Normal❊Jack x Corbyn

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•THIRD PERSONS POV• (why do they all start in third person?)
Corbyn and jack had started dating exactly 2 months, 2 weeks, 5 days and 8 hours ago. Yes, aathey keep track of all that. Why you may ask? Because they are taking all precautions to make sure their relationship runs smoothly. It is both jack and Corbyns first time dating ANYONE. And in all of the movies and books, there are never any guys dating other guys, so their relationship isn't really a normal "two people dating" relationship, because they know almost nothing about dating. They act more like friends than anything. This obviously confuses the other guys, who know that the two are dating, but when they don't really act like it it almost makes it feel like it isn't real. I mean, we could list the things in what people now a days would call a "normal" relationship and see how that compares to them.
In a "normal" relationship you:
•go on dates. Yes, they technically have been on a date, but they went shopping at the mall and barely remembered that the other was there with them.
•call each other cute names like babe. They just call each other by their names. Jack sometimes calls Corbyn "Corbean", but everyone does that. And there is the occasional "Jacky" which comes with the occasional "don't you dare call me that again". They even sometimes call each other "bro"! I mean, most people would feel like they just got hardcore friend-zoned.
•be intimate. Even a quick peck on the cheek. But with jack and Corbyn, nope. They haven't kissed yet, they barely even touch each other. There is a lot of hugging though.
And those are only a few. But today, 2 months, two weeks, 5 days and 8 hours after they officials became a "thing", Corbyn decided that he is going to change all of that.
Me and jack have never been the lovey kind of couple. We barley act like a couple at all. But today, I'm going to show him how good things can end up if we really open up to each other. I'm getting ready for our date that I have planned tonight. We are going on a picnic atop a beautiful hill that I found that looks over the city. It's a really great view. I finally finish straightening up my hair so leave the bathroom to go get jack and make sure he's ready. He is sitting on the couch on his phone, his hair looking like he had fixed it up too. The fun begins now. I walk over to the couch.
"Come on babe! Let's go" I exclaim. He looks up at me confused, but then turns slightly pink and smiles. We've never called each other babe before, but he seems to have enjoyed it. I smile back and he stands up. Step 1- Cute Names is complete. Time for the date.
"You still haven't told me where we are going" jack points out, shoving his phone in his jean pocket. "I didn't know how to dress." 
"What you're wearing looks perfect. Though everything looks perfect on you" I say, winking at him. He once again turns slightly pink. Another success. We get into the car and drive silently all the way to the hill, parking the car a little ways up so that we don't have to walk so far. "We have to walk a little bit, but it's not too bad" I tell him. He nods and I take his hand as we walk up the hill. He looks confused, but when we make it to the crest of the hill, his confusion turns to joy. On the top of the hill, a red and white checkered blanket is laying on top, along with a wicker picnic basket. The only light comes from a lamp that has been placed in the middle of the blanket (It's dark out, btw). It's all very cliché, I know, but that's what today is all about. We sit down on the blanket and I point out the view. He is in awe.
"Corbyn this is beautiful!" He exclaims. I just smile, happy that he is enjoying himself. We continue to eat and talk, with more sappy name calling of "babe" which makes me happy. Step 2-Date complete. Now for the final step. The one that is going to be the most difficult.
"Let's lay and look at the stars" I suggest, knowing that it will make this moment that much more magical. We stare at the stars for a while, laughing and pointing out weird shapes that we see. I scoot a little closer to him and wrap my arm around him. He freezes up for a second and hesitates, but then leans into me and puts his head on my chest. It's time.
"Jack?" I ask
"I-I love you"
"I love you too Corbyn!" He says. I lean down so that our faces are so close, almost touching. And that's when I go in for it. Our lips connect, moving together as if we are the same person. I feel even more emotionally and physically connected to him than ever. We continue to kiss with passion, but it's a gentle kiss. One that expresses the love that we have held in for each other these past couple of months. And it's better than I could have ever imagined. His lips are soft, like silk, and gentle like his personality. He tastes of strawberries, which just adds to the experience. We pull apart, just barley, and lean our foreheads together.
"Thank you" he says, leaning his head back on my chest. "For a night I will never forget." I will never forget this night either.

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