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The first thought on Jays mind was 'Why the fuck was there so many hero's in Gotham'? And his second thought, 'Where was Dick'?

"Dammit Dick, where the hell are you?" Jay growled into his phone, glancing around to see if anyone could hear before continuing. "I can't get a hold of you, Wally or even that little brat Jason." He breathed slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Does this have anything to do with your whole Anjo business? Are you in trouble? Call me back okay?"

He let another sigh trickle past his lips as he slid his phone back into his pocket, turning and getting ready to leave, but the silhouette of another person leaned against the wall had him nearly shrieking with fear. "Holy shit!" He gasped, taking a few steps back as he placed a hand over his chest.

"Didn't mean to scare you, man." The new voice chuckled. A quiver and bow getting caught in the street lamps light. "Just overheard you speaking about uh.. A couple pals."

"Oh I know you." Jay smirked, folding his arms over his chest. "Speedy, right?"

"Red Arrow." The red archer growled, sending a glare the others way.

"Ohh right. Don't care." Jay shrugged, beginning to walk away, but Red Arrows hand on his shoulder had him stopping in his tracks.

"Sorry man, but you know Dicks Anjo, so that means you know about Wally and Jason too." Red Arrow stated, eyes narrowing. "Now one out of the three are missing and its awfully suspicious of you- a random guy- to be looking for Dick."

"Um.." Jay rose a brow as he smacked Red Arrows hand away. "Thats because I'm a friend of his?"

"Yeah right." The archer scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but who are you to Dick?" Jay asked.

"No one. In all honesty, I don't like the guy one bit. I know everything he does is all an act. Trying to trick everyone into taking pity on him. Who knows, he might actually be a spy, looking to steal League secrets-"

Red Arrow stumbled back slightly, clamping a hand over his nose to stop the bleeding as Jay rubbed his fist. "Dick was right, you really are an asshole, Speedy." Jay stated, beginning to walk away, but his back was quickly slammed against a wall before the archers fist slammed down against his cheek. Then again and again. Blood now pooling from his lips.

Red Arrow went to deliver another blow, but Jay quickly caught his wrist and brought a knee up to his stomach, knocking the wind from his lungs as he slammed his fist down hard against the others temple, bringing them down on their back.

He straddled the archer, pinning him down as he continued his onslaught of blows against their face. "There's something you need to know about me, Speedy." Jay panted out, watching as Red Arrow coughed up a bit of blood from his mouth. "Wally may call you out on your shit, and give you a small bruise on your cheek, but I know how to kill men and make their deaths look like a suicide." He brought his fist down again to prove his point before continuing. "So let this be a friendly reminder, don't fuck with my friend, okay?"

"Your friend is probably the reason we're in this mess too." Red Arrow gasped out, grabbing Jay's fist before another blow could be dealt to his face.

"You annoying little-"


The two men both stopped as they watched a figure run towards them, concern flooding his features.

"Speak of the devil." Red Arrow scoffed, flinching when Jay threatened to punch him once more, but the newer presence snapped at him to stop before he could.

"Jay, what the hell are you doing?"

"Dick, he was-" Jay began, but the Acrobat continued.

"I don't care, okay?" Anjo snapped, surprising the other two. "Jason and now Wally are missing and-"

"What?!" Red Arrow interrupted, trying to throw Jay off him, but he was just too tired at the moment. "What the fuck do you mean Wallys missing too?! This is your fault isn't it?! It's always your fault-!"

"Hey just because he's close with both of them, doesn't mean its his fault they're missing, you ass." Jay explained.

"No." Anjo sighed, running a hand through his hair. "He's right. This is my fault." He pulled out the four joker cards before laying them down on the ground.

"Get off." Red Arrow snapped, pushing Jay off as he walked over and looked down as Anjo spelt out the word the cards made, Jay behind him. "Dick. It spells Dick." He stated.

"Joker took them." The acrobat explained. "He took them both to get to me."


"I don't know."

"Bullshit! You have to know something!" Red Arrow snapped.

"I don't!" Anjo snapped back. "Okay?! I don't fucking know why he took them!" He stood from the ground as he looked at the two. "I don't know why he wants me! I don't know why he does anything!"

"Dick, calm down." Jay started, but Anjo ignored him.

"Jasons been missing for hours, stuck with the Joker, and who knows whats been done to him by now. And now Wally-" his voice cracked as he swallowed down a sob. "Wallys been taken now too and I don't know- I don't know why the Joker wants me.. Okay? I just don't."

Everyone was silent a moment before Red Arrow sighed. "Okay. Okay I believe you." He wiped a bit of blood from his face. "But I do know you know where he is."

"I don't-"

"Oh shut up. You suck at lying." The archer interrupted. "You know and you better not be thinking about going alone."

Anjo remained silent as he looked down at his feet. "Okay, so you do know." Jay stepped in. "Thats good. Now we know where we need to go."

"What?" Both Anjo and Red Arrow asked at the same time.

"You're not going." Red Arrow added. "You're a civilian."

"I'm a cop." Jay clarified. "And this cop just beat your ass, remember?"

"Jay, it's dangerous." Anjo tried to explain.

"So is being a cop. Your point? Just because I'm not decked out in tight spandex and call myself a goofy name, doesn't mean I can't help. Now enough of the talking, tell me where we're going."

Anjo sighed while Red Arrow smirked at the policeman. "Okay. Fine." He picked up the four joker cards and placed them in his utility belt. "We're going to the docks."

"How do you know that's where he is?" Red Arrow asked. Anjo took out the card with the 'I' written on it and flipped it over to reveal an 'O'.

"Take out the 'I' in 'dick' and replace it with an 'O'." Anjo stated. "You get the word 'dock'."

To be continued

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