Convention❊Corbyn x Zach

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This one was requested by @zach_herr0n0527 enjoy and thanks for the request
I jump out of the hotel bed, a spring in my step. I bounce to the bathroom in order to wash up and get dressed. Today is the day of the music convention that I was invited to sing at. I brush my teeth, humming as I do so, and then I begin the hour long process of perfecting my hair. Once I'm finished, I check my watch, sighing in relief when I see that I still have plenty of time left.
I skip out of the room with a smile on my face. Before I go to the convention, I decide to stop at Starbucks for a hot cocoa. It's 10:00 am, I preform at 2:00. Mic check is at 1:00. That gives me plenty of time to walk around and explore before I have to get ready for the show. I have built up a small fanbase, 500k followers on Instagram. They finally invited me to perform, a dream of mine for years. I'm nervous of course, since this is the biggest performance I have done so far. I'll preform a few original songs and a few covers. I walk inside crowded building, people at every corner. Lines are formed at merch booths. People that I vaguely recognize sign autographs for fans. I'm in awe. I'm so busy daydreaming that I'm not looking where I'm going. A second later, I feel myself run into someone. I am knocked out of my trance as I immediately begin muttering apologies. As soon as I look up though, I'm silenced. I have run into a boy who appears to be only a few years older than me with striking blue eyes and bleached blonde hair. He is much taller than me but looks down into my eyes with a smile.
"Hey, it's ok" he responds with a chuckle. I turn red.
"I'll look where I'm going next time" I reply, looking at my shoes.
"No need to worry. I do that all the time..." he pauses waiting for my name.
"Zach. Zach Herron" I say with a sudden rush of confidence, reaching my hand out to shake his.
"Corbyn. Corbyn Besson" he replies, smile still plastered on my face. "So what are you doing here at the convention? Just exploring?" He asks curiously. I reach my hand up to nervously scratch at the back of my neck.
"Well um I'm preforming actually" I reply. His jaw drops.
"Really? That's awesome!" He says. I nod and smile. "I sing too, but I'm not nearly big enough to preform here." It's my turn to chuckle.
"Well I'd like to hear you sometime. We should meet up" I say, causing him to grin.
"That would be great!" We exchange numbers before I look at my watch, not realizing how much time has passed.
"Shoot. It's 12:45. Mic check is in 15 minutes. I gotta go. Catch you later!" I say, waving back at him as I slowly begin to walk away. He waves back as I disappear around the corner.

The show went amazing. There were so many people there, it was unbelievable. And thing is, all of them knew every word to my music. I swear I almost started crying on stage. As soon as I walk off staged, I collapse tiredly on the couch, but the smile is still impossible to wipe of my face. I pick up my phone from the dressing room table only to see that I have a new message. I light up even more when I notice who it's from.
Corbyn: I was watching your show! Your so good!
Me: thanks! I didn't think you would watch
Corbyn: well of course I was going to watch. How else could I tell you how amazing you did?
I blush heavily, but frown once I realize that I shouldn't be crushing on a guy I just met.
Me: omg stop it
Corbyn: haha. Anyways, about hanging out later...
Me: of course! You available around 7:00 tonight?
Corbyn: yup! The Starbucks next to the Hilton hotel?
Me: sure! See you then!
Corbyn: adios!
I'm excited once again. If this goes well, who knows. Maybe we can collab some time...
I enter the Starbucks to see Corbyn already seated, scrolling through his phone and sipping his drink. He jumps a bit, startled when I sit across from him. He immediately brightens up though when he sees that it's just me.
"Hey Zach!" He exclaims.
"Hello" I reply. We then proceed to have a long conversation about music and our aspirations.
"Hey, since we both seem to be into the same kind of music, maybe we can like, collab sometime" he suggest, almost like he read my mind.
"Of course!" I reply. We set up more dates and things, finding it super coincidental that we both live in the same part of Cali.
"So I'll see you next week then?" He asks. I nod in response. This is going to be great.
Pretty sure I'm making a part 2

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