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Oh, look. It's a chapter.

Your responses to my last "update"- if you could even call it such a thing- persuaded my nonexistent heart to pity you all.

Just slightly.


Here's a chapter.

Oh. You thought it was going to be easy?

Since when have I ever made things easy for you guys?

I strive off of being difficult.

Your persistence pleases me.

Comment "Yeet" if you're still here.

Alright. Alright. Here's your chapter.



|11: Robin|

"I think he's ready." Batman spoke, a uncharacteristically proud smirk tugging at his lips. Jason stopped mid kick, Anjo gaining the upper hand and knocking him to the ground, ending their spar. The teen was the least bit surprised it ended this way.

"Sorry." Anjo apologized, offering a hand, before pulling him to his feet. Jason smiled, before throwing it the Dark Knights way.

"Do you mean it? That I'm ready?" He asked, excitement pulsing through him. He had been training for a solid two months, enduring rigorous exercises and lectures all the while. Courtesy of Anjo and Batman, of course.

"I do." The Dark Knight spoke, glancing at the timid hero. The acrobat nodded before swiftly exciting the room, returning moments later with a small box.

"Here." He smiled, gently placing the box in Jason's curious outstretched arms.

"What's this?"

"Let's call it.. a graduation present?"

Gingerly, Jason pried open the lid, a neatly folded pair of clothes inside. Black gloves, boots, and leggings. A gold utility belt, with a multicolored cape. Topped with a red vest; a golden 'R' sewn over the heart. "What does the R mean?" He asked, looking up at the two.

Anjo Where stories live. Discover now