Secrets Coming Out

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"Did you just ask me to marry you?" I ask him. Negan just looks up and smiles at me. "Why yes I did darlin'. You gonna leave me hanging?" Negan asks me. I pull my hand from his. "Please tell me you're jokin'. You just killed two people who were my family and you expect me to marry you?" I yell at Negan. He is out of his goddamn mind thinking I would ever marry him. I watch as his face turns from that creepy smile to a stern, dark face. "You will marry me or I'll bring pieces of Daryl in here. Piece by piece." He said slowly. He started to walk towards me and I backed up away from him. "You be my wife, not only will Daryl get the minimum ass kick, you'll also get free everything. Free food, free medicine, free clothes, free everything, darlin'.

I stand still looking at Negan. I don't give a shit about free food, free medicine, free clothes or any other bullshit he may have, but I do want Daryl to be okay. I have to get him out of here, and I can't do that if I'm on Negan's bad side. "And don't forget this either, you marry me, you get to have the best sex you've ever had in your entire life. I can promise you that." I hear Negan say to me. My stomach turns at the thought. The only person I have ever wanted to touch me was Dwight. As much as the thought makes me sick, I have to do it for Daryl. I have to.

I look back up at Negan and he smiles. "I'll marry you, Negan." I say to Negan with a fake smile. Negan starts to smile again. 'All right my love, I don't have ring and we aren't going to have a ceremony, but everyone will know who you are. Yes they will." Negan says to me. He walks up to me and grabs my face when both of his hands and brings his lips to mine. My stomach turned and I felt like I could puke everywhere. He pulls away and grabs Lucille and opens the door and leaves.

The next morning, I hear a knock on my door. I have the door locked, and I refuse to answer. Then I hear a voice on the other side. "Miss... you want want to unlock this door when people knock. Boss man doesn't like it." I throw my blanket off of me and unlock the door. I come face to face with the man from the line up yesterday. The one with the mustache. "Simon is it?" I ask him. That brings a smile to his face. "Correct. Didn't think you'd remember after yesterday." Simon tells me. "The boss man says you need to take a shower and change into this dress." Simon says while handing me a black lace dress. Negan best be joking. I am not wearing this dress. "Can I see Negan before I go?" I say to Simon, looking up from the dress.

Simon leads me into a much bigger room up. Once we both entered, I saw a bunch of other women, who were also dressed in black dresses. "Ah there she is. I thought I said shower first." Negan says. "I was heading there, I just wanted to talk to you before I do." I say to him. He grabs my hands and pulls me over to the bar. "What can I do to help my new wife?" Negan asks me. "I really don't feel comfortable wearing a dress. So can I please just wear pants and a shirt? Please." I basically beg Negan. I've never been comfortable wearing dresses after my mom kicked me out. He looks at me for a moment and then looks away. He was silent for a good minute, then he spoke. "All right. I won't make you wear the dress. On one condition." I look up at him. Scared at what the condition will be. "You wear your hair down at all times. It isn't allowed to be up in a pony tail or a bun. Except for when you're going to bed. That work?" Negan asks me. I nod. He smiles and grabs my hands and walks me over towards Simon. "Get her some pants and a t-shirt and take her to the showers." Negan says to Simon.

Simon took me to the shower room and I took a shower. It felt weird not taking a shower in my home, but I can always appreciate a warm shower. Once I was out I dried myself off and put on my clothes. I went to put my blonde hair into a ponytail, but then I remembered Negan said I couldn't. I need to cut it off. It's too long to not have it up. I said to myself. As I was opening the door to leave the shower room, I heard music blasting. I heard it while I was taking a shower, but it sounded like it was on repeat. I went through a few hallways before I found the radio blasting on a chair, right next to a room. It was so annoying I turned it off. I looked at the door and wanted to cry. "Daryl... Are you in there?" I ask. I hear some shuffling around and then I hear the voice I wanted to hear. "Jas... That you?" Daryl asks me. I know that voice from anywhere. I bend down so my hand is under the door. "Yeah it's me Daryl. I'm here." I feel a hand grab onto mine and I rest my head on the door.

Daryl shouldn't be in here. He shouldn't be treated like dog shit. "Daryl, I'm doing everything I can to help you. Please don't give up. Please." Just as I was about to finish talking, I hear a voice behind me. "What the hell are you doing?" Negan asks me. I don't have to turn around to know it's him. My hand is still holding onto Daryl and I feel his hand tighten. Like he as scared something was about to happen to me. "Nothing. I heard the music and it was giving me a headache so I turned it off and that's when I found Daryl. I just wanted to talk to him. He's my friend, Negan." I say to Negan. I turn around and see Negan, Simon, Dwight and another savior I don't recognize.

"Sweetheart, Daryl is off limits. You don't talk to him and you don't look at him. You understand me?" Negan asks me. "Dwight take her to her room. Now." Negan says walking away. I let go of Daryl's hand and feel Dwight grab my upper arm and pull me away. He takes me back to my room and pushes me inside. "What the fuck are you thinking? He'll kill you if you go anywhere near him, you understand?" Dwight asks me. He turns around and locks the door. He starts walking towards me and brings me in for a hug. "I can't watch him kill you... or worse." Dwight says to me. "Is the worse getting burned?" I ask him. He looks down at me and pulls away. He just nods. "When Sherry, Tina and I ran away from here... We planned to get far, you know? Get away from here... but then Tina died and it was just me and Sherry and we didn't trust Daryl. So we took his shit and left. We were gone for about a day before we decided to go back. That's when Negan was gonna kill me... but then Sherry offered up herself to marry Negan so I wouldn't die, but I still broke the rules... so." Dwight tells me. It breaks my heart to know this world has been harsh to him.

"I'm sorry Dwight. I am." I say to him. I sit down on my bed and he follows. "You married Sherry huh?" I ask him. He chuckles. "Yeah... she was there for me. You know... after you left..." Dwight says. Saying the last part quietly. My heart breaks in two at that comment. Though it wasn't my choice, I did leave Dwight without saying a word. I felt a tear start to go down my face. "I'm sorry Dwight... God I'm so sorry... You wouldn't understand." I cry to Dwight. I never ever wanted to hurt him the way I did. "Then tell me." I hear him say. I couldn't breath for a minute. Do I tell him about the baby? Do I tell him about my mom? Do I tell him what happened to the baby? All these thoughts were going through my head at the same time and I wanted to cry.

I felt him grab my hand and that's when I realized he deserved to know. I looked down at my hands. "After my mom caught us... After you ran out... We got into an argument. She called me a bunch of names and made me feel like a piece of shit, really." The next part is something I wish he would have known before I left. "I was pregnant, Dwight. I was pregnant." I felt his hand tighten around mine and I could hear him sniffle. "Mom told me to leave and to never come back. Told me if I went to you or my dads, she would take my baby away from me. Our baby away." I corrected myself. " I'm sorry, Dwight. I'm so sorry." I said to Dwight. He pulls my body into his and I feel him start to shake from crying as well. We both cried into each others necks for a few minutes. Then Dwight pulled away and asked the question I wasn't sure if I wanted to answer. "What happened to the baby, Jas?"

All right. This chapter was made in one day. ONE DAY! I'm actually proud of myself. I hope you all loved this chapter. What do you think happened to the baby? Please don't forget to vote and leave feedback. All right. Love you my babies. xx

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