Letting Go❊Jonah x Corbyn

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Sorry for another sad, short oneshot. I wrote this one a while ago.
Jonah couldn't control the shaking of his hands as he clasped tightly to the side of the hospital bed. It took all of his will to block the tears threatening to spill from his hazel eyes. The steady beeping of the heart monitor rang in his ears, drowning out all the other noises coming from outside the hospital room.
The boy responded with a shaky breath as he opened his eyes to look at his boyfriend. "I'm scared." Corbyn reached out to grab Jonah's hands, clasping them between his own.
"There's no need to be scared. I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere" he replies with a weak smile. Both boys knew that was a lie. The treatments could only do so much.
"I can't let you go, Corbyn. I can't" Jonah whimpers, letting a tear slide from his cheek. He can't block the lump in his throat. He's been strong the entire time, hoping the optimism would help push Corbyn forward just enough to help him heal with the treatments. Just enough.
But not everything goes to plan. And now Jonah stands by Corbyn's bedside, torn to pieces. The younger boy is his entire life. But he's scared. So scared. He doesn't know how to say goodbye, how to let go.
"I can't help but feel that this is partially my fault" Jonah sniffs, wiping his eyes. Corbyn reaches a pale, weak hand up and strokes Jonah's cheek.
"It was never your fault. You were always here by my side, and if it weren't for you, I would have been gone months ago. You were what kept me going, Jonah. And I can't thank you enough for that." Despite his blurred vision, Jonah could still make out the look of sincerity on his boyfriends face.
"But you don't understand, Corbyn. I physically won't be able to go on without you. I'll fall to pieces. I'll-I'll die." Corbyn wraps his arm around Jonah's neck and pulls him close.
"But I'll always be with you. No matter where you are-where I am, I'll always be here. You need to stay strong for me, for my family. They are going to need you. You don't understand how much I love you, Jonah. But you'll finally be able to stop worrying. We'll both be at peace. But you need to remember that it's going to be ok. It will all be ok."
Jonah nods, tears flowing down his face like a waterfall at this point, but he doesn't care. He grips onto Corbyn's hand for dear life and he waits. But he feels calm, because now he knows that everything will be ok.
And with that, Jonah is finally able to let him go.

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