We Are Out

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          Daryl and I had been in Dwight's room for over thirty minutes. "Jesus how long does it take to clean up a mess?" I said to Daryl. He just looked at me. "Did you really do it?" I heard Daryl ask me. I looked over at him. "Do what?" I asked him. He just looked at me. "Did you really sleep with him? Marry him?" Daryl asks me. I wanted to cry. I just put my head down and didn't look at him. "I had to." I said to Daryl. I looked back up at him. "I had to or he would have done worse to you. The deal was that if I married him and slept with him, you wouldn't be harmed worse than you already are." I said to Daryl.

          "I had to do it. I had to." I said to Daryl. He was looking at me, but I couldn't read his face. He started biting his nails. "So do you know Dwight?" Daryl asks me. Now it was my turn to just look at him. I nodded. "Yeah, he was the one I was telling you about back in Alexandria. I just didn't know he was the one you came across." I said to Daryl. I looked back and forth from Daryl to the door. Making sure to keep my ears open. "You coming back home with me?" Daryl asked me. I thought for a minute. I went to answer his question, but I heard that the group from outside the door was moving. "They are leaving." I said to Daryl.

           "Okay, remember, we have to go to my room to get the supplies. After that, we go to your bike and we get out of here. Okay?" I said to Daryl. He just nodded at me. I put my ear to the door and listened for anyone. "Okay, it's clear. Let's move." I said. I heard a crash from behind me and turned sharply. I noticed Daryl had turned over Dwight's table. "Was the really necessary?" I asked him. He just ignored me. I turned the door knob slowly. I peaked my head out and didn't see anyone. I grabbed Daryl's hand from behind me.

          We both started walking back to my room. Doing our best to avoid anyone. We had went by a few rooms with people in the rooms, but we had to just walk by casually. I noticed the room to my door was open. "Daryl, my room door is open." I said quietly to Daryl, nodding my head in the direction of my room. I let out a sigh. "Okay, you go in there" I said pointing to a closet close to Daryl and I. He looked at me confused. "Hell no. You have no idea who is in there. I ain't letting you go in there by yourself." Daryl said to me, obviously panicking.

          "Daryl, if someone is in there and they see you with me. It's game over. Please just go in that closet." I said to Daryl. He hesitated, but he finally listened to me. I looked back over at my room and took a deep breath. I started walking towards it. I slowly walked into the room, keeping my guard up. Until I notice one of Negan's men in the right corner going through my little journal. "Hey! That's private!" I said to the savior. He looked over at me and laughed. "Negan is going to have a blast reading this. He is also going to have a blast when I tell him you have two bags underneath your bed. I'm guessing you trying to sneak out, huh?" the savior had said to me.

           My heart started picking up the speed. "I have to get Daryl out. I have to get Daryl out." I kept repeating to myself over and over in my head. "Or... you and I can have some fun. I would never tell Negan about this juicy journal or the bags. I mean... I would have to take your bags away, but I wouldn't tell Negan anything that would get you in trouble." he said to me. He slowly walked over to me and each step made my stomach want to hurl. I didn't have a weapon, so I couldn't defend myself properly from this savior. That was the case until I saw his knife. It would be easy to grab, but he would have to be close to me.

          "So what do you say, sweetheart? You wanna play?" He asks me. I nod my head at him. "Speak when I ask you a question." He says to me in a deep, dark voice. "Yes." I reply to him.
He just smiles at me with a creepy smile. With every step, I felt sick more and more. He was finally in front of me. He grabbed both sides of my waist and squeezed them. "This is going to be fun." He says. He dips his head down and starts sucking and kissing my neck. I closed my eyes for a minute, making sure he lets his guard down.

          I felt his hands start go to further down and that's when I snapped. I reached around and grabbed his knife and in like slow motion, I took that knife and I stabbed him in the neck with it. He stumbled backwards and landed on the floor with a thud. I was really thankful in this moment that I had used his knife instead of his gun, which was now showing from under his shirt. I leaded down and grabbed his gun. I stared down at him. "You are going to turn and kill more of your friends." I said to him. I stood back up and went around to the other side of my bed and got both of the bags.

           I stepped over him and felt him grab my leg. I looked back at him and smiled. "Don't beg now. It's over for you." I said to him. I kicked his hand away and went back to the closet. I opened it and found Daryl. I reached around and gave him the gun. "Take it." I said. Daryl grabbed the gun and noticed there was some blood on me. "You good?" He asks me. I looked down and notice I have some blood on my shirt. I nod at him. "Yeah, I'm good." I said. I nodded for him to come on. We both started speed walking towards the back of the sanctuary.

          We had finally made it outside. We both started running towards Daryl's bike. I reached into my pocket and gave him the key. He took it from my hand and went to put it in the ignition. "The hell?" Both Daryl and I heard. We both turned around and saw fat Joey. That's what Negan always called him. I felt Daryl tension beside me. Daryl had the gun and a pole, and I wasn't close enough to kill him with my knife. Daryl started to slowly walk towards Joey with this killer look in his eyes.

          "Woah. Woah." Joey said, dropping his sandwich. "It's cool. I swear. Buddy you could walk right out that back gate there and I won't say anything to anybody. I'm supposed to be there now, but listen, I'm just trying to get by. Just like you. Please." Joey said. Those were Joey's last words before Daryl hit him in the head with the pole. Over and over. I watched as Daryl beat Joey's head into nothing. I noticed movement from my left side and noticed Jesus was running towards us. "Jesus?" I asked myself.

          "Daryl... Jasmine..." Jesus said to us both. Daryl was still beating Joey's head. I walked up to him and grabbed his shoulder. "Daryl... Daryl... Let's go." I said. He looked at me and nodded. He looked down at Joey's body and bent down and reached for something underneath Joey. It was Rick's gun. "He'll appreciate it." I said to Daryl. Daryl looked between Jesus and I. "I only have space for one other person." He said. I looked at Jesus. "Take Jesus. I'm not going back with you." I said. I handed Daryl his bag and started to walk away. "Hey, woah, what? Where are you going?" Daryl hollered at me. I turned around and walked back towards him.

           "I can't go back. I got Glenn killed. Maggie, Rick the group... I'm a traitor in their eyes. Hell... maybe I am a traitor." I said to Daryl. He shook his head. He went to speak but Jesus spoke before he did. "You aren't Maggie is at Hilltop. She wants you back. She keeps talking about you. No one blames you. At least not Maggie and Sasha." Jesus said to me. I smiled for second and then shook my head. "I don't believe you... but I have to go Daryl. You too. Get out of here. Go home. Win this fight." I said to Daryl. I turned around and started running. I could hear both Jesus and Daryl trying to stop me, but it wasn't going to work. I pulled the map out of my pocket and opened it. "I guess I'm going to the house Dwight told me about." I said to myself.

          YAY! I am so sorry this chapter is uploaded a day late. I just totally forgot about yesterday being Thursday. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know there wasn't any Dwight, but the next chapter will have his POV as well. Please don't forget to leave feedback. Love you all xx

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