Skateboarding❊Jack x Zach

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I know that this is extremely short, I'm sorry! I just really didn't have the time.
"C'mon! Give it a try! You said your. It's and you have nothing better to do so..." jack try's to encourage me.
"Do you want me to break both of my ankles?"I respond.
"Please? Im the best coach you'll ever get" he says with a pleading expression. I roll my eyes.
"Fine" I say, slightly agitated. To be honest, I wouldn't want to skip out on the opportunity to watch Jack skateboard. He's just so hot while doing it it. Just being honest. He jumps up off of the sofa.
"Yes! I'll grab our boards" he exclaims, running outside. I meet him in the backyard and he hands me my skateboard. I quickly thank him before very carefully mounting it and skating around the yard once. That's about as good as I can do. "I'm going to teach you how to jump over this" jack says, pointing to a small curb on the ground (guys, bare with me here. I don't skateboard).
"You sure about that?" I ask, scratching the back of my neck. I will admit, I am nervous. Last time this didn't go over well.
"Of course. I believe in you" he says. He puts his board down and uses it to jump the curb. I take a deep breath. This is going to be... interesting.
I fall off the board for what feels like the thousandth time, except this time I practically go flying off of the board. I will admit though, despite the fact that I will be extremely sore tomorrow, I'm having a lot of fun. I hear jack run over to me to see what happened.
"Oh my gosh Zach are you ok?" He asks, concerned. I look up at him, a grin on my face. He just lets out a deep breath and smiles back at me, grabbing my hand to help me up.
"I don't care how many times I've fallen off my board. This has been really fun" I say, leaning closer to him. He smiles.
"I agree. And you did a great job" he says, bridging the rest of the gap between us and connecting our lips in a short but loving kiss. "Maybe we should go inside though. Your going to break your ankles if you skate any longer" he says, grabbing my hands. I giggle and nod, following him inside after a fun day of skating.

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