Unappreciated❊Jonah x Daniel

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"Ok. So we got all the parts figured out for the mashup, now we just need to record" jack announces, standing up.
"I didn't get a part" I mumble. Go figures. Not the first time this happened, that's for sure. And it's DEFINITELY not the last.
"Yeah, I know" he responds, basically ignoring what I said.
"But-" he cuts me off.
"No. Your the worst out of the group. There were four parts so we obviously left you out." I sigh and look at the other guys for backup. The just shrug, agreeing with jack.
"Stop pouting and come on!" Corbyn yells, pushing me forwards. I nod, looking down at my shoes.
This has been going on for a while now, the boys bullying me. About three months to be exact. They keep saying that the only reason I'm not kicked out of the band is because they didn't want the fans to think that they are assholes, even though they are. Well, except Daniel. He doesn't do really any of the bullying, but he doesn't do anything to stop it. At least, not from what I have seen.
We begin to record the mashup and I put on the best face I can for the camera. We are in the middle of a part while we all harmonize while jack sings and he suddenly stops us all.
"No! Jonah, you got it all wrong. You suck at this!" I look at him confused. I thought I was doing fine, but I guess not.
"Just lip sync it while we do the singing, or do better" Zach says sounding slightly annoyed. I once again just nod, not wanting to talk back to them. I know I'm the oldest of the group and I should be able to stand up for myself, but I find myself freezing up every time I try to utter a word.
Once we finish filming, I run inside the house and go up to my room. The rest of the boys are playing on the Xbox, and even if I wanted to join, I don't know if they would let me. I lay on my bed and take a second to just think.
The boys obviously don't like me. Why do I even bother staying in the band? Because of the fans? I'm sure they'd be fine with me gone though. It just sucks here. Im so depressed and I can't let any of my feelings out or else the fans will notice. And my crush on Daniel doesn't help since I know that he hates me and OBVIOUSLY doesn't feel the same way.
I feel a tear slowly fall from my eye and I quickly wipe it away. I know I'm alone in my room, but if I let the tears flow, then they won't stop.
"JONAH GET DOWN HERE! WE HAVE AN INTERVIEW!" I hear one of the boys yell. I quickly jump up, running to the bathroom. I splash my face with some cold water so no one could tell I was crying and run downstairs.
We all get in the van, me sitting in the back. They all have a conversation with each other, basically ignoring my presence. But once again, Daniel seems a lot more quiet than normal. I ignore it and begin working on my fake smiles through my phone camera. This is going to be a long day.
The interview was horrible. You know how hard it is to keep a fake smile on your face for a prolonged period of time and hope that people believe that your fine? I'm crying in my bathroom now. I sit on the floor with my head between my knees as I slowly rock back and forth.
"I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough" I mumble over and over. I hear the sound of footsteps come down the hall followed by a banging on the door. I look up, confused. I know that no one would be coming in here to see if I'm ok, since they don't care. They probably just want to use the bathroom. I sniffle and use my sleeve to wipe my nose and eyes before standing up and walking over to the door.
As soon as we got home, Jonah ran upstairs into his room. He's probably crying again because of the other boys and their stupid antics. And I feel horrible about it. I've tried to tell them to stop before, but I just got a "shut up" from jack, which definitely hurt my feelings. I have a rather large crush on Jonah and I just feel the need to make this all stop. I gulp and make my way up the stairs. If I can't help on the other boys side, then maybe I'll at least be able to help on Jonahs.
As I make my way to the second floor, I can hear a quiet sobbing coming from the bathroom and I frown. I slowly walk over and knock on the door. I hear the crying abruptly stop before I hear the doorknob turning. As soon as I see Jonahs red, puffy, sleep deprived eyes, I lose it. Tears immediately begin falling from MY face now.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I sob, falling into my knees. Jonah looks at me confused. "I-i should have b-been there when the other guys were b-bullying you. I d-didn't do anything about it." He makes a face that's a mix between a frown and an "awww" face. He reaches down and lifts me up, bringing me to his room and setting me in the bed.
"Buddy, its not your fault. I'm not as good as the others and I just need to deal with that" he replies with a sigh. I stand up.
"No!" I shout. "Never say that! You are an amazing, incredibly talented singer and you deserve way better than what your getting!" He grabs me and pulls me into his lap, giving me a big hug.
"Th-thank you Daniel. I really appreciate it."
"I do it because I love you" I respond. Wait! I just confessed to him! Oh no.
"I love you too!" He laughs. I shake my head.
"No. You don't get it. I LOVE you." Welp, there's no going back now. He freezes before staring at my face for a second. Before I know it, our lips are connected into a passionate kiss and it takes me a moment to register what's going on. I melt into the kiss, happy that this is finally happening. We pull away.
"I love you too Daniel!" He smiles and gives me another huge hug.
"If any of the boys are mean to you, just know that I'm always here, and I always love you."

Go check out my other book if you haven't already #ALWAYSPLUG

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