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This one-shot was requested by Zonahfandomforever Thanks for the suggestion!
Btw I'm sorry for not updating in a little. I've been kind of stressed since school starts tomorrow.
I take another tissue and stuff it in the trash can. My nose is really runny at the moment and I suspect that there is a slight chance that I might be coming down with a bit of a cold. Probably not though. Even if I am, I'm not going to make a big deal out of it, because I am perfectly fine. So I'm going to ignore it. I go on with my day, hanging out with the boys. I notice that by dinner time though, my throat hurts quite a bit and my head is pounding. Maybe is just allergies? Maybe it's a thing that will be just gone tomorrow! I still decide not to tell anyone about it though, because it's not important.
I wake up extremely early, 4:00 am, soaked in sweat yet freezing cold. My head is pounding so horribly I feel like I might throw up. I look next to me to see Jonah still asleep and in bed. I get up and make my way downstairs, trying my best to stay silent so that I don't wake anybody. I stumble around, as my headache is making me slightly dizzy, and grab a thermometer from the bathroom cabinet. I stick it in my mouth and stand there waiting for a response. I end up sitting down on the ground, because I feel like I'll pass out if I don't. Soon enough the thermometer beeps, making me cringe hoping it doesn't wake any of the boys. I pull it out of my mouth and read the bold number in the front.
101.3. Definitely sick. I sigh, putting the thermometer back and grabbing some meds from the cabinet. I pop them in my mouth, swallowing them with a glass of water causing me to cough quietly. It really hurts my throat. I decide to stay up, as I know that there is no way in hell that I'll be able to fall back asleep. I go back upstairs and walk in my room, checking to make sure Jonah is still asleep. I grab my phone from the nightstand and tiptoe back out of my room once again, heading downstairs.
You may be wondering why I really don't want anyone to know that I'm sick. Well since I am the youngest, the boys have always treated me slightly more like the baby of the group. It's like they feel obligated to take care of me. But I want to prove to them that I don't need to be taken care of, because I'm 16, not 3.
I lay on the couch on my phone, contemplating how I'm going to get through the day. We have an interview to go to, so I'm just going to have to suck it up. By now, I've been up for a few hours and it's 7:00 am. Fortunately, the medicine that I took has lessened my headache, but it's still there, and so is my sore throat. Suddenly, I hear creaking from the stairs. I look up to see a sleepy looking Jonah walking down and rubbing his eyes. He's still shirtless, which makes me stare for a second. I'm allowed though, since I am his boyfriend😏. He looks at me confused. Jonah is a morning person so he is always up this early, but I'm normally up at least an hour later.
"What are you doing up babe? I was worried since I didn't see you in bed this morning" He asks.
"I was just umm... really excited for the interview" I make up, only now realizing how raspy and bad my voice sounds. If it wasn't this early in the morning, anyone would know that I was sick.
"Ok? Your voice doesn't sound to good. I mean it's hot and all but..." he says, obviously noticing it's raspiness.
"Haha. Nah. It's just morning voice" I say. He shrugs it off, though he is obviously skeptical. He is my boyfriend after all, and always wants to know if I'm ok. Soon enough, all of the boys are down stairs. By this time, I have subtly popped some cough drops in my mouth and my voice sounds better now. None of the boys seem to notice that I'm sick. It shouldn't be too obvious, other than the slight sheen of sweat on my forehead and the fact that I keep stumbling from dizziness every few minutes. We get ready go and all pile into the van as we make our way to the place we are going to be interviewed. As soon as we get in the car though, I notice that my headache begins to worsen once again. And as we drive it continues to feel worse and worse. Eventually, it ends up feeling like someone is hitting me in the head repeatedly with a hundred pound weight. I groan holding my hands up to my head. The guys look at me confused.
" ok?" Daniel asks. What do I say?
"I umm... left something at home by accident. B-but I'll be f-fine I guess" I say, internally cursing myself for stuttering. He waves it off giving me an ok? look, obviously still suspicious now. I hold back a sneeze and turn to the window so that I can wipe my nose on my sleeve. By the time we get to there, my headache is so bad that I can barley stand up straight. I stumble out of the car, but the rest of the guys are too enveloped in their conversation to notice. I practically use the handrail to pull myself up the stairs in the front of the building, cringing in pain each time my feet hit the concrete. We make it inside and get settled, doing sound check and all of that stuff. I'm barley paying attention though because I'm too focused on the pounding that is going on inside my head. In fact, I barley even notice when we go live.
"Now would you boys introduce yourselves?" The host says, snapping me out of my daze.
"I'm jack"
"I'm Jonah."
"I'm Daniel."
"I'm Corbyn."
"I-I'm Zach," I say, my voice coming out slightly raspy. I'm normally very talkative in these interviews, but right now I'm too focused on making sure that the tears that are beginning to brim my eyes don't spill and stay unnoticeable. The interviewer continues to ask us questions, the other boys going on long rants and me responding with one word answers. Eventually, I just stop answering at all though because the pain in my head is too bad and if I move I feel like I might pass out. I put my head down to hide my sweaty and probably very flushed face.
I don't realize that I'm crying until I feel something wet on my cheek. At this point, I feel absolutely horrible. My throat is so sore I can barley talk, my head is pounding with what is probably the worst headache I have ever had, and my entire body just aches like crazy. I can't take it anymore. More silent tears begin running down my face.
"Zach?" I hear a voice that I recognize to be as Jonahs asks. I slowly look up, and his eyes widen when he sees my tear streaked face. "Zach! What happened?" He asks again, running over to me. That's when I break. I burst out crying in sobs that jolt my whole body. By now, I'm surrounded by all of the boys who are asking me what's wrong and are trying to calm me down. The body racking sobs aren't helping though. They are just increasing my nausea. I quickly stand up and run forward, pushing my way through the crowd of people with my hand over my mouth. I run to the nearest trash can and empty all of my guts. Disgusting. The boys are all surrounding me again, trying to comfort me while Jonah rubs my back. I sit up and continue to bawl my eyes out, as the pain has only worsened.
"Zach, you need to calm down and tell us what's wrong" Daniel says, placing a reassuring hand in my shoulder. My crying dies down to quiet sobs.
"I-I'm si-sick" I sob. As if that wasn't obvious already. I see Corbyn stand up and walk over to the interviewer. He tells him something and the guy just nods. He walks back over to us.
"Come on guys. We're going home" he says, motioning for us all to stand up. Jonah grabs my arm and gently lifts me up before picking me up in his arms. I calm down a bit more as some of the pain in my stomach has subsided now. We all get in the car and drive home while I try my hardest not to throw up again. Jonah carries me inside and brings me upstairs, setting me down on our bed.
"Go to sleep babe. You're probably tired" he says, tucking me under the covers. I nod and my eyes begin to grow heavy. He gets up to leave the room but I grab his sleeve.
"Stay here please" I mumble. He sighs and nods, climbing in bed next to me.
"Get better soon" is the last thing I hear from him before I fall asleep.
I know I didn't really get to the "boys taking care of him" part, but it was kind of getting long. I could do a part two if any of you want though...

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