The Road

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          Dwight and I had spent the last twenty-four hours talking and having some fun together. "Listen... there is something I need to ask... do you love Sherry?" I ask Dwight. He looks at me and smiles. "She was there for me when you weren't. I think a part of me may always have a little love for her, but I don't love her like I do you. Never have. She changed a lot after you left. Wasn't a cold hearted bitch, wasn't a uptight princess either." Dwight said to me.

          "Dwight... you can't go back. She knows about this. She knows about me leaving, hell she is the one that told you. If she finds out about us, she'll tell Negan and you'll die. I can't have that, I won't have that." I say to him. I know that if Dwight doesn't go back, then Negan will send people out to look for him, but I would rather that happen, then him die.

           Dwight walked up to me and grabbed my hands. "He sent me out here to come and find you. If I don't go back, he will send people to come after me and if I don't go back and tell him I saw you die... then he'll never stop looking. I would rather, I possibly die, then to have him kill you." Dwight said to me. I closed my eyes to stop the tears.

          Then I remembered Alexandria. "You can't go back. Daryl and Alexandria don't know that I know you. No one does except Sherry... I know it seems like Rick and them aren't going to fight back, but they are strong and they aren't going to let this slide. They will fight back. It's just a matter of time. Daryl will kill you. You spent a long time hurting him... you just can't go back, D... please don't." I plead with Dwight.

          Dwight pulls me into his chest and I let the tears flow. My heart is breaking because the last thing I want or need is for him to die. I just got him back. Dwight pulls away and kisses me.

          "I don't want to leave. Every fiber in my body is telling me to run away with you. To just go find a place we can call home together, but we can't. Not yet." Dwight says to me. My heart breaks hearing him say these things, but I also understand. I wish I didn't, but I do.
"When do you have to go?" I asked him through my tears. He puts his finger under my chin and forces me to look up at him. "Not just yet." Dwight says to me. I nod my head and hug him.

          Dwight and I were now sitting on the couch, talking about the old days. I was smiling at some of the memories and as was he. "Hey... Dwight... what every happened to my mother after I left?" I asked him. This is something I've wondered about since she kicked me out. He was silent for a minute. "Your mom... she... she died, Jas. Killed herself. About two or three months after you left." Dwight said to me. I hated my mom more than I loved her... but the thought that she died alone, just breaks my heart.

          "What about my dad?" I ask him. He looks at me and shakes his head. "When you went missing, he showed up a few times. After your mom died... the last time I saw him is when he was packing the house up. I drove by and saw him and asked him if he wanted help. I ended up helping him and helping him decide what to keep and what to throw away..." Dwight trailed off. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him. "What are you smiling about?" I asked him. He looked at me and ran back into his bedroom. Or what was left of his bedroom.

          I waited a good minute, before he returned. He had something in his hand. "While I was helping your dad... I found something of yours that really caught my eye. Your dad noticed that I kept looking at it."


          I was helping Jasmine's dad with the house. This is the first time I've been in here since she left. A big part of me hated her for just leaving, but Jasmine would never just leave. I feel like something happened, but I guess I'll never know. "All right son, it's time to do Jasmine's bedroom. You up for it?" Jasmine's father asks me. I look at him and smile. "Yeah." I say to him. He nods and me and pats my shoulder.

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