Why Cant We❊Jonah x Daniel

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Ok, ok. I'm sorry that I was gone for, like... forever, but school is a bitch and I've been having really bad writers block. That's why this oneshot is complete and utter crap. But at least it's something, so here you guys go! Also, 200 followers? YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! LOVE YOU!
It was getting infuriating.
So infuriating, in fact, that Daniel had to run to the bathroom midway through the band meeting to cool himself off. He paced back and forth in front of the mirror for a minute before a knock sounded on the door.
"Dani? Can I come in?"
Daniel didn't respond, or even ask who was there. He already recognized the voice.
Instead, he just walked over to the door and turned the brass knob, revealing his slightly concerned boyfriend, who was nearly as mad as Daniel was, just better at concealing it.
"Jonah, I told you already, I'm fine. I just need a minute to calm down before I punch every member of our management team in the face."
Jonah just sighed and entered the small, tiled bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
"I get it. I hope you understand that it pains me too, love. I want to show the world how much you mean to me. I really do."  He gently placed his palm on the side of Daniel's face, caressing his cheek lightly with his thumb. Daniel just looked down, his glossy, sky-blue eyes pointed towards the floor, his fists clenched.
"But it doesn't make any sense. Why do they care? Why does it concern them? It's our relationship, Jonah. Ours!" He opened his fists revealing marks where his nails were previously digging into his palms. He needed more than a minute to calm down. Definitely.
He lifted his eyes up to meet Jonah's concerned gaze.
Jonah knew that Daniel had been pissed about the whole 'management wanting to conceal their relationship' thing, he has been since day one. But he hadn't realized how much it had been gradually eating away at the younger boy. Though he knew it wasn't his fault, he couldn't help but feel slightly guilty for not noticing sooner. It may have been his dad side, or maybe just him being an overprotective boyfriend, but he was going to do everything he could to make his significant other happy.
"Come on. Let's go chat in the office, ok?" He asked, moving his hand to grab onto Daniel's slightly smaller one. Daniel just nodded in response, keeping a tight grip on Jonah's hand while following him out the door.
The two entered one of the many empty offices in the building, Jonah closing the door behind them. He sat down on the small, brown leather couch, patting the spot next to him. Daniel sat down where Jonah had signaled, moving his hands into his lap. He began anxiously playing with his fingers as he stared at his feet stretched out in front of him, the laces on one of his black vans coming undone.
"I just want to make sure you know that I love you. I love you to bits, and I would give the world to show that in public," Jonah reassured, placing a warm hand on Daniel's thigh.
"I know. And I love you too, but why is management so close-minded? I give them nothing but valid reasoning and they shoot back with nothing but 'because I said so'. Why doesn't anyone understand?" The younger brunette asked, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill. He quickly wiped them away, though, not wanting to seem too vulnerable in front of his boyfriend.
Jonah wrapped an arm around him, giving him a light kiss on the cheek.
"I know that our families are accepting of us, and the boys show us nothing but love and support, but you have to understand that not everyone is so open to the idea of same-sex couples. Management is just tying to protect us so that-"
"I don't want protection, Jo. I want to be myself in front of our fans. Why can't they get that," Daniel shouted as he shot up from the couch, his face turning from that of a sad puppy to one filled with nothing but fury. He had enough. He wouldn't deal with pretending to be someone else anymore. He couldn't.
It was cruel. Forcing someone to keep their true self all bottled up inside of them, just for fear that not every single human being on earth will be as accepting as they could possibly be. Daniel didn't care if there were people who wouldn't respect or agree with his and Jonah's relationship. He's dealt with haters before - they're an important part of influencers lives.
"Daniel..." Jonah said, grabbing his arm and trying to sit him back down on the couch.
"No, I'm sorry. I'm done here." He opened the office door and stormed outside. He wasn't lying when he said he'd had enough.
Jonah sighed and buried his face in his hands. It was time. He knew what he had to do.

Daniel, on the other hand, was left alone outside, crying on a bench adjacent from the studio. He wasn't just going to quit, that would be ridiculous. But he wasn't going to ignore it either. He decided that there was no way he was going back inside that building for at least a couple of days, though. He sat outside, fuming, the LA sun beating down on his small figure for at least 20 minutes before he spotted Jonah exiting the building. But this time, he seemed to have a smile on his face. Daniel was confused about why he'd have such a happy expression at such a tragic time, but his thoughts were interrupted by Jonah grabbing his arm and pulling him up quite forcefully, interlocking their hands together.
"Hey! I told you I would go back-" Daniel started.
"Just Be quiet and follow me."
The smile on Jonah's face was beginning to almost scare Daniel, but he trusted his boyfriend, so he continued to follow him up the stairwell, back into the office that his band mates and management team resided in.
While none of them looked quite as excited as Jonah, they all looked happy about something (except the band manager, who had a mildly pissed off look on his face), and Daniel just couldn't seem to place what it was.
Without a word, Jonah sat Daniel down on the couch and pulled out his phone, opening Instagram and starting a live stream. He set the phone on the table in front of them, propping it up on a tissue box so that just Daniel and Jonah were in the pixelated image.
At this point, Daniel was even more confused than he was before. Jonah wasn't showing him anything - he was just putting the two live on Instagram.
The second the stream began, viewers started filing in. One after another until there were a few hundred people watching the two of them sitting on the couch, commenting things like "HI" or "OMG! THEY'RE LIVE AGAIN! YAY!"
Daniel just turned to face Jonah, finally asking what was happening.
"Jonah, what are we doing on instagram live?" He asked in a whisper. Jonah looked back at him with a genuine grin on his face and grabbed his hand. But this time, it felt different. It wasn't out of comfort, weakness or pity. It was confident. It was reassuring.
"We're coming out."

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