Tipsy❊Jack x Zach

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It's a bit longer than I normally write but the plot line is kinda unrealistic and I'm not too sure how I feel about it? Oh, and it's unedited so sorry for any mistakes. Idk, I think too much. Enjoy!
" asshole!"
"I already told you that I didn't mean too! I'll pay for it, for God's sake!"
Saturday morning started off as shitty as mornings could get. All Zach wanted to do was surprise his boyfriend with a nice song, but he couldn't find his guitar. He realized that he could just borrow jack's, and well, for someone who has an accidental tendency of dropping things down the stairs, that may have been a bad idea.
"That doesn't matter! You shouldn't have touched it in the first place without my permission," jack yelled, taking a step closer to Zach, his hands clenched into tight fists.
"Well I'm sorry for wanting to do something nice for you!" Zach replied, also taking a step forward, their faces now inches away from eachother.
"If you really wanted to do something nice for me, you would have been more careful," jack growled before heading over to his bed and picking up the large, brown guitar, running his fingers over the large crack in its smooth, wooden surface. He couldn't help but let out a small groan at the sight of his most valuable possession, ruined.
"I told you," Zach said with a lowered voice, "I can repla-"
"No, Zach! No you can't! Because my grandmother gave it to me, and..."
There was a moment where both the boys were just silent. They could feel the tension building, so thick you could cut it with a knife.
The two rarely fought, so neither knew how to react. They didn't want to be mad at each other, they really didn't, but Zach was being too careless, and Jack was being too unforgiving.
Zach watched Jack's anger building from across the room. He could almost see smoke coming out his ears and fire in his eyes. Eager to get out of there, he decided to try and end the fight.
"I apologized, I offered to pay for it... this is on you now, Jack," Zach stated, crossing his arms. He was about to leave the room when he felt a hand on his shoulder, spinning him around. He opened his mouth to speak at the sight of Jack's red, infuriated face, but was cut off by a harsh stinging on his cheek. He quickly brought a hand up, cupping his burning face. He looked up and gaped at Jack, his eyes watering.
The boy had slapped him.
He let out a loud sob, tears beginning to fall down his pale face. His boyfriend - his loving, trustworthy, sweet and caring boyfriend - had actually hurt him. He could see instantly see the regret on Jack's face. His mouth was open and his eyes were wide. He held his hand up, as if he didn't know he was actually capable of hitting someone, like he thought some sort of invisible force would have stopped him from hurting the one he loved the most. It didn't.
Zach immediately sprinted out of the room, down the stairs and towards the kitchen. He sped right past Jonah who looked over at him, confused, but didn't have time to ask him what was wrong. Zach just grabbed his coat and ran right out the door.
Daniel and Corbyn were doing some late Christmas shopping, meaning Jack and Jonah were now the only two home.
Jonah, who wanted to know what had happened, immediately ran upstairs, leaving his cup of coffee on the kitchen counter behind him. He reached Jack and Zach's room and looked inside to see jack sitting on their bed, sobbing into his hands with his broken guitar next to him. Jonah rushed over, sitting next to him and beginning to rub his back. He didn't even need to ask. Jack was well aware that Jonah wanted to know what was going on.
"I hit him. Oh my god I hit him."
Jonah's eyes widened. He would have never expected this in a thousand years. Ever since jack and Zach had started dating 10 months ago, their relationship has been almost perfect. Sure, maybe they had one or two stupid arguments, but nothing that has ever resulted in one of them injuring the other.
Jonah didn't know how to respond.
"Did you apologize?" He asked quietly, his hand still running circles on Jack's back.
"N-no, he left immediately afterwards. Oh god, oh god. I'm such a bad boyfriend!" He reached his hands up and entangled them in his curly hair, tugging as hard as he could.
"Hey, Hey. Calm down. Call him and get him to come back, and then apologize. I'm sure he'll be understanding. He knows how much you love him."
Jack reluctantly nodded and picked up his phone as Jonah left to give him some privacy.
Ring, ring, ring. No answer.
Jack called again and again, beginning to fill with worry at Zach's lack of response. He slammed his phone down on his bed, beginning to pace back and forth across the small bedroom, a muffled ding stopping him in his tracks. He rushed over to his phone, flipping it over and sighing in relief upon seeing what the text from Jonah read.
Jo: Zach texted me and said that he'd be home later.
He flopped down on his bed, face first. Of course Zach didn't want to talk to him. He messed up. Big time.
