Lethal Touch

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"Stupid heels!" I mutter as I walk through a gravelly road. The bar was yet another block and I was already pissy about the outfit my dad had picked out for me to wear: a crop top with a tight mini skirt.

"Hey babe." A drunken man stammers towards me. I give him my best smile and let him reach me before he starts grabbing me, dropping dead at my heels.

"Perv." I say bitterly before stalking away. No one sees the man fall due to the darkness, and all evidence will come back as a heart attack or a seizure. I didn't mind, all of these people that I was meant to kill meant nothing to me.

By the time I do reach the bar, I enter and walk up to the bar itself. "What can I get for you?" I'm greeted, a man with gapped teeth says. I wince before smiling to him.

"Surprise me!" I let out with a giddy laugh. The perks of being dead is that you can never have to much to drink.

"Sure thing baby cakes." The man says and turns away, mixing some kind of concoction. I turn around to scan out the scene. There was a game of pool going on, men and women grinding on each other in the middle of the floor in a dance to the music picked by a couple of people surrounding the jukebox. I smile.

"Miss?" The man behind me says. "Your drink." He says with a way to toothy grin.

"How much do I owe you?" I ask, not even a penny on me. I'd forgotten my wallet at home.

"Don't worry about it baby, it's on the house." The man says. Guaranteed he was thinking of me naked beside him and I gave him a playful eye roll.

'In your dreams,' I thought to myself. "Thank you." Is what I finally say, tilting the glass back and taking the liquids down. The man gapes at me. Once I put the glass down on the counter, I give him a wink and retreat to the floor, making my way to the center of the flow of people dancing, finding a decent man of my own to dance with, and like everyone else in the room, no one can deny me.

"Damn, you sure know how to turn a man on." He says, breath reeking of alcohol. I nearly gag.

"It only seems to work when you find the bests dance partner." I say with a small laugh, mentally groaning. I was exhausted yet, the man rather handsy with me. I had a few minutes to spare before I could call it a night, and so I let him touch me, let him take me to the back of the bar and out the bar. It ended with one kiss on the lips and a stifled gasp for air he'd never get.


Two men down in one night was not the best a girl could do, but there aren't as many people around lately and I'm not allowed to kill them all, am I?

"Karma, baby, how was your night?" My dad calls me. I walk to his room once more and he takes my hand to lead me into his bathroom, holding my hair as I kneel. He didn't actually care to know, he already does. No, I say nothing as I shove my fingers in the back of my throat, purging to the extent where I was crying. "Go wash up and head to bed, would you?" He asks me. "No desert tonight."

The dead didn't eat, but he still worried I'd grow big and lose my mother's charms.

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