Kidnapped❊Daniel x Zach

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This oneshot was requested by @whydontwe_zaniel also, there will probably be a lot of POV changes in this chapter so I apologize.
It was a relatively normal day in the Why Don't We house. The boys were writing and chatting, occasionally getting distracted, but that's beyond the point. They all eventually got tired and decided to take a little break. Zach decided that the best way for him to relax would be taking a little walk through the park. He told the boys and they all nodded in response. He kissed his boyfriend Daniel goodbye before leaving the house, not realizing what this journey had in store.
I strode down the paved walkway, making sure to observe my surroundings and enjoy the view of the lake. It all seems completely normal, that is, until I begin to hear some russling in the bushes. I don't think much of it because there is no one else there with me, so I just keep walking. I hear it again, and me being the curious kid I am decided to go check the noise out. I creep over to the bush. Nothing really seems off at first. All of the sudden, a man jumps out, causing me to stumble backwards. He grabs me by my arm, clasping his hand over my mouth before I can scream. Sheer panic fills my body. I scream as loud as I can, biting his hand, but nothing is working. One word repeats in my mind over and over. Escape. Escape. Escape. I attempt to wiggle out of his grasp, kicking him like my parents taught me when I was little. Nothing works. My eyes start to water and I begin breathing heavier as the mans grip tightens. He grabs my neck. Within seconds I'm unable to breathe and all I see is black.
It's been about 30 minutes since Zach left and I'm starting to get worried. I know that I probably shouldn't be so paranoid, but he's my boyfriend. If anything happens to him, I'll be in the worst pain possible and I'll end up blaming it all on myself. We had already called him multiple times and got no answer.
"How long did Zach say he'd be gone for?" I ask nervously.
"I think he said about 20 minutes" jack replies. "How long has he been gone?" My eyes widen and I stand up from my spot on the couch.
"It's been over 30!" I yell, my face overcome with an expression of panic. Jonah puts an arm on my shoulder.
"You know Zach. He probably just got carried away. Give it another 15 minutes. Then we can worry" he assures me. I nod and sit down, still nervously playing with my fingers. 15 minutes pass of me standing up, sitting down and pacing around the room. Still no sign of Zach.
"We need to do something!" I tell the boys. We all get up and head to the park. I can't help myself but speed up and arrive at the park before them. I run around, checking the benches, the garden and even the bathrooms. I call out his name as I run around. "Zach!" I continue to search. "Zach?" I begin tearing up as I run towards the boys. "He isn't here! What do we do?" I cry. They all attempt to calm me down while discussing what the sane approach to this issue would be. After we call him a few more times, Corbyn makes a suggestion.
"We should probably call the police. They would know what to do" he says, causing my eyes to widen even further.
"No! They are going to take too long! We need to find him now!" I reply angrily. He sighs.
"Daniel your not making rational decisions." The other boys nod. I shake my head. I'm going to find Zach.
"I'm gonna find him!" I reply, running away. They call out for me but I ignore them. I take out my phone dialing Zach's number one last time. This time, someone picks up at the other end. I hear a small voice talking to me. "Zach?"
I wake up in a room so dark I can't even see my own feet on the floor below me. My first reaction is an attempt at screaming for help. It's no use though, as a cloth has been stuck in my mouth. My hands are cuffed to the wall behind me and my feet are tied together, disabling me. Suddenly, a light turns on and I spot a man in the doorway causing me to jump slightly. It's the same man that took me at the park. I glare at him.
"Well it looks like your awake" he booms in a deep voice causing me to cower backwards. It's difficult though since my back is already pressed against the wall. I struggle in the handcuffs, causing my wrist to begin to bleed. "I'm going to wait until you give up" he says. I narrow my eyes and growl. There's no way in hell I'm going to give up. That's when I remember. My phone! I look down at my pants but I see that my pocket is empty. "Looking for something?" Mystery man asks, pulling my phone out from his pocket. He chuckles and sets it on a table in front of me, just out of my reach. He is trying to make me go insane. He will make me watch as my loved ones repeatedly try and reach out to me. It's like this for no more than ten minutes before HIS phone rings. He grunts and picks it up, holding it to his ear. I don't hear anything from the other side but it can't be good for him because he responds with "ah shit." He stands up and looks me in the eyes. "Try anything and you'll regret it. I'll be right back." And with that, he leaves. I ignore his commands and immediately get to work freeing myself. The handcuffs were loose and I somehow manage to release my hands. I scoot over to the table and grab my phone, removing the cloth from my mouth. I dial Daniels number before collapsing on the cold tiled floor.
"D-Daniel?" I ask when the ringing stops.
"Zach! Oh my god Zach where are you?" He responds sounding very relieved.
"I don't know! Someone... kidnapped me!" I reply, trying not to be too loud.
"WHAT? Can you tell me what this person looks like?" He asks impatiently.
"He h-has brown hair and a short beard with weird green eyes and..."
"Freckles? Does he have freckles?" He asks. I nod and respond with a yes even though he can't see me. "Oh god. I'll be there in a few. No time for explaining." And with that, he hung up. I put my phone down, sighing in relief. I don't know who this man may be, but Daniel definitely seems to have a clue.
It's not long before I hear a banging on the door upstairs. Mystery man hasn't come back down here yet, but I know he is still in the house. I hear the door open. "I know you have him!" I hear Daniels familiar voice echo down the stairs.
"Who? I don't believe I know who your talking about" mystery man replies.
"Bullshit!" Daniel yells, entering the house. It takes a minute before he comes down to the basement and I immediately rush to hug him.
"Oh thank god your ok!" Mystery man appears at the door way, glaring at Daniel.
"What are you doing to my captive?" He asks.
"That doesn't matter cause the police on on their way" Daniel replies. Mystery mans eyes widen.
"Thank you Daniel!" I say, kissing him.
"I wasn't going to leave you, don't worry."


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