Signed, Zach Pt.2❊Jonah x Zach

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Jonah and Zach had been writing to each other for a couple months now. Their letters have grown to be pages long as they can't seem to get enough of each other. Jonah had never had a friend before that cared so much about him, and Zach had never before had a friend that he cared so much about. Despite the fact that Jonah doesn't even remember what Zach looks like — and frankly Zach doesn't remember much about jonah's appearance either — they still have become a huge part of each other's daily lives. Jonah's morning isn't complete until he writes a new letter to Zach explaining the previous day's events. They have each others emails and phone numbers, but still opt to write notes as it has become their "thing".
Dear Jonah,
I was thinking...
We've been talking a lot now. You know all there is to know about me and I'm pretty sure I can even consider you my closest friend. Except, we haven't even met in person yet (at least not since school). But I was really hoping to change that. I know it seems weird to think about. We really don't have to if you don't want to. I just think it would be really nice to keep you company in person :)
Jonah read over the letter multiple times, an expression of thoughtfulness on his face. Of course they have wondered and talked about seeing each other in person before. They both knew they wanted to. They just didn't know when. Both had been too afraid to ask, or at least until this point.
But now that Zach had actually mentioned wanting to come see him in his letter, Jonah could feel the excitement bubbling up in his stomach. He hasn't seen ang if his friends in ages. If he could convince his mother, this would be perfect.
He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed his mother's number, still high up on his contacts even though they rarely talk.
Ring, ring, ring.
Jonah perked up and could feel his heart begin to beat faster at the sound of his Mother's stern voice.
"H-hi Mom. I had a question i wanted to ask."
"Ok. Just be quick."
Jonah sucked in a deep breathe and crossed his fingers before asking his mom the question that could literally determine his mental health.
"Can I have a friends visit the hospital."
"Look, I know you don't want anyone in here because you want to make sure I stay healthy, but i really haven't seen anyone in a while and I just wanted to be able to talk to a friend in person which I can't do if-"
Jonah paused in disbelief. It's rare that his mother agrees with him, and even rarer that she lets anyone in his hospital room other than nurses and herself.
"Wait, really?"
"One friend. And for no more than an hour. I have to go. Be careful."
And with that, Jonah's Mom hung up.
With how little the two talk, you would think that Jonah's mother doesn't care about him at all. In reality, she just can't seem to face the fact that the one good thing she has left in her life could leave her at any moment — her son.
Jonah nearly jumped out of his bed in happiness, quickly grabbing a new piece of paper to write a letter. Now all that was left was  getting to meet Zach face to face.
It's been two days since Zach had received the letter confirming the date they were going to meet up. It was happening that evening, in fact. Zach was planning on picking up some take out and bringing it to the hospital to have a nice dinner with Jonah. And both were nervous as hell.
You aren't normally super nervous to meet someone when you know them as well as the two know each other. But when you haven't met in almost year, it's a different story.
Zach was on his way to the hospital after picking up some food. Nervously singing to the music on the stereo. He wanted to make a good first impression. He didn't want to ruin a relationship as good as theirs.
As he parked his car in the parking lot, he began to run through all the situations that could go wrong. Jonah could think he was awkward in person, or maybe too ugly.
Zach just shook the bad thoughts from his head, making his way up to the room. As he made it to the door, he worries seemed to fade away.
He knocked.
A second later, the door opened revealing a tired looking boy, wrapped in a hoodie and jeans with a baseball cap on his bald head. The two couldn't help the huge smiles present on their faces.
"You must be Jonah."
"And you must be Zach."

I KNOW IT WAS REALLY BAD IM SORRY! I'm on vacation so I kind of had to rush it and it ended up coming out terrible. I don't even have time to edit...ugh. I'll give you guys better content next time. Remember to vote and comment! Enjoy your day!

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