Not a Chance Pt. 1❊Corbyn x Daniel

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"OMG! OMG! You're THE Daniel Seavey!"
These are the words that 18 year old Daniel Seavey, teen heartthrob, pop star and actor, heard on a daily basis. But being famous and all, he was completely used to it. "Can you sign my arm?" Daniel lifted his sunglasses (Ray-Bans of course — the most expensive pair he could find) and took the the sharpie being held out to him by the screaming girl. The teen, who appeared to about 14 years old, could barely keep herself contained as she bounced on the balls of her feet, letting out frequent squeals and "I can't believe this is happening!"s. Daniel uncapped the sharpie and used the marker to sign his extravagant and well practiced signature onto her arm.
"There you go. Enjoy your day," he exclaimed, returning the marker and winking at her in a manner that's most likely inappropriate towards a 14 your old from a guy his age. What can he say though. She was attractive.
He continued confidently down the street, stopping occasionally to sign body parts and take photos with fans, before he made it to the five star hotel that was booked by his manager. He was currently staying in New York, the fifth stop on his mini tour around the east coast, and he was just returning back to his room after a quick trip out for dinner. He had insisted that his body guards didn't come though, as he was only journeying down the block and the fans haven't figured out the location of his hotel yet.
Once he made it back to his hotel room, he fell backwards onto his bed, pulled out his phone and began scrolling through Instagram. Instagram was the social media platform that most of his fans chose to reside in. On the app, he got to know quite a bit about his fan base. He didn't see them as much more than the people who got him famous, though. But unlike Daniel, people from other fan bases seemed to observe quite a bit about Daniel's supporters, and just about none of it was positive.
Unlike some more diverse fandoms that include all ages and all genders, Daniel's fan base was entirely made up of thirsty teenage girls who liked him for nothing more than his looks (which was not surprising considering how shitty of a person he really was, though in his opinion, his looks surely made up for that).
He even tended to hook up with groupies and fans often, which ended up being quite the controversy, to no ones surprise of course. Because at that point, everyone knew it.
Daniel was kind of a dick.
And if he was being completely honest, he would tell you that he couldn't care less about changing his personality. As long as he has clout and a girl to mess around with, he's a-ok.
And this, Corbyn knew. That's why he hated the guy with his entire soul.
Corbyn really wasn't one to get caught up in all the internet drama. And for the most part, he really didn't care about all the dumb celebrities that seem to be popping up out of nowhere. But something about Daniel just irked him. Anybody else he would just ignore, but he was 2 centimeters away from tracking down the boy and giving him a much deserved slap to the face.
And considering Corbyn was... well, Corbyn, that's saying a lot.
At the same time Daniel was in his fancy hotel room scrolling through Instagram, Corbyn was doing the same thing, except at his flat in his messy, unorganized bedroom. For some reason, his whole explore page seemed to be filled with images and news articles about the rising star, and he couldn't help but clench his fists every time he read a post about the brunette. But like always, he eventually chose to close the app, opting to do something more productive with his time. Sleep. He didn't know if he could stare at Daniels stupidly hot face for any longer, anyways.
And soon enough, Daniel fell into a peaceful slumber as well on his memory foam mattress beneath his 400$ a night comforter. But hey, it's worth the money. He's rich. And famous!
Corbyn woke up bright and early the next morning and immediately checked his phone to see the time. 8:00 am, rather early for the blonde. But since he'd gotten a good nights rest the day before, he was feeling refreshed and ready for the day.
He quickly stretched his arms and back before rolling out of bed and nearly falling on the floor, a common occurrence for the boy.
He had a few things planned that day, the first being a coffee meeting with one of his pals. He then planned to head over to the mall and get some shopping done.
He quickly changed into a pair of black skinnies and sweatshirt before washing up in the bathroom and lazily fixing his messy hair.
He then straightened his posture and marched out the door, grabbing a pop tart on the way.
Daniel's morning, on the other hand, started much later. He had insisted that he wouldn't be woken up until 10:00 am at the latest, and like always, he got what he wanted. He was woken with breakfast in bed and a text message from his manager consisting of the day's schedule.
11:30 am — interview with local radio station
12:00 — lunch meeting
Free time
Daniel smiled at the knowledge that he was going to have another lazy day to prepare for his big show the next day. As he got dressed, he decided that he would head to the mall after lunch in efforts to continue to fill up his already overflowing closet.

The interview was just like any other for Daniel, nothing special. He was just happy to get it over with, tired of being bombarded with pointless, personal questions. Sure, he was a celebrity that posted most of his life online (that's how his nudes were leaked), but he still liked to keep some parts of it private. Before he knew it, he was done with his lunch meeting too and was off to the mall in his sleek, black limousine. You would think he might want to go someplace more private, but there is nothing that Daniel loved more than attention. The feeling of all eyes on him gave him a sense of pride and accomplishment, whether the attention was good, or bad.
Meanwhile, Corbyn was also headed off to the mall in his much less expensive, hand-me-down minivan that his parents let him claim ownership of when he left for college.
He turned on the radio to a pop station and hummed quietly to the music, ready for a peaceful day of shopping.
Unfortunately for Corbyn, that's not what he ended up getting. Not in the slightest.
He realized something was off as soon as he saw the group of squealing teenage girls by the entrance. They looked as if they had just seen some celebrity and were trying (with little success) to regain their sanity. Confused, he just shrugged it off and continued to make his way towards the food court. He noticed a few more dazed teenage girl, but nothing seemed seriously wrong so he ignored them.
He decided on get a cheeseburger and fries from McDonalds (which he would definitely regret later) along with a large coke to wash it down. He brought his tray to one of the many tables scattered across the food court before heading back to grab his drink.
Before he realized what had happened, an elbow jabbed forcefully into his ribcage causing him to simultaneously trip over, fall on the ground and spill soda all over his jacket in one swift motion. He gasped, cheeks blushing a light pink at the realization that many people in his vicinity were staring at him, some laughing.
"Oops. Sorry. Here," a voice suddenly sounded from above him. He turned his head upwards to see a boy with brown hair and Ray-Bans holding his hand out to help Corbyn up. He immediately saw something familiar about the boy's face and frowned, taking his hand to pull himself up and nodding in appreciation.
But it wasn't until the mysterious boy removed his sunglasses that Corbyn realized who he was.
"Oh. My. God."
A smile appeared on Daniel's face, the pop star immediately assuming that Corbyn was a fan of his music. He didn't have many male fans, but as new as it was, he didn't mind.
"Oh, you must be a fan! Well it's nice to see that so many people-"
"You're that dickbag that was on the news last week!" Corbyn interrupted, his frown morphing into a full on glare causing Daniel to jump back in surprise. "Daniel! That's your name. My god! You're such an idiot!" Daniel's smile fell as he just stood there, stunned, unsure of what to do. He had never encountered someone who didn't like him and his music. Surely the blonde boy couldn't hate him that much, right?
"W-what do you mean?" He stuttered, hands clutching his expensive glasses.
"What do I mean? Your just so... ugh forget it. I'm leaving," Corbyn replied, quickly bending down to grab the now half empty soda cup, discarded on the floor. He then quickly darted into a crowd of people in hopes to escape the self absorbed artist.
Just as Corbyn disappeared Into the sea of people, Daniel, being his determined and gloated self, decided that he wasn't about to just give up. Everyone has to like him. Everyone. And Corbyn would be no exception.

Part 2... soon? Idk, school is already really stressful so I'm not gonna be updating very often, but do stay tuned for more!

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