Love Blooms

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I shove Gabriel back, wide eyed. He laughs, crawling up next to me, cradling me and laying us back. He places a hand on my stomach, smiling. "It was impossible for you to get pregnant, to ever have your own child while under the curse, but it's broken now. It comes down to you and the last man standing, me. You're carrying our child, the seal to the end of your misery." He freezes, face falling blank. "It wasn't me, was it?" He says coldly. I shake my head, climbing off of the bed as he bursts into cracks of light. I look down, my hand upon my own stomach.


"Karma, I'm not asking you to forgive me for what I did, but Gabriel deserves you, you deserve a place beyond this Hell." Nathan's head was bowed, not even glancing at my naked body nearing him. I reach out when I'm close enough, raising his head. His eyes scan me, guilt filling them. "You can take me." I shake my head, speechless. He scrunches his face up, uncertain.

"It's done." I manage, wrapping my arms around him. He holds me, arms firm around me.

"Do you know?" He asks, swallowing back hard. "About the child?" I nod my head and he pulls back, just enough so he could see my face. "Would you like to wash up with me? I'll explain there if you wish." I nod my head and we enter the bathroom, Nathan shedding from his clothing and soon emerging us under warm water. I close my eyes, head tilted back as water sprays my face.

"The child was always a possibility, said to have been a reminder of your choice in a sense. You are no longer held back by anyone, can not injure any one with a single touch and commanding thought. You're mortal to a sense, and you're given a child to prove yourself like any other mortal women, however I must be the father, and it must be created today or the balance system fails and your life is in danger. I don't mean to pressure you into having interco-" I throw myself at him, kissing him sloppily on the lips. He doesn't protest, holding me closely. He was warm, even more so then Gabriel was moments before. I sigh, pulling back from the kiss.

"You're not pressuring me, I just don't know... I've never thought of having a child, what will happen." He rests his chin on my head, smiling.

"You will have both found and made love. You'll have a family." I shake my head, backing up from him.

"But Anna?" I said in a small voice. He sighs now, running a hand through his wet hair.

"It was to late for me to love her, but she wouldn't want me to go on without loving." He pulls me against him, kissing the nape of my neck softly. "I promise to love you Karma, it's not to late for us." I close my eyes, feeling him adjust himself before sliding in. It was gentle, perfect if I haven't overused the term yet. It made me tired afterwards, to tired to bother getting dressed or doing much else other than dry off. Nathan didn't mind, he walked with me to the bed, laying in next to me.

"Where is home?" I whisper, awake enough for an answer.

"You will be there when you wake up. Rest now." He says, his breath blowing on my forehead. I don't try to muster more energy to speak, I just obey.

And fall asleep, I do.

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