Stay Who We Are

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Hello my beautiful followers. I'm so sorry for not posting in a while. My new job has been kicking my ass with the hours and I've just been really tired and not been able to focus on my writing. But here is this chapter. Please remember only a few more chapters before we get into the apocalypse. For all my followers who have kept loyal and stayed with me, I just want to say thank you. So I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint you. JUST A WARNING! THERE IS SOME SENSITIVE MATERIAL IN THIS CHAPTER! PLEASE KNOW THAT GOING INTO THIS CHAPTER!

One week later

          It has been a week since I last saw Dwight. He hasn't showed up at my house, he hasn't shown up at school, nothing. It's almost like he vanished. Other than not seeing Dwight at all, my parents keep telling me that my uncle is still in bad shape and he doesn't want my parents to leave. So I've been alone for an entire week. Today I went outside it was early in the morning, tons of fog, sun is trying to come through it, still freezing. I run inside and put on some black high rise pants and my boots and my favorite t-shirt and my favorite jacket. I decide today I want to go and explore the woods behind my house. I've been walking since roughly six in the morning and it just has to be close to five in the afternoon. I just can't leave. It's so beautiful in here. But, honestly, the peace is the best part. It's so quiet and I can think about anything and it feels good. As I'm in my own thoughts, I notice water, sparkling from the sun. I get closer and I find a rock and I just sit on it. Looks like no one has been here in a while. It all looks so untouched. I'm thinking about my time in California, about all the bad shit that happened there, and why it happened, thinking about the move here to Virginia, and how great it has been and meeting Dwight and losing my virginity to him and how I still don't regret it. I was always the girl that found "high school sweethearts" to be a joke. I mean at one point, I thought it was silly to say that because people can change. Many people don't stay the same after high school. To be honest, I always found love to be kind of silly. But then I met Dwight and I think I actually have fallen in love with him. Me makes me happy and makes me forget all the bad shit that has happened and I think now I realize love isn't silly, "high school sweethearts" isn't silly. It's life. Some people get lucky enough to have that love so early in their life. I just wonder if I'm that lucky. As I started to leave my thoughts I noticed it was really dark. I'm not sure, but, I'm sure I'm at least 10, 11 miles from my house. I think I'll just stay here tonight and go back in the morning. As I'm laying on the ground, freezing my ass off, I hear something walking around. My heart starts pounding against my chest, I stand up and start to look around. That's when I noticed the water was rippling. I looked closer and noticed it was a horse. It was a dark brown horse. I kind of jump, not sure as to how I didn't see this huge animal before it got close to me. I start to walk towards it and as I do, I step on a small stick, breaking it and making sound. The horse looks up at me and it takes it a minute, but then it walks towards me, slowly. I make sure to not startle him so I let him come to me. "Hey boy. It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." I say to the horse, softly. He is finally in reach and I start petting him. I can tell he belongs to someone. "Someone must be missing you. You're too cute to not be missed." I realize I need some more sleep. "Well buddy. I have to get some more sleep, so I guess I'll see you around." I say to the horse. I finally get back in my spot and close my eyes. I start to fall a sleep when I see the horse get down and start rolling around. I start laughing and finally the horse calms down and he lays down and actually starts sleeping. Part of me wishes I had a camera to take a picture of this beautiful beast sleeping next to me.

          I wake up and the sun is shining so bright. The reflection off the water is so bright, It could probably blind me if I look directly at it. I look over and the horse is down at the water, drinking some more water. "Hey buddy. You ready to go home now?" I ask the horse. Not really expecting an answer. I finally get him to start following me and it was about two hours when we come up to a farm. It looks so beautiful. As I start walking towards the farm house, the horse jumps back into the fence. I decide I still want to tell the owner. I reach the door and knock on it. Forgetting it's probably around seven or eight and I probably just woke them up. Regretting it, start to go back down the steps when the door opens and a older woman walks out. "Hey sweetie. What did you need?" She asks me in a sweet tone. " Sorry for waking you up if I did. I just forgot time it possibly is." I said looking down. "You didn't wake me sweetie. I've been awake for hours now." She says smiling at me. " I just wanted you to know your horse is back." I tell her pointing towards him. She starts laughing. "Yep. Unique does that sometimes. He always comes back, so I kind of stopped worrying." She says still smiling. "I like his name. It's unique." I say laughing and smiling. "Well sorry for bothering you. Glad he is back home. I'll be on my way. Have a good day." I tell her going down her stairs. "Let me take you home!" I hear her say. "It's the least I could do." I think for a minute and realize I really don't want to walk all the way back home. "Yeah. Yeah that would actually be great." I say smiling at her. She walks back in and gets her keys to her truck. We both get in and I tell her where I live. "My child. What you doing so far from home for?" She asks me, with a worried look. "I just wanted to get some fresh air. Lost track of time. You know?" She looks at me and smiles. "Yes. I know. I completely understand." She looks at me and smiles. We finally reach my house and I notice a familiar black pick-up in my driveway. "Thank you so much..." trailing off not knowing her name. "Sandy." She says. "Thank you, Sandy. I really appreciate it." I get out of her truck and she backs out and leaves. I turn towards the black truck and look inside and see Dwight, a sleep. I open the passenger door and wake him up. "What in the hell are you doing out here in the cold?" I ask him. He gets out of the truck and comes over to where I am. He looks at me for a second and pulls me in for a hug. I hug him back. His hugs are better than life its self. I pull away and he looks confused. "Let's go in. I'm freezing and starving." I grab his hand and unlock the door and pull him in. "What are you doing here? You never answered my question." I say kind of upset.

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