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The group and I were now on our way to a community called Oceanside. Tara apparently had ran into them on her two week run with Heath. Tara and I haven't talked since my conversation with Rick back at Hilltop. I loved this group, but I love Dwight more. I just hope that once this is all over, the group can accept Dwight.

Aaron, Eric and myself were on watch while the others made sure everything and everyone were in place if Tara didn't get these people to surrender before the clock runs out. A part of me feels bad for this. Taking their weapons, but the other part of me doesn't give a shit. Why should people who aren't willing to help themselves and others have weapons if they aren't even going to use them? People who fight the bad people, the people who try to make the world a better place are the people who should have the weapons. I hope these people agree to help us fight against the Saviors, but if they don't, I won't feel bad for taking their weapons. I just won't. Not when I have a chance at saving this group and Dwight.

Everyone was now in place. We all looked over at Rick who gave us the signal that Tara was now inside the camp. I took a deep breath and looked over at the community. Daryl and Jesus have the bombs ready for when we need it and Michonne is in a tree, ready to take a shot against the oceansiders who try and hurt any of us.

"Maggie told me about what happened in the basement. With the Savior." I hear Aaron say to me. I look over at him and squint my eyes. "I don't know the story with you and him and... truth is... it isn't my place to judge, just know that I'm here if you want to talk." Aaron says to me. I keep my eyes on him, trying to see if he's being sincere or tricking me into something. "Thank you..." I say to him.

Tara has now been in the community for about two minutes. "Dammit Tara. Come on." I say. I had hoped she would have been out by now. Either she's dead or the leader is being a stuck-up cunt. I looked over at Rick and saw that he had a disappointed look on his face. Tara was out of time. I sighed and looked over at Daryl who pushed the button. We weren't near the bombs, thankfully when they went off. Once the bombs went off, we all started running into the community to secure the arsenal.

Daryl, Jesus and I ran towards the arsenal when we saw two women running towards it. I was about to pull the trigger to give them a warning shot, but Michonne did before I could. The shots landed in front of their feet, which made them stop suddenly. "On the group. Now. Those hands... put them on your head." Daryl said to the two women. One of the women quickly did as Daryl said, the other looked from Daryl, me to Jesus. "Please." Jesus pleaded with the woman. She took a few seconds, but she finally did as she was told.

Jesus and I grabbed our ropes from out pockets and tied the women's hands together as Daryl flagged the rest of the group. Tobin and Scott grabbed another group of the women, while Carl and Gabriel grabbed the last of them. Now the only ones left were the ones Tara are with. Daryl, Jesus and I brought the two women from the arsenal over to the two groups and made them sit with the others.

"Now we made a lot of noise. We want to wrap this up quick so you can send people to redirect anything coming this way. Tara said your forests are relatively clear, so we won't take any chances. No one needs to get hurt. This is just about what you have, what we need." Rick told the group of women. I looked around and saw Michonne still in the tree, making sure to keep on eye out for people and walkers. I looked away from her when I heard an unfamiliar female voice. "Nobody's taking anything." I looked to my right and saw two women, one had a gun to the back of Tara's head. I lowered my head and took a deep breath. I didn't want to kill anyone today, but I have a feeling I may have to.

"You can get that gun away from her or I'll put a bullet in all your women, then you." I say to this woman, who I assume is the leader. She looks over at me with anger in her eyes. "You need to let everyone go and leave right now. Just walk away or this one dies." The woman says to me. I was about to speak before Rick spoke first. "Yeah, we'll leave you alone. But we're taking your weapons with us. That's not gonna change. It's Natania, right? Put the gun down, and let's talk about what we can change." Rick says to Natania. "No. Leave right now." Natania states to Rick.

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