Coincidences❊Jonah x Daniel

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I'm back guys! I know I haven't posted in a while, there is just a lot going on. I ALSO know that all of these requests are extremely late. I deeply apologize. I'm also kind of rushing stuff so any chapters that are coming out soon probably suck, including this one.
This one was requested by n0varose Enjoy!
"You better clean your room if you don't want Anthony and his parents to think you live in a pigsty" I say to Reece, Daniel and I's 16 year old son. He frowns and stands up from his bed before slowly nodding. I smile. He's a great kid, always listens to everything we say. I walk out of the room to see Daniel frantically tidying up the living space.
"It's ok Daniel. You don't need to be so stressed" I say. He stops.
"What do you mean? We are meeting the parents of our sons potential husband!" He says, getting back to cleaning. I burst out lauging.
"Really Daniel? He's only 16. You don't need to be thinking THAT far in advance." He sits down on the couch and sighs.
"I guess your right" He replies. Anthony has been coming over basically every weekend for almost a year now, but we still haven't met his parents. I hope we'll get along with them.
Reece comes walking down the stairs wearing ripped skinny jeans and a white oversized sweater. Daniel has tried to convince him to wear something nice but that didn't work out. Reece smiles at me as he walks over.
"Anthony says they'll be here any minute now" He exclaims, clapping his hands together. I chuckle and give him a kiss on his head.
"You're growing up so fast" I say, placing a hand on his shoulder.
I was 21 and Daniel was 20 when we decided we wanted a child. Our old band had broken up 1 year prior and we were getting lonely. All of us had stayed in touch for about 4 months before we stopped talking all together and that's when we decided it was time to start a family. Me and Daniel had decided that adoption was the best option. After meeting many children, we decided that Reece was the one. He had strawberry blonde hair and bright green eyes that screamed for help yet were still full of life and joy. He was 5 at the time, energetic and happy. And here we are now, about to meet the family of his boyfriend.
Suddenly, The doorbell rings. Daniel comes running out of nowhere and fixes his hair before opening the door. I walk over to finally greet Anthony and his parents and- OH MY GOD!
"Daniel?! Jonah?!" 2 familiar faces ask. I could not believe the two men who were standing there at the door. Despite this feeling like a scene straight out of a movie, it was real life. There they were, Jack Avery and Zach Herron.
The four of us are standing here with jaws dropped while our children look at us with utter confusion.
"You know them?" Reece asks causing Anthony to nod showing that he was about to ask the same thing.
"Yeah! That's Zach and Jack. They used to be in the band!" Daniel exclaims.
"I can't believe this. What a coincidence!" Jack says, throwing his hands up in the air.
"Come inside!" Daniel says, opening the door farther. They both step in and we immediately sit down and begin having a conversation.
"So when did you guys have a kid?" Jack asks. I laugh.
"I could ask the same for you" I reply. "We adopted Reece 11 years ago." They both nod.
"We adopted Anthony 10 years ago" Zach replies. Reece and Anthony have wandered off, still confused, but they didn't want to interrupt our discussion.
"So where do you guys live now?" Daniel asks.
"We live just up the road. Moved there about a month ago from our previous house which was about 20 minutes from here" Jack says. The conversation continues like this for hours just catching up on information about the 15 years of our lives that have been spent apart. You would be surprised at what could happen in that amount of time. Before we know it, it's dark out. I'm the first to notice how fast the time has passed by.
"Oh wow. It's already 11:00" I say. "I wonder if the boys are still awake." Daniel goes upstairs to check on them and comes down smiling telling us that they have fallen asleep. "Anthony could just stay over for the night" Daniel suggests. Jack and Zach both nod, standing up.
"Now that we know we live close, we have to get together again soon" Jack says, grabbing his backpack and coat. We all nod before we bid our farewells and the happy couple leaves. I'm still in shock at the fact that my son happens to be dating the son of my ex band mates that I️ haven't seen in 15 years. Coincidences are strange.

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