Unappreciated Pt.2 (Ferris Wheel) and PSA❊Jonah x Daniel

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I guess this is a part 2 to unappreciated but I️ wrote it as a separate chapter. If you want to see it as a part 2, go ahead. If not, then just pretend it's unrelated.
'It'll get better' they said.
'You won't have to deal with this forever'. That's what they all say. But no one understands.
I wash the blood off of my arm, running my fingers over the cuts before quickly bandaging them up. Nothing ever gets better. It's like falling off a cliff. Once you jump, there's no way of getting back up. You just fall.
And fall.
We live in an endless cycle. Your born to go to school, go to school to get a job, get a job to make money, make money to start a family and then the whole cycle repeats itself. It repeats itself over and over again. Like a song put on repeat, or a broken Ferris wheel.
And of course, there are always those wolves who stray from the pack, our endless circle of pain and torture. And what do those rebels get in return? Suffering. Constant torment from the people around them. No matter how hard you try and press the button to stop the Ferris wheel, it's hopeless. It's stuck there for all eternity. Try to dismount the Ferris wheel? You fall.
And fall.
I stand up and walk out of the bathroom. Back to reality where I'm surrounded by these oblivious people. People who don't understand that they are stuck in an eternal death loop.
No one seems to understand the pain I'm going through. No one notices the scars on my arms or bags under my eyes. To everyone else, I'm just Jonah Marias, that guy from Why Don't We.
"C'mon Jonah. We have places to be" calls a voice from downstairs. One of the boys. I'm not paying enough attention to hear which one though. I sigh, standing up and walking down the stairs, making sure not to trip. "Where are we going today?" I ask groggily.
"An interview. Why don't you ever remember?" Zach replies, pulling his black jacket on. I nod. I never remember because in the grand scheme of things, it's not important. Nothing is. But like always, we need to do our jobs. To make people happy.
The one stop on the Ferris wheel that I DON'T experience.
I get my stuff together before leaving the house and getting in the van to head to the pointless interview.

The interview was like all other interviews, nothing special. When we got home, we all decided to go back out to the mall or something like that. Jonah announced that he was staying home, not a surprise to any of us. He claimed he wasn't feeling well, his excuse for getting out of things constantly these days. I sigh quietly and walk out the door to the other boys.

A couple hours into our trip, I'm getting tired and slightly bored, not feeling best.
"Hey guys, I think I'm going to go home. I'm pretty sure I can just walk, it's not that far anyways" I say. They just nod and continue their journey through the shopping center. I begin to make my way back home, getting a slightly queasy feeling in my stomach. I ignore it, knowing that I'll be home soon. Sure enough, within a few minutes, I'm once again standing at the door of the all too familiar "Why Don't We house". I open the door, letting in a small gust of breeze as I do so. I notice the small bout of wind caused a slightly crumpled piece of paper to blow from the counter. I furrow my eyebrows before shutting the door and walking over to the paper, bending down to pick it up. It's a note, and judged by the handwriting, it seems to have been scrawled down in a rush on the piece of notebook paper. So what do I do? I begin to read over it.
By the time I'm finished, my face is pale as a ghost. It feels as if my heart has stopped and the queasiness in my stomach only worsens. I run into the backyard faster than humanly possible. The sight makes my heart stop once again.
There, right next to the house, lays Jonah's lifeless body, bloody and pale.
I immediately drop to my knees, an intense wave of nausea coming over me. I fall on my hands, emptying the contents of my stomach onto the cold hard ground. I crawl over to Jonah as fast as I can, scraping my knees, barley able to see through the tears that stain my face. I place my hands on his stomach, checking for breath.
"No..." I whimper quietly. I lean my head down onto his chest checking for a heartbeat.
"NO!" I repeat again, screaming this time. "NO NO NO! JONAH YOU CANT DO THIS!" I punch the ground as hard as I can before pulling out my phone to call 911. After I make the call, I look back at his body. "You can't do this" I sob again, barley capable of forming coherent sentences at this point.
I can't believe my eyes.
He's dead.
He's actually dead.
I lean my head down, sobbing into his chest. For a minute, it feels like life has stopped.
Like the Ferris wheel has taken a pause. A pause for a special person to jump off, the end of a special life.
He's falling now, Jonah, forever.
For he found a way to make his Ferris wheel stop, while ours keeps going. He found a way to end this vicious cycle.
And I'll miss him. I'll miss him to death. But I know that one day, my Ferris wheel will stop too. And at last I'll be able to get off at that final destination. And I'll fall.
But I'll be falling with him.

Over 40,000 people commit suicide each year, over 100 people a day. People who struggle and feel like there is no one who understands. This is an announcement that goes out to everyone who is going through a tough time or knows someone who is.
There is always a hope that's out there, a light at the end of the tunnel. Some people may argue by saying that things don't get better, and sometimes, they can last for a while. Sometimes that time can be filled with lots of pain and worries, worries that no one likes you. Worries that YOU don't like you. And while I'm not going to go on about how wonderful life is, you were put on this planet for a reason. There is one of you in the world. There will never be anyone exactly like you ever again. You hold your own special place in the world, and if you leave, it'll leave an irreversible gap. So no matter how much pain you are going through, no matter how much you believe that other people dislike or don't care about you, there is always, ALWAYS someone out there who does.  If your reading this message, I care about you. You can talk to me or anyone else. Don't feel pressured to talk about it. Don't feel pressured to be happy. But this is the one shot at life you have, the one trip on your Ferris wheel. So don't spend your time worrying. Spend your time enjoying the view. Your Ferris wheel is meant to spin, and while it's still spinning, enjoy it.

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