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"What happened to the baby?" Dwight asked me. I wanted to cry, but I had to be strong for Dwight. I had to be. "After my mom kicked me out, I didn't have anywhere to go. She told me to not go to you or my dad, so I went just where the road took me. For the first few months, I stayed in different homeless shelters or in abandon houses. I wasn't in the best shape, but our baby, Dwight. Our baby was there and it was having the best time kicking the hell out of me." I told Dwight. I looked up at him and saw him smiling.

"But, I never stayed in a place for more than two nights. I ended up in Georgia. A truck driver was heading there and I needed off my feet. I think I was seven months pregnant when I got to Georgia. After about a week, this woman and her husband found me at a park and started talking me. I ended up spilling everything. About my mom, dad, you, the baby, just everything. Turns out they owned this nice, fancy restaurant in Atlanta and offered me a job there. I took it because I knew I would need the money when the baby got here." I said to Dwight. I looked up and saw him looking at me. He was still holding my hand.

"I got enough money to get a little apartment and I did. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was a home, you know? I went to work one day and heard them upset over something. I thought it had something to do with the job... but it wasn't. Apparently, I had been all over the news since I left and someone saw me working the night before and called the cops. The owners cared for me, but I was started to bring the spotlight on them, and not the good kind. I didn't even bother going in. I just went back to my apartment and slept." I said to Dwight. Tears were going down my face.

"I was afraid of my mother finding me. I didn't know what she would do, so I didn't go back to the job and ended up back in the homeless shelters. One night, the shelter didn't have any room, so I had to sleep under this overpass. I started to feel bad. My stomach was killing me. Out of the blue, my water breaks." I feel Dwight's hand tighten around mine. "There was a free clinic down the road, so I headed towards it. I never went in because I was afraid of them contacting the police, but by this point I didn't care. I needed to have the baby. I walked in and they saw I was heavily pregnant and took me in the back. They kept asking for my information, like my name, birthday, etc... but I wouldn't give it to them. I was afraid to." I said to Dwight. We both looked into each others eyes. I started smile.

"They got me in this gown and made me push. God... I've never been in that much pain before. Ever. I was screaming and crying and scared, but when they told me "one more push" and I pushed. All I heard, but this little baby crying and all the pain I felt minutes ago, were gone. Because, it was replaced by this warm, loving feeling." I said to Dwight with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes. "We had a boy. God, Dwight. He was so beautiful. I mean, even with all that gunk on him, he was so beautiful." I said to Dwight. Dwight was smiling and had tears in his eyes. "After I had him, they gave me a check up and gave him one. They kept asking for my name and I wouldn't give it. They left the room and called an ambulance. They wanted to send me to the hospital. They didn't have everything to make sure I was okay, but the minute I heard that. I grabbed him and I left." I inhaled, trying my best not to cry to the point he wouldn't be able to understand me.

"I ended up going back to that man and woman's house. Their names were Charlie and Elizabeth. They opened the door and was shocked to see me, I think. The look on their face was priceless." I said to Dwight, laughing at the memory of their faces. "Now, here comes the hard part." I said to myself. "I knew I couldn't take care of our boy. I couldn't There was no way. He deserved to have a roof over his head, a warm meal, toys, all the things a child should grow up with. So, I asked them if they would love to be his parents." I said to Dwight. I heard him start to cry. His hand left mine and went up to his eyes. My heart broke at the sight. I scooted closer to him and brought his head down to my chest and hugged him. "Dwight I'm sorry. Please know that." I said to Dwight. By this point we were both crying so much and shaking from crying so hard.

After about thirty minutes, we both had calmed down a bit. Now the only sound in the room was the sounds of our breathing. "They named him Dwight." I said to Dwight. He looked up at me with his eyes full of shock. I smiled at him. "Like I said, I told them everything. They knew if you were able to be with your son, you would be. They knew you would have made an excellent father. A loving father." I said to Dwight. "He was a year old when they found me. I was living in this crappy apartment and they had found me through people and came knocking on my door one day. I opened the door and saw them and our son. Then it was my turn to be shocked." I said to Dwight with a little chuckle.

"They let me hold him, and play with him. They let me be a mother to him. After about an hour of them being there. They gave me a picture of him when he was a baby. Then they took a picture of both of us. It was Polaroid. They took it out and gave it to me. Then I heard them snap another, but they kept that one to themselves. Said it's for him when he is older. That was the best day of my life and the worst, I think." I said to Dwight. He looked up at me with a confused look. "How was it also your worst?" He asked. I sighed and looked down. "Because that's also the day they told me they were moving to Texas." I told Dwight. "I haven't seen him in so long, but I'll always treasure that moment with him. You know?"

"You would have been a wonderful father." I said to Dwight. Just as I spoke, a knock come from the door. We both stood up. We didn't know what to do. "Get under the bed." I told Dwight. I watched as he got to the floor and went under the bed. I patted my face and walked to the door. I opened it to find Simon. "Hi." I said to him. "Hey pretty lady. Boss man needs to see you, right now." Simon said to me. "Okay." I walked out the door and closed it. I just hope Dwight is able to get out without anyone seeing him.

We walk into the wife room and I see Negan at the bar. He is always at the bar it seems like. "Ah there she is. Hello new wife." Negan said. He walked towards me and kissed me on the lips. He was gentle, but it didn't matter to me. It felt so wrong. I wanted to push him away, but I can't. Daryl needs me to be strong for him. So, I kissed Negan back. Then Negan pulls away and smiles, looking at something behind me. I turn around to see what he is looking at.


Hey guys! I know most the chapter is of the background on the baby and what happened, but this is important to the story. I debated on whether I wanted the baby to be a boy or girl and then I settled on the baby being a boy. I thought it was cute to name the baby after the father he wouldn't ever know. There were MANY different stories I ran with in my head about the baby. What the outcome would be and I liked this one more. I hope you all enjoy the chapter. Please don't forget to vote and leave some feedback. xx

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