I'll Be Damned

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          It's been a little over a week since Maggie accepted Dwight into the Hilltop. Dwight and I brought back as much stuff as we could from the house. Which, I'm thankful for.

          I'm now sitting in the trailer Dwight and I share. Watching Dwight get ready to go on the run to the Sanctuary. "Why can't I go with you?" I ask Dwight. Dwight looks at me with pleading eyes. "You know why." Dwight says to me. I sit up from the bed and cross my arms over my chest.

           "I can take care of myself, D. You know that." I say to Dwight. Dwight looks into my eyes and chuckles. "I know more than anyone here that you can take care of yourself. It's just... I don't want you going there. I don't want you to have to be anywhere near that place." Dwight says to me. I watch as Dwight walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. I uncross my arms and wrap them around Dwight.

          "I want nothing more than to spend every waking moment with you, but I would rather you be here, than with me at the Sanctuary." Dwight says to me. I pull away from him and look up into his eyes. I hate him going alone. The thought of something bad happening is killing me. "Okay... I love you." I say to Dwight. Dwight smiles at me with that beautiful smile of his. He leans down and kisses me gently on the lips. I close my eyes and cherish the moment.

          After the moment is over, Dwight looks me in my eyes and smiles once again. "I love you, too." Dwight says to me. He gives me one more quick kiss on the top of the head before heading out of the trailer. I wait a few seconds before exiting the trailer.

          I watch as Dwight heads off in car towards the gate. Once his car is out of my site, I sit down on the steps of the house at Hilltop. I let out a sigh and put my head in my hands. "He'll be back." I hear someone say. I look behind me and see Maggie standing there with her hands on her stomach. She's only around four months and she isn't showing all that much, yet.

           I look down to the ground and I hear Maggie sit down next to me. "He will be." Maggie says again. I look over at her and give her a fake smile. It was a good minute before Maggie spoke again. "I hated you." Maggie says. I look over at her and see her smiling at me. "I couldn't for the life of me, figure out why you loved a man who was with the other man who killed my husband, who kill Abraham or Sasha. It baffled me." Maggie said to me. I looked down to the ground once again. "Then... when you and him came back from that run a little over a week ago... he was helping you unpack the car and I watched you and him. I was angry at first. That he gets to be happy while my husband is dead. While my husband will never be able to raise or see his child." Maggie says to me. I look over at her and I see her looking down at the ground.

            I feel a lot of emotions run through me. The fact that Glenn is dead and he'll never get to meet or raise his child with Maggie.

           "But... then it hit me." Maggie said. Maggie looked back up at me smiled. "Dwight... yeah... he has a lot he needs to fix... but he helped us. He helped us win. And I shouldn't be angry when I see two people happy and in love. I should be happy for them. Because... I got to experience love with Glenn and though he is no longer here, I'll never stop loving him. I was happy when I was with him. I felt safe near him and I want that for you. I want you to have that love in your life. I want you to feel safe around him. I want you to feel what I felt with Glenn. I want that for you." Maggie says to me.

          I feel tears run down my face and I let out a sob. Maggie grabs me and pulls me into her body. I wrap my arms around her and let the tears follow down my face. I was crying for a number or reasons. But the main two were Maggie being happy for me and the other was me crying over the fact that Glenn is dead and Maggie will never get to experience that love again.

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