so ashamed and embarrassed, that I'm afraid to ever see him again." She says to Daryl. Daryl unsure if he should hug her or not, decides to remain seated. "After the day my mom kicked me out, you, Daryl Dixon, were the first person on this whole planet to ever make me feel like I matter and I don't think at first you even meant to make me feel that way." She says to Daryl with a smile. "No matter what, you will always be my best friend." She tells Daryl, getting up and grabbing his plate to go and wash it.

The next morning, Jasmine woke up to hear Daryl moving around in the garage. Jasmine gets out of the bed, rubbing her eyes, curious to what Daryl is up to. "What are you doing now, Dixon?" Jasmine mumbled to herself. Jasmine decided to get dressed before she went downstairs. Jasmine decided on some black pants and a long sleeve black shirt. Walking downstairs, she went into the kitchen made herself a glass of water. She looks on the counter and sees a note from Daryl. She picks the paper up and reads it. "Jasmine, I'm happy that I was the first person in this new world to make you feel like you matter. You matter so much to me. I'll never say it out-loud of course, but you're the first person to ever make me feel like I matter." Jasmine smiles while reading the note. She puts the note down, and heads towards the garage. "Hey tough guy. Where you going?" Jasmine asks Daryl. Daryl looks her up and down. Jasmine looks into his eyes and can tell he is struggling with something. "Daryl, what the hell you about to do?" She says to Daryl, grabbing his bike handles. "Daryl I will not allow you to do something stupid. You hear me? Not happening." She yells at Daryl. Daryl sits on his bike and looks at her. "Jasmine, please don't make me hurt you. I have to kill that sum bitch. Not you or anyone is gonna change my mind about that." Daryl growls at her. Just as she was about to speak, Rick came around the corner. "Hey what's going on?" Rick asks them both. Jasmine let go of his bike and turned around to rick and Daryl took that opportunity to start his bike and take off. "Son of a bitch!" Jasmine yells as she runs after Daryl.

Daryl has already left the community by the time she catches up. "Damn it. Damn it." She says out of breath. "Carol's gone." someone says. Jasmine turns around and sees Tobin. "Why the fuck can't anyone just stay put?" Jasmine yells at everyone. "Jasmine take a group and go after Daryl. Morgan and I will go and search for Carol." Jasmine nodded and decided to take Glenn and Michonne. Jasmine started the van and started to leave before Rosita stopped in front of the van. "I'm going. I know where he is going." Jasmine nodded and agreed. They took off and Rosita gave the directions. The four of them stopped at some tracks and found Daryl's bike under some branches. "He's a tracker. So Rosita which way did that group head off to?" Jasmine asked Rosita. Rosita turns towards where they were last seen. They walked in the direction they were last seen for about thirty minutes. We finally spotted Daryl. He heard Jasmine walking and without thinking shot one of his bolts in her direction. "Watch out asshole." Jasmine says pulling his bolt out of the tree. He snatches his bolt out of her hand, "You shouldn't have come for me. If I wanted you all here, I would have asked you all to be here." Daryl yells walking away.

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