Zach, meanwhile, had darted all the way down the street to the nearest park and collapsed on a bench. He was no longer crying, but the tear stains on his cheeks and his puffy eyes made him look like a walking, talking mess. He pulled out his phone. He needed somewhere to go to cool off.
He first texted Jonah telling him that he would be home eventually, as he wasn't ready to talk to Jack yet. He then scrolled further down on his list of recent text conversations and clicked on his exchange with Eben.
Zach: hey man, is it ok if I come over for a bit? Had some problems at home.
Eben: you don't even need to ask bro, you know that.
Zach could feel the corner of his lips turn up into a bit of a smile as he read the reply, getting up and shoving his phone back in the pocket of his dark blue skinny jeans.
He began walking since Eben's apartment wasn't too far away, trying to clear his brain out as he walked.
He made it to the tall apartment building and was met by Eben waiting in lobby for him with a cup of Starbucks.
"Thought you'd need it. You guys don't fight very often."
Zach took the cup and smiled weakly in thanks, letting Eben drape his arm around his shoulder as he led him up to his apartment. "So, you up for telling me what happened?" He asked gently, pushing the button on the elevator for the 6th floor. Zach shrugged.
"I... it's a long story," he mumbled, staring down at his feet. Knowing Zach didn't want to be prodded at anymore, Eben just nodded and led him out of the elevator to the front door of his small, two bedroom apartment. He unlocked the door and they both entered, Zach taking a sip of his hot chocolate before setting it down on the coffee table.
"I'm not sure how long your planning on staying here, but just a heads up, I'm having a small party here tonight. Please do feel free to join."
Zach contemplated it for a moment before nodding.
"Yeah, yeah that seems like a good idea."
The two chatted and watched TV all the way until dinner, Eben just doing whatever he could to help the younger boy forget whatever was on his mind.
Around 6:00 pm, the boys decided to order themselves a pizza before everyone arrived for the party. Zach finished his last slice and wiped his greasy hands on his napkin before standing up to throw his paper plate in the trash.
"Would you mind helping me set some stuff up? People should start arriving in about half an hour," Eben asked, beginning to unfold the cheap, red tablecloth he had bought at the dollar store earlier that day.
"Course not," Zach exclaimed, making his way over to Eben to help drape the cloth over the table.
They set out a few stack of red solo cups, some chips along with various different dips, and finally, the alcohol.
Despite knowing that quite a few of those who would be attending the worry would be underage, Eben decided that there of course had to be alcohol involved. What's a party without it? Besides, it wasn't too much. Just a few cases of beer and a couple bottles of vodka for people to drink straight or with coke.
It wasn't long before the doorbell rang for the first time that night. Eben was quick to answer the door, opening it up to reveal a girl who looked like she couldn't be much older than Zach, with long brown hair and a short skirt. It was just groups of people fader her.
Soon, the apartment was filled with people. The music wasn't too loud, as there were other people in the apartment building, but people still crowded I to the living room with red solo cups in hand, sweaty bodies grinding on one another.
And Zach didn't want to be the odd one out, so of course he decided to join in.
Beer in hand, he skipped into the living room, nearly halting upon noticing how crowded it was. He took a deep breath and began making his way through the crowd to find someone he knew.
Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around to be met with sweaty face and a mop of dirty blonde hair.
"Hey, I'm Blake. Thought you looked familiar," the young male said, holding a hand out for Zach to shake. He complied and nodded his head giving the boy a small smile.
"I'm Zach. May have just seen me around before, as I assume you are one of Eben's friends too."
Zach knew that Blake probably recognized him from Why Don't We, but he didn't want to be the famous Zach Herron right now. He just felt like being himself.
"Well it's nice to meet you Zach. Would you like me to get you a drink?" Zach smiled and shook his head, holding up his empty bottle.
"Nah, I've already had a beer. Don't wanna get too tipsy tonight."
"You planning on driving anywhere tonight?"
Zach shook his head once again in response.
"Then have another. Let loose. Relax. Here, I'll get you a vodka and coke. Everyone loves a vodka and coke." And with that, Blake disappeared into the kitchen, leaving a slightly flustered Zach behind. Blake wasn't wrong. Zach did need to relax, he'd had a hard day. So when Blake came back, he willingly took the drink and downed it in 3 gulps. This would be a long night.

3 hours in and Zach could barley stand straight. Blake, who was still relatively sober, had guided him downstairs and outside the building to get some fresh air at the park across the street, where the younger boy had promptly vomited into the bushes before collapsing onto a bench and groaning.
