Some Lies Are Meant To Save Lives

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**Dwight's POV**

          As I drove away from her, it took every inch of my being to not turn my bike around and run away with her. But, I know that I would be putting her in danger. So I just took a deep breath and didn't look back. All I can hope is that she stays safe.

          As I was pulling into the Sanctuary, I saw Negan outside with a crew of his men. They all looked at me as I parked my bike and I knew that they wanted the answer to their question. "Where is she, D?" Negan asks me. I look at him and shake my head. "Sorry, boss. The dead ones got to her. I put her down." I say to him. Hoping my lie is convincing enough.

          He stares at me for a few before sighing. "Damn shame" Negan says. He looks back at the crowd behind him and then back towards me. "Dixon wasn't with her?" Negan asks me. I look at him and shake my head. "No sir. I didn't see him at all. They may have split up. Make it hard for them to find each other. Maybe that's why he wasn't with her." I say to Negan. I watch as Negan nods his head and walks back into the Sanctuary. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

           Once I was back inside, I went to Carson for him to recheck all my cuts on my face. I knocked on the door and heard him moving around inside. I looked ahead as the door opened and he allowed to enter. I walked over to the table and sat down, while he got the stuff ready. I don't like Carson all that much. I've been around him a lot. Especially since Negan gave me the iron.

           "Did you find her?" Carson asks me. I don't bother looking at him. I just nod my head. "Where is she?" he asks. I looked up at him and speak almost immediately after he asked. "I killed her." I said to him. Making sure he doesn't see a lie in my lie. "She ran away from me right into a mess of dead ones, so, I, uh... made it quick." I say to him. I could hear Carson letting out a sigh.

            I watched as Carson grabbed a band-aid and put it on my forehead. I winced when he touched it. "It still hurts." he said to me. "Feel better with a bandage." I say to him. He was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "I wasn't talking about that. I would tell you to just forget about her, but... it's hard to forget people you watch die or kill." Carson says to me. I nod my head.

           After leaving his office, I go to the stairwell and decide to take a smoke. Carson's words going through my head. I hear someone coming down the stairs and I look around the corner and see that it's Sherry. I lean back against the wall and watch as she comes in front of me and leans against the wall as well. I offer her a cigarette and she takes it.

          "Did you find her?" she asks me. I look at her and nod. "She alive?" I look down and think about whether or not I should tell her. After a minute of thinking I nod my head. "She's at our old house. Told her to go there. To hide away from Negan." I say to Sherry. She looks at me and chuckles. "I bet that was awkward for her. To be in that house. Knowing that you and I shared it once and not you and her." she says to me. I look at her and squint my eyes at her.

          "Dwight... I need to know something." Sherry says to me. I look at her with a confused look. "Do you love her?" I look at Sherry and chuckle. "You know I'll always love her, Sherry. I told you that before we got serious." I say to her. She nods her head at me and crosses her arms. "No... Dwight... do you love her more than you love me?" I was frozen. How do I answer this question?

          Instead of answering, I just decide to walk away. "I'll tell Negan." I stop dead in my tracks and feel the blood in my body start to boil. "I should have told him a long time ago about you and her. I wonder what he would have done, had he known that she and you knew each other. I wonder... I wonder if he would have made you listened through the walls as he fucked her. Or maybe... he would have killed her in front of you, just to get a kick." Listening to her words made my whole body feel like it was on fire. Like any second I was going to burst and destroy everything in my path.

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