It'll Be Okay❊Jonah x Daniel

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Hi I'm here again. This was originally written as a one shot with original characters, but I liked it and wanted to post it so I put Daniel and Jonah in instead (because Donah, duh). Enjoy!

Gun shots.
Run, run, run.
That's all that ran through Daniel's head as he sprinted through the gunfire, Jonah's larger hand in his own. His lungs were on fire and he could barely feel his legs, but he just kept running. He couldn't give up, not yet, not now. There was a building about 100 feet in front of them, and if they could just get behind it...
"Daniel!" Jonah cried out as Daniel felt the latter's grip on his hand suddenly release. Panting, he halted and turned around, eyes widening, and with a scream, he darted back to where his friend was laying on the ground, hand clutching his leg. "Daniel," he said again, this time in almost a whisper. He lifted his hand to reveal a hole in a blood soaked patch of his jeans. The crimson liquid ran down his shin, coating his foot and hand. Jonah got hit.
"No, no, no! Come on Jo, you need to get up," Daniel cried, tugging on Jonah's arm, eyes tearing up.
"I-I don't know if I can make it over there, Danny."
Daniel let out a sob at the childhood nickname, still refusing to let any tears escape his eyes.
"No. We're gonna get over there. Together."
With a sudden adrenaline boost, he leaned down and wrapped an arm around the older boy's shoulders, hoisting him up as he let out a strangled groan from the pain of his bullet wound.
And like that, they began walking.
And despite Jonah's agony, he let Daniel drag him along. He was going to make it.
100 feet became 50.
Another loud bang was heard followed by a yell from Jonah, but Daniel refused to look back. He refused to look back at the office building he knew was burning down behind him. He refused to look back at the still body of the mother who had sacrificed herself to save her son. He refused to look back at the hundreds of crying, innocent, people, who didn't know that today could very well be their last day alive.
50 feet became 10 and 10 became 0 as they collapsed in an alleyway behind the building. They did it. They were safe, at least for now.
Daniel helped prop Jonah up against the wall, letting his hands linger on the older boy's waist. The contact caused Jonah to let out a hiss of pain, making Daniel pull his hands away immediately.
"Jo?" He asked, looking his friend in the eyes. A single tear streamed down the elder's cheek as he looked at the ground and slowly lifted the corner of his shirt, letting out another pained groan.
There on the left side of his torso, just inches from his navel, was another bullet hole, identical to the one in his leg.
"Oh-" Daniel whispered out. He didn't have any words. Jonah was shot in the stomach. Jonah wasn't going to make it. "This is all my fault! I'm so sorry! I- fuck, if I hadn't had tried to go back to find my-"
Daniel was cut off by a warm hand on the side of his face, turning his head to look directly at Jonah again.
"No. No it wasn't your fault. Don't talk like that," he replied in a rough, but comforting voice.
"But I cant... I cant go on without you here with me," Daniel whispered, collapsing next to his injured friend.
"Why are you talking like I... like I'm going to die, Danny?" He said, turning to face Daniel. He wasn't giving up just yet.
"You're hurt, Jo. You're hurt real bad."
"No. Don't say that. What did you tell me this morning, Daniel?"
The younger took a deep breath.
"I told you that you're strong."
"And that we are going to get through this together."
"And would we be doing this together if I left you?"
"That's why I'm staying. I'll always be right here, Danny."
"But Jo-"
"It's going to be okay. Im going to be okay."
Jonah laid a hand on top of Daniel's, giving him a small, soft, smile.
Daniel let out a choked sob, diving into Jonah's embrace, finally, after all these weeks, allowing himself to break down in the older boy's arms.
"We're going to be okay, Daniel."
And that time, Jonah knew he wasn't lying. They were going to do this together. They were going to be okay.

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