"Why's evrythin' spinnnning?" He asked closing his eyes and nearly falling off the bench, only to be caught by Blake.
"Whoa there buddy. You may have had a bit too much to drink. That may be partially my fault, so, sorry," he said before helping Zach find a comfortable position. "I think it's best if you head home. I can drive you. Let me text Eben first."
He pulled his phone out from the pocket of his blue, skinny jeans and promptly sent a text to Eben, putting his phone away before grabbing Zach's hand to help him off the bench.
"Wheres we goin'," Zach mumbled, stumbling along behind Blake down the sidewalk.
"I'm taking you home, man. Mind telling me where you live.
"Oh, my house's just down the street... I think," he giggled in response.
"Ok, well I'll walk you there."
Blake guided Zach down the street while the latter chattered drunkenly on about his life.
"At home I got a booyyyyfriend named Jackyyyy. And, and I got my three bestest friends evverrrrrrr. 'S the best house you can imagine."
Blake just nodded, trying not to laugh too hard at Zach's slurred words.
"Didya know I'm in a band? We're called... what are we called? Oh! We don't we! No! Why don't we!" Zach continued. Blake just shook his head and kept laughing.
"A band, huh? Well this is the end of the street so I'm assuming one of these houses is yours," Blake replied, stopping and resting his hand on Zach's shoulder to help steady him.
"The blue one. You wanna come innnnnn?" Zach asked, making his way towards the door.
"Thanks for the offer but I've gotta get going too. Don't want the girlfriend to get to mad. See yea Zach! Drink lots of water, ok?" Zach nodded and waved goodbye, struggling to open the door for a few minutes before making his way inside.
"Zach! Zach are you ok? Oh my god I'm so fucking sorry baby I was really worried about you," Jack practically sobbed, running up to the younger boy and wrapping his arms around his small body.
"Jackyyyy! Jacky I missed youuuuu!"
Jack unwrapped his arms from around Zach's and took a step back, staring into Zach's eyes with concern written all over his face.
"Zach, are you..."
That's when Jack detected the strong scent of alcohol radiating off of him.
"...are you drunk?"
"Why would you-" Zach's brown eyes widened as he broke out into a sprint towards the bathroom. He didn't even bother shutting the door before leaning over the toilet and he heaved the contents of his stomach up into the bowl.
"Fucking hell Zach! Your only 17! As soon as Jonah finds out, you're dead!"
Sure enough, loud footsteps begin to make their way down the stairs.
"Shit," Zach mumbles, resting his head on the toilet seat. The shock of spilling half his guts out seemed to have helped him sober up a small bit, or at least enough for the dizziness to be partially replaced by fear. Fear and guilt. He was young and naive and made bad decisions, a lot of them. But going out and getting drunk at the age of 17 after getting into a misunderstanding with his boyfriend was not one he thought he'd ever have to atone for. He felt awful.
His train of thought was interrupted by a large hand rubbing circles on his back. He turned around to see Jonah crouched next to him, a look of sympathy on his face.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't think I would drink that much," Zach choked out. He had already accepted his fate as a dead man. But to his surprise, Jonah just sighed and pulled him into one of his famous bear-hugs, patting his back.
"We all make mistakes. And I hope you realize that Jack, while he is your boyfriend, isn't perfect either. He really, REALLY regrets what he did, and knows how upset you got. You should talk to him," Jonah responds in his fatherly tone. Zach nods against his shoulder, sniffling and standing up to brush his teeth before heading to jack's room. The door's already open, revealing jack sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at his feet.
"Jack?" Zach practically whispers, but it's loud enough to cause Jack's head to jerk up and look at him. He immediately stands up and runs over, throwing his arms around Zach's torso.
"I'm so, so, so, so sorry, Z," he sobs. Zach's response isn't verbal. He just pulls jack even closer and begins sobbing, too.
"I am t-too. I went out and, and I got drunk when I shouldn't have."
The two just stand there, hugging and crying in each others arms for a few minutes before lying down next to each other in Jack's bed.
They didn't need to say "I forgive you," for they knew all along that they would forgive each other. Thy recognized that they had something special, and they weren't going for extinguishers flame. They did learn to a knowledge, though, that teenagers make mistakes, and that's ok. They still love each other all the same.
It ends kinda abruptly, sorry, but I kinda lost inspiration lmao.

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