Unstoppable❊Jack x Zach

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This DOES NOT mean I am back to updating normally or anything, but I may start doing small updates every so often because I am bored or I just feel like it. So with that being said, enjoy.
"Shh! They're going to hear us!" I whisper at a giggling jack. My feet gently hit the grass and I close the window behind me. I swing my back pack over my shoulder and grab his hand, running towards the trees. "C'mon!"
"I can't believe we're doing this again" Jack laughs as we enter the forest, slowing our run to a walk. We push past low hanging branches and brush falling pine needles out of each other's hair as we walk to our destination. Minutes later we arrive at the familiar clearing, a small pond, the surrounding area lit only by the reflection of the moonlight on its rippling surface. I look around and smile, dropping my backpack on the tall grass. Jack looks at me and we lock eyes, his glimmering with beauty and excitement. I'm brought back to when I first fell for him, when I first knew that this was the boy I wanted to spend my life with.
We were running around outside, enjoying each other's presence as we held hands and let the sunlight warm our necks and faces. It didn't last long though, as my mom came running out of our small house with a screech, grabbing my arm and pulling me back inside. I remember the look of fear and disappointment on Jack's face, because we both knew that there was nothing we could do about it. Because we're Herrons and they're Averys, and Herrons and Averys have never gotten along.
That's how it had always been, and that's how it would stay.
But we couldn't let that happen.
I'm brought back to reality by Jack's light laughter filling the air as he runs down to the pond, watching his reflection dance in the ripples. I follow behind him, giving him a kiss on the cheek and I pull him back towards the field and we run. We run like we did that day that we knew we weren't going to give up, that we would do whatever it took to be with one another. We run laughing, holding hands and gazing happily at each other, knowing that all we need is right here. We run until we make it back to my backpack, collapsing on the ground in another fit of laughter. I sit up and open my backpack, pulling out a basket containing a carton of strawberries, 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and some Oreos. We feed each other strawberries and wipe peanut butter off the corners of each others mouths as we talk in the moonlight.
"God jack I love you so much" I mumble as I stare into his eyes for what feels like the millionth time tonight.
"I love you too" he replies, moving closer. And just like that, our lips met causing sparks of electricity to fly between us, letting us know that there is nothing in the world that can get in the way of what we have - each other. It's not our first kiss but it feels just like it, just as powerful and just as reassuring. As we pulls away, I wrap my arms around his neck in a tight embrace.
"I don't care what they say. They cant stop us, we're unstoppable" I whisper into his neck. He kisses the top of my head.
"Yes we are."
Before we know it, we are both undressed and shoving each other into the cold water, laughing and kicking as we share small kisses underneath the surface. In our family's world, we might not be allowed to see each other. But we have created our own world, one where no one can get to us, where we're invincible in our own shoes.
Yeah, call us crazy, but we are right where we want to be, and we're unstoppable.

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