Only Alone

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"Time is running out Kar-"

"Gabriel." I silence. My voice was cold and I watched his body freeze, tense. His eyes grew dark as they pleaded me with such sorrow. "Where do you come into play? You're already an angel." Gabriel's head lowers.

"Gabriel's an angel alright, but he isn't the highest in rankings." Samael laughs. My gaze remains on Gabriel.

"God offers second chances." He says to himself. I step near him, his eyes roaming up my body. "I was almost a fallen, almost lost my place and my wings. Then he offered me a second chance, you."

"You just thought you could use me. I thought that maybe you liked me, maybe I could be normal, but then I felt as if you were keeping something from me. You avoided me when I called you for help, you left me out here alone to be hurt." I say. He opens his mouth to object but I shake my head and step away. Samael laughs harder at this and I step across the center to him. "What's so funny?" I say, I enthused.

"All the guy thinks about is himself." Samael shrugs. I smirk.

"And all you think about is getting laid." Samael's laugh stops and he looks me hard into the eyes. "Remember when we were littler Sam? I thought maybe I'd have a friend. I never really saw many people other than my dad, and then there was you. You were so nice and liked a lot, you were funny," I trail off. I hear him take a deep breath, holding it.

"I know, I hurt you." He says when I say nothing else.

"You didn't only hurt me, you used me." He shuts his eyes and bows his head. I step towards Nathan, his face deathly pale.

"Karma, I had no idea..." His voice was shaking, afraid.

"I don't know you. I ran into you and you followed me and then hurt me. You were so rude and then something shifted and you let me in your house. You got mad again, but that was quickly gone and things were passionate." I smiled, remembering it. "Then you were plotting about me, keeping secrets." Nathan nods his head. I step back into center. "I can't do this yet, like this. This is my choice, I don't want you to have to see each other..."


Back in my old room I shake in the mirror.

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