Ashes, Ashes❊Jack x Zach

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Blood drips down my arms, gathering at my fingertips in small red drops before falling to the ground with quiet drips. The cuffs dig into my wrists creating deep, painful cuts that will surely leave scars. I tug, trying my hardest to free myself from the cuff's cold metal confines. The pain worsens.
The room is silent as we all know that he's coming soon, and anyone who makes a peep will be gone within seconds.
All the candles in the rusty, old, metal chandelier are burnt out except one, creating a dim, eerie lighting that just makes the mood even more grim.
In the candle's shallow glow, I'm able to see the tears glinting as they run down the faces of the other 9 victims left in the circle.
We're nervous. Fearful. Terrified.
The horror creates a tightness in my chest that distracts from the searing pain in my wrists, making it difficult to breathe. But when the door opens, my breath stops completely.
As the door opens, it let's in a small gust of breeze, blowing out the final candle. The hallway has no lights or windows, leaving the room pitch black.
I squeeze my eyes shut as if it makes a difference, clamping my hands into fists and feeling the blood run between my fingers.
This is it.
The clomping of his even footsteps bounce off the walls, creating an eerie echo.
"Who do we have here today?"
His voice sounds as if it's gone through a voice changer ten times and came out deep and distorted. You can hear it emanating from every direction, as if it's coming from inside your own head. But most terrifyingly, it has the ability to scare you to the point of death, where you have no choice but to hold a knife to your own throat.
I clench my jaw, doing everything I can to not let his voice inside my brain, a technique I've developed over my time here in the circle. Not everyone has the ability to stay strong though, as proven by a small squeak heard from across the circle. My eyes shoot open. We all know what this means.
"Tsk, tsk. Was that a voice I heard? Who could it possibly be?"
My heart stops beating in my chest as it's to terrified to move. The rest of my body is paralyzed with fear.
His footsteps can now be heard going around the circle over and over, in an almost hypnotic way.
"Ring around the Rosie."
He taps each of our heads as he walks around, sending chills from the top of my head, down my spine to my toes.
"Pocket full of posie."
The footsteps get louder and softer, then louder and softer as he continues around.
And around.
And around.
"Ashes, ashes."
The footsteps stop right across the circle. My breath hitches. This is it.
Don't be Zach.
Don't be Zach.
"We all fall down."
Even when the footsteps walk out, the door slams and the candles are relit, I refuse to open my eyes.
It wasn't Zach, I say to myself repeatedly. Over and over again.
It wasn't Zach. He's too strong for this.
I slowly peel my eyes open, holding my breath. I look at the bloodied, empty space right across the circle and I nearly bite clean through my lip. Next to the empty space sits Zach, crying into his knees.
My heart starts beating again.
The chain is just barely long enough to let me run across the circle to wrap my arms around Zach, catching him in a tight embrace. He immediately hugs back, sobbing quietly into my shoulder.
"I-it's ok Z-Zachy. He's not coming back till tomorrow," I whisper in his ear, my voice coming out shakier than I would have liked. I look around the circle to see others are doing much the same with the ones they love, a few gathered around the now empty space next to Zach and I. "You're to smart for him Zachy. He won't take you. I promise." All he can do is nod in response as he curls into my lap, trying to slow his tears and his breathing. All I can do is sit and wait for another day of horror to pass. We sit there with our eyes closed, just enjoying being in each others presence for as long as we can, because who knows how long it'll last.
"Y-you can't leave me." My eyes snap open to see his large brown ones looking up at me, glassy with tears. I bite my lip before kissing his head.
"Zachy, I can't promise you that I won't get chosen, but can you promise me one thing?" I ask, my voice still slightly shaky. He nods.
"If I get chosen first, you can't give up. You need to stay strong. For me." Tears begin rolling down my cheeks once again. I've tried to be strong for Zach, but it's difficult in a situation such as ours. He slowly nods again before quickly burying his face back in my chest.
Everyone is startled into silence by the sound of footsteps coming down the hall once again. I look up in confusion. He never visits twice in one day. Zach's breathing begins to grow heavy. As everyone scurries back to their places, I wrap my arms protectively around Zach. I'll do anything for him, including protecting his life with my own.
The amount of things running through my mind makes time feel like it's going at half speed, but I still know I'm making the right decision.
The door swings open.

Edit: people are asking for a part 2 but it is SUPPOSED TO END ON A CLIFF HANGER. The point of cliffhangers are to, you guessed it, leave the reader hanging. Making a part 2 would ruin that. I won't say what happens next because that's up for you to determine.

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