Other Life

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          It had been a few weeks since I last saw Daryl. When he walked into the room and saw what was happening. The looks in his eyes were betrayal. He didn't look at me like family anymore... he looked at me like a traitor and that hurt worse than anything I had ever experienced.

          I had been a week since Negan took Daryl and Dwight and a bunch of other saviors to Alexandria to get their supply. Negan told me I could go, but I don't think Alexandria would welcome me with open arms.

          Now here I am, writing all this stupid shit down. I have no idea why I'm writing in this little book, but I don't have anyone else to talk to. Daryl can't talk to me and even if he could, I have a feeling he doesn't want to and Dwight... Dwight has been avoiding me like that plague since he heard that Negan and I slept together. I didn't want to. I felt sick the whole time. I felt like after I just wanted to kill myself for even touching Negan... but I had to... for Daryl. He might hate me and might think I'm a traitor, but I would rather I have to sleep with Negan for the rest of my life than to see him be killed.


           Just as I put the pen down, I heard footsteps coming near my door. I grabbed my book and put it under my bed. I knew whoever it was, stood in front of my door for a second before they knocked. Well, more like beat it with a baseball bat. I walked over to the door and opened it. I was surprised to see Dwight, Simon, Negan and Daryl standing in front of me.
"Hey sweet cheeks. Gonna need you to come down to the main floor. Got some business I need to take care of." Negan said with a smile. I looked between all of them and sighed. "I'm not feeling very well. Can I just stay in my room for tonight, please." I said to Negan.

          I could tell he was debating about it. Then a huge smile went to his face. "Well... you know... we did have some major sexual fun a few weeks ago... maybe a little Negan is about to be running around here, huh?" Negan said with the biggest smile. I was lying to him when I said I wasn't feeling well, but his comment made me worried. I remember him refusing to put on a rubber, but I knew I couldn't tell him no. I couldn't ever carry his child. I would kill myself before that happens. I heard Negan clear his throat. I looked back up, but I refused to look between Daryl and Dwight. My two best friends in the whole world and I feel like I'm destroying them piece by piece.

          "Well, sweetheart, as much as I would love for you to rest up, I need you down stairs. Someone from Alexandria decided to kill a few of my men and well... I want him to see you. He asked about you and I think I actually enjoy the kid. "Kid?" I asked Negan. He nodded his head. "Yep. Mr. Carl Grimes." Negan said to me. My eyes got really big. "But... I also need you down stairs for the event that is about to happen." Negan said to me, starting to walk away. "What event?" I called out. He slowly turned around. "One of my wives slept with her ex-boyfriend. I can't stand disloyalty." He said to me. He turned back around and started walking. I followed.

          We finally got back down to the main level and I saw a man tied to a chair. Negan started beating his bat against the metal railings and made me jump. I watched as Dwight grabbed Daryl by the back of his sweatshirt and pushed him past everyone and made their way to the floor level. My heart was so angry at Dwight for treating Daryl like that, and the other half of my heart broke for Daryl.

          Once we got down to the floor, I noticed Sherry and Amber, two of Negan's wives, holding each other. I'm guessing Amber was the one who fooled around on him. I watched as Negan was giving his rule speech. I looked around and my eyes landed on Carl. He looked at me and I could see pity in his eyes. I wanted nothing more than to run over to him and hold him, but I couldn't. Then my eyes wondered to Daryl, who was looking over at me. His eyes were different. I couldn't read them. Daryl was always a hard person to read. Then I looked over at Dwight. His eyes were on mine and they looked sorry.

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