School Trauma

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Dressed in all black I pin my hair up in a messy bun as I walk up the school steps. "Everyone, this is our new student, Karma Allen." My face spreads into a warm blush as I look around the room. "Karma, why don't you tell us something about yourself?" I swallow back hard.

"Well, my name is Karma Allen..." I stutter. "I'm seventeen, turning eighteen in seven months." I shrug and lower my head.

"Well, let class begin." The teacher says, clearly uncomfortable. I take my seat, the seat that's left empty in the back of the room and open my book, my face even redder then before.

"Hey." A whisper sounds from a few feet beside me. I turn my face to see Gabriel.

"Hi," I say with a wide grin. It was sincere, and honestly hurt my face.

"Transfer?" He asks. It was the second quarter of the school year and I'd just now come, but something about Gabriel had me hooked.

"Yeah." I say shyly.

"Mhm." The teacher says, tapping his foot on the ground repeatedly. I bite my lower lip and look away from him. I feel his gaze heavy on me and it takes everything not to look back.


I hadn't any chance to get to anyone, my dad's anger heavy on my mind, scaring me. Hands on in phyed, it was the perfect timing and playing basketball, I'd blocked someone, touching him briefly as he fell. I gasped and stepped back in shock, fake tears pooling up over my eyes.

"What happened?" The teacher asks, rushing to the kids side and checking for a pulse. I gag and force myself to hurl. The teacher sends me to the nurses office who sends me home. I return to change and wait till dark, dad nowhere in sight.

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