Keeping From Me

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It was colder out than it was in the house, but I wouldn't let that turn me back. I wrapped my sweater tighter around me, walking through the dark streets. I didn't know where I was going until I came up upon his, Nathan. He was still slouched along the building side, his hood down to reveal his black hair. He must have sensed my presence, his head turning my way and icy blue eyes burning into me.

"Nathan, please." I say and near him slowly. He turns now, hood up and walking. "You can't just leave!" I shout after him. He didn't stop, nor slow. "Anna." I manage, watching him retreat into the shadows. He halts, frozen. "What was she like?" I see his body slump, regret fill him.

"She was a friend only anyone would ask for, and she was mine." He was holding back, I could sense it.

"What happened to her?" I say softly. He growls, racing towards me and shoving me backwards.

"What does death matter to you, you... monster!" He roars. My eyes widen, shocked. "Please tell me it wasn't you." He says, desperate. He doesn't wait for an answer as he falls to the ground, back against the wall. "Just leave." He mutters, and I do. I round the corner, running. I kept looking back, feeling as if I was being watched.

"Karma?" I ran into someone, flying backwards. I got to my hands and knees before standing. "Karma!" I look to the person I ran into, a man with short blond hair, green eyes heavy with concern, but I knew that voice.

"Gabriel? What happened to you?" I ask. He'd cut his hair, changed his appearance. "Where have you been?" My voice was raised and he threw a hand over my mouth, shushing me.

"It isn't safe here, follow me." I nod my head, following him as he leads me inside a building, a home.

"Is this where you live?" I ask.

"Not exactly, but I need to talk to you-"

"-Your adoptive mom, she's..." I bite my lip, searching his eyes. They are mournful, guilty.

"I know, but we have greater things to discuss." I grow angry at this but he takes my hands, soothing me. "What do you know?" I blink.

"What?" I was suddenly confused.

"What do you know?" He repeats.

"There's a war, and you, my dad?" He closes his eyes, opening them. His eyes changed, brighter as they deemed into me.

"Gabriel-" I hadn't had time to finish, his lips meeting mine. It was soft, sweet. He held me, hands on my lower back, my arms raising around his neck. He pulled back, leaving me wanting more.

"Karma," he says short of breath.

"I don't understand." I say, confused as to what I was feeling. He shook his head, taking my hands again and leading me to the lone bed in the room, laying me back. I gasp, looking up at him. His eyes were masked. "You're keeping something from me." I whisper, he simply shakes his head again and kisses me harder than the first time.

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