I want you happy.

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This isn't about big jiggly panda,it's about me and my best friend who I call panda. I also happen to love him

I love you.
It almost hurts.

I love you.


You love her..

And she makes you happy

And you make her happy.

I see it,panda.

I see it in your eyes when someone mentions her.

Your eyes light up and you get so excited,it makes me laugh seeing you so happy just by hearing her name.

But inside it hurts,knowing you're never that happy hearing about me..

I can tell,panda.

You're in love with her.

And I'm in love with you.


I'm okay,with just being friends.


I don't know.

I mean

I want to be your friend

But then again I don't,you know?

I mean

How can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at them
You're thinking about how much more you really want.

You are happy,panda.
My little panda.

But it's not because of me.

You love her,

You're happy because of her.

And I simply cannot ruin that.
No matter how much I love you,and wish that you loved me too,

I cannot be the cause of your sadness,even if it gives me temporary happiness.
How can I be happy with someone who already has met their soul mate.

I can't bring myself to split you two up.
So panda,
Do not fall in love with me.
You may like me,
But she,
She is special.
You love her.
You like me.
Make the right choice.
I couldn't live with myself knowing that I dragged you away from your true love.

So yes,my little panda.
I am in love with you,
And you make me so happy,and I'm always thinking of you,but

You love her.

All that matters is that you're happy,even if I'm sad.

Maybe you're my soul mate,

But she's yours.

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