Goodbye❊Corbyn x Daniel

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Another tear falls from Daniel red puffy eyes. He's been crying for at least ten minutes now.
"No! You can't go!" He sobs, grabbing my shirt and pulling me towards him. I sigh.
"Danny, I'll be back soon. I'm just leaving for 1 week! I can't miss my moms birthday" I respond, prying his fingers off of my shirt and stepping back. Daniel has always been the extremely clingy type of boyfriend. Wherever I go, he goes. And I really don't mind it. I find it pretty adorable. But at times like these, it can get somewhat frustrating. I keep my cool though, because I don't want to upset him even more. The longest I've left him so far has been only three days, and even then the rest of the boys told me that he was in bed the whole time sulking.
"That's t-too long!" He sobs, trying to run back to me. Jonah grabs his waist from behind though, holding him back. He begins kicking and wiggling. "L-let. Me go" he yells, attempting to kick Jonah again, but Jonah is too tall and strong and barley struggles at all to hold Daniel back.
"Don't worry Daniel we will all be here" jack says, walking up to Daniel and putting a gentle hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"But I want Corbyn here!" Daniel cries once again.
"And I WILL be here. In 7 days! I promise I will Skype you every night" I say, walking back towards him. Jonah lets go of his waist and he jumps on me, wrapping his arms around my neck and legs around my waist. I wrap my arms around his torso so that he doesn't fall. I know, he is probably WAY to clingy, and I really don't help with that. I spoil him and take him everywhere with me. It juts makes him follow me around more, like a lost puppy. And it really doesn't help when one of us has to go leave someplace. He buries his head into my neck and continues to cry. My frown deepens. As cute as he is, it's sad for me to see HIM so sad. I look at the other boys and they all are looking at me with the same expression that is on my face. We all hate seeing each other sad. I grab Daniel from under his arms and hold him out in front of me before putting him back on the ground. I lean down and give him a kiss on the forehead. He looks up at me with his tear streaked face, eyes filled with sadness. It would really upset me to leave him like this, so I pick him up again and bring him into the other room, sitting down on the couch. I pull him into my lap and he curls up into a ball. I wrap my arms around him and being to rock him slightly. He stops crying. "You know that I'll miss you too" I say to him. He looks up at me again and nods. I lay him down with his head in my lap. I begin to stroke his hair gently.
"I-I'm sorry Corbyn" he stutters. I frown again.
"Why are you sorry?" I ask him, confused as to what he thinks he did wrong.
"I'm sorry for being so...clingy" he says. I silently "aww" to myself.
"No no no! You don't have to apologize. It's just a way that you show that you love me" I say. He nods again. I sit him up and put both hands on his shoulders, pulling him towards me. I give him a slow, loving kiss, pulling away about ten seconds later. He gives me a small smile. I place his head on my lap again, and continue to run my hand through his hair, knowing that that relaxes him. I see his eyes begin to get slightly lidded and heavy as they slowly close. I soon begin to hear quiet snores coming from his mouth and I smile. I lift him up bridal style, and carry him upstairs to our shared room. I tuck him underneath the covers before crouching down next to the bed and giving him one last kiss on the forehead. "I love you Daniel. I'll see you next week" I say to him. And if it's not my imagine, I think I can see the corners of his mouth turn up into a small smile.

"Goodbye guys! See you next week!" I say one last time, pulling my small suitcase out the door.
"Bye!" The other three boys call out as I shut the door behind me. I put my small carry on suitcase into the trunk and get in the car, beginning my drive to the airport. I wonder how excited Daniel will be to see me when I come back, because I know that I'll be excited to see him.

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