Love Me Back❊Zach x Corbyn

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I wrote this like a year ago about something completely different and not WDW related. I just wanted something to post so i went in and changed some stuff up. Please excuse any mistakes!
He has changed me, I swear. Whenever I'm around him, I just soften up. I stop making stupid jokes, stop running around the house like a lunatic...Corbyn.
He has this effect on me. He makes my heart swell and I hate it. I hate it but I love it. I don't know what has happened to me. I'm not supposed to be sappy or lovesick, I'm supposed to be tough. Or at least that's what I thought until I found out something about myself that I could have never EVER expected.
It was 6th grade when I realized that I had never before been attracted to a girl. I was in Starbucks with my parents when a group of kids who appeared to be about my age walked in. One boy caught my eye: swooping brown hair and sparkling eyes, pale skin and freckles lightly dusting his rosy cheeks. He was...he was beautiful. I may have never seen that boy ever again, but he helped me. Without him, I wouldn't have figured out so early in life why I️ have always felt so weird about relationships. I️ was — am, gay.
It was only a week after this incident that I began to notice the tingling feeling in my gut when Corbyn would sit next to me. I kept telling myself that he was my best friend, that's why I felt this way. I knew it was more though. A best friend doesn't love him like I️ do.

Our meeting with management was boring as all hell, what else is new. I was sitting by Corbyn the whole time though, definitely a plus. The meeting soon morphed into a writing session, and since there weren't enough chairs in the room, Corbyn and I opted to sit on the floor. About 30 minutes in, I notice his lanky figure move an inch closer to mine. Thank god the lights were dimmed down, I️ could feel my face heating up. (WEIRD TRANSITION BETWEEN ZACH NARRATING FROM FUTURE TO PRESENT THAT IM TOO LAZY TO FIX. IGNORE IT. REMEMBER, I WROTE THIS A YEAR AGO, LOL.)
When we begin brainstorming some lyrics, I look next to me. Corbyn's concentration face is adorable. His eyebrows wrinkle and his lips part slightly, allowing his tongue to poke out. Without thinking, I reach my hand up and place it in his soft, bleach blonde hair. Everyone is to enveloped in their work to notice, well, except for whoever is freaking out behind me, gotta be Daniel. I ignore him as I look back at Corbyn, a light dusting of pink on his cheekbones. He doesn't move my hand though. I continue to play with his hair and twist it around my finger as he works. He lets out a content sigh and I hug him from behind. He's definitely gay, that's a fact. What I can't confirm though is if he likes me in the same way that I like him.
I feel a tear slip down my cheek. I haven't cried in months, but this is something to cry about. Corbyn hasn't talked to me in a whole week. And entire 7 day's without hearing his smooth voice talking to me or seeing his striking blue eyes staring into mine. I noticed him starting to ignore me about a month ago. I thought we had a thing going on. And though I hate to admit it, a tiny part of me thought that maybe, just maybe, Corbyn liked me back. It's obviously not true now. My heart has been crushed. I didn't know what heartbreak felt like. Now I know. It's just pain. Pain everywhere. And the only thing that could cure me is him.
"Zee, you gotta talk to him" Daniel's staticky voice says over the phone. Daniel, Jack and Jonah went out for the day on a shopping trip to the mall, and they noticed something was off about me. When I would have normally texted at least a thousand annoying jokes by now, I have sent nothing. In the past month or so, the four of us have gotten quite a bit closer, as I have been spending less time with Corbyn.
"Yeah, Zach. It isn't gonna get better if you just sulk in your room" Jack pipes in. I look down at the desk in front of me, drumming my fingers on the wooden surface.
"You guys don't understand though. I can't just fix this by talking to him. He is IGNORING me" I reply with a huff.
"Someone doesn't just lose their feelings, Zach. If Corbyn ever liked you, he still does" Jonah says. I look back up at my wall.
"Yeah. I saw the the way his eyes gleamed when he would look at you. You two have something special. Something that can't and won't disappear" Daniel says once again. I think for a minute. I️ didn't do anything to Corbyn, so why would he just start ignoring me? What they said makes sense. I don't understand how we could go from a "thing" to nothing within a few weeks.
"I'm gonna talk to him" I finally say, standing up. They cheer on the other side of the phone before I hang up, throwing the device on my bed. Tomorrow, Zach. Tomorrow.

I have never been so nervous for something as carefree as a day off before. I'm going to talk to Corbyn, and if it all goes right, I'm going to confess. as soon as I spot him walking into the living room, I grab his arm and pull him up the stairs into my room, locking the door behind us.
"What the hell, Zach!" He says, walking over to unlock the door. I grab his shoulder and spin him around.
"Your not going ANYWHERE until you tell me what is going on with you" I say, walking towards him. He backs away slightly.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He turns around once again.
"You mean you haven't been ignoring me at all?" At this, he turns around and looks me in the face, anger in his eyes. I look at him, my face laced with confusion.
"Oh, don't act like you don't know why I'm angry" he says, crossing his arms over his chest, almost as if he is trying to look more manly. Gosh he's adorable. NO! FOCUS!
"What?" I ask. He rolls his eyes.
"Look. I'm going to be blatant. You don't think I see how you act around the other boys? You like one of them. It's obvious!" I almost burst out laughing at him. This whole time, he has only been ignoring me because he thought I liked Daniel, Jack or Jonah. I can't hide the small smile creeping up on my lips, though. The anger in his face seems to worsen.
"It's not funny!" He yells.
"Corbs, I don't like them. They are my friends. And all three of them are straight, nothing would ever happen between us." His face seems to soften for a second before turning back to fire.
"Your lying!" He yells, pointing at me. I narrow my eyes. He shouldn't be paying so much attention to everything I do. I wonder...
"Why do you care so much anyways?" I ask, smirking. He seems so blinded with anger that he can't even think straight. And i don't think I will ever forget what he said next.
"BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU, ZACH!" My eyes widen like saucers as my face turns a shade of red, so dark it may even be purple. He...loves me? I️ used to feel a tingling every time I was around him. I feel that again right now, except...more. As if it's magnified times 10. It's all through my arms, legs, chest and stomach. Butterflies leaping around inside me. A roller coaster tossing me upside down. It's love.
"You...wha?" I ask, still in shock.
"You heard me freaking right! I️, Corbyn Matthew Besson, Love you, Zachary Dean Herron. You HAPPY?" He opens his mouth again and begins to ramble about how stupid I am for not noticing. My ears ring though, I don't hear a word he says. I can only feel. And at the moment, the last thing I wanted to do was hear him talk. "YOU ARE SO STUPID. YOU REALIZE THAT? IVE BEEN TRYING TO SHOW YOU-" I smash my lips onto his, pressing him against the wall, letting the feeling take over my body. I've been struck like lightning. This is what we have both needed. His eyes are wide in shock for a minute before he closes them, melting into the kiss. I wrap my arms around his fragile body, entangling them in his silky hair. He grabs my waist, pulling me closer. His mouth opens to let my tongue and I gladly except the offer. There are pins and needles every place where our bodies connect and it feels so amazing. I pull his torso so that it's flush against mine, cradling his head in my hand. After another minute, we pull apart. His lips are swollen and parted slightly as he pants for air, a sheen of sweat on his forehead.
"I love you too."

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