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It was still dark when a loud noise shuddered through the house. I was alert and so was my dad beside me. "Karma go!" He said, a loud whisper only meant for me. I froze.

"What is it?" He didn't answer as he pulled up a pair of dark jeans, a shirt covering his chest. When he was finished getting dressed he finally turned to me and gave me this pleading look, almost as if he were sorry for all of my life. I nodded and he instantly stormed off, the door shutting after him.

Maybe I could stay for a while? I snuck up to the door with my ear pressed against it. My dad wasn't alone.

"Where is she?" A growl.

"I haven't seen her since you took her from me!" My dad shot back.

"Where else would she run to besides your bed? You don't deserve her!" I bit my lip, anticipating for more. "Where is she?" The voice asks again.

"I don't know." My father says. His voice was stern, unbreaking.

"I bet you she's in that room right beyond that door with nothing on but a sheet off of your bed." Someone neared the door and my dad blocked him. "So you do know something? Or is she here?"

"Lay off, she's nothing to you!" My dad pushes back, a laugh mocking him.

"Oh Karma, dear, did you not tell your father of how I took you to bed, how much you wanted me?" I'd known this was to far. My father was set on killing the bastard.

But who was it? Just one look wouldn't kill me, right? I crack the door open, inching it further and further as glass shatters and wood splinters. I see my dads back, his shoulders rising and falling in rage. Beyond him is Gabriel? All I see is blond hair, waving about on his head.

"Boo." I jumped, coming eye to eye with, Samael? He smirks at me with that lustful wink and grabs my arm, yanking me out of the door. "Look who I found, and what do you know, she's naked for all four of us to see!" His voice made my stomach sick and my eyes were glued to the ground. Four people?

"You thought you could just runaway from me?" Nathan. His hood was down revealing his long jet black hair, ice cold eyes roaming over my body. I look back down, my free hand covering over my chest. My face was set aflame.

"Just let me go." I say, pleading. Multiple people laugh, all but my dad who's gaze burns a whole into the back of my head.

"Oh no princess, you have to be here for this." I glare at Samael who pulled me against him. I revolt and he soon tosses me into the center. I land on my back in the center of the room.

"What's going on?" Everyone watched me as I stood from the ground. "Dad?" I have finally turned to look at him, and it was now his turn to look down.

"This is a war Karma, and it's time to end it once and for all."

"End it how?" I look at Gabriel who had just spoken. His emerald eyes are blank, distant as they meet my eyes.

"You simply pick us off, one by one." Samael says with a snicker.

"Like... kill?" Without words, Nathan nods. My gut drops.

"I can't kill any of you, my abilities don't work that way." I falter.

"There are other ways." My dad assures me.

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