No More Karma

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"Karma!" My dads voice grows. I jump up out of bed and see him enter, coming to me and cradling me to his chest. "I thought you were gone baby." He says and combs his fingers through my hair.

"Gone?" I ask more awake now.

"They're getting close, to close for comfort. I think we have to say goodbye soon." There was panic in his voice but I couldn't see if his eyes matched it.

"Dad what are you-"

"Just remember who was there for you your whole life." He says and pushes back, searching my confused eyes before kissing me hard on the lips, pushing me back on the bed. I'm to far gone to understand what is going on. Instead I kiss him back, allow him to slide my bottoms down along with his, for him to be in me again. I ignored the pain and listened to the silence. In the end I felt his warmth for a second before he pulled out of me and hollered at me to get dressed. I obeyed and found Samael outside of my bedroom.

"Dad?" I call out. But he never followed me out of my room, Samael grabbing me, hushing me, as he took me from my home.


"What the hell-"

"Karma you need to listen to me, to trust me." Samael tries to speak over me. I simply shake my head at him. "What happened last night?" I groan.

"I don't know, it was just a dream." I say and shrug it off, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Sometimes reality can seem that way, but whatever happened I need to know." There was something serious in his voice and I shuddered.

"Gabriel has wings." I whisper and turn to start walking away. Samael grabs my arm and I yelp at the pain.

"You went to visit Gabriel!" He shouts.

"I needed to know if it was true or not." I said in a quieter voice. "Besides I'm sick of how all of you treat me, as if I'm some kind of servant." I yank out of his grasp. He raises his hands in surrender.

"Where did he take you?" Samael presses. I bite my lower lip. "Where?" He screams.

"He said it was Heaven." I snap. "Now take me back to my dad!" I yell back.

"Karma," he says and rubs his temple. "You've caused a war between the Heavens and Hells and your dad is trying to protect you. Gabriel, he doesn't want to help you, he's here to take you from us."

"Take me where?" I ask.

"Heaven of course." Samael says with a chuckle. "You think it's all songs and laughter, the tales people tell each other? Where they would take you wouldn't be anything like that. I've heard it all and they're going to hurt you."

"What do you mean?" I say, pinching my arm to make sure I was awake. I wince at the sting.

"Karma you've killed, that's just who you are, but there is no death in Heaven. They are going to chain you up and strip you of your memory. If that happens, there will be no more you, no more Karma." I step back.

"You're lying." I accuse. He just shakes his head and steps forward. "Leave me alone!" I say and run.

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