Devil's Daughter

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"Karma, you have to get away from him, he's bad news. He can hurt-"

"Me?" I finish for him. "He can't hurt me." I snort.

"What do you mean? Karma?" He asks, reaching for me. I step back.

"You where wrong when you said Karma could be good too, because I'm all bad. I'm not the devil but the Devil's daughter and I killed Adam." I say with haste, anger. Gabriel gasps and shakes his head.

"It can't be true..." He trails off looking at me.

"I can show you. Nana?" I call for the older woman.

"Don't you dare!" He protests. "You have no right to take an innocents soul!" I glare at him and he bites his lip.

"What do you want from me?" I ask him, nearing him. He goes flat against the wall.

"I didn't know it was you..." He stares blankly at me now, almost numb. I groan and hit him hard across the face.

"What wasn't me!" I yell. The house seems to shudder with my voice.

"There's a story-"

"-I have no time for stories." I object. He shushes me.

"Of a young girl and the devil. It wasn't uncommon that the devil come up to take souls and mate, but he allowed this one girl to live. She didn't live long, after she birthed his child she passed on into hells realm." He watches me closely. "That girl, she used to be an angel but wished to live a normal life, granted her time on Earth. It is said that her child, you, are the only one who can save this world. There is much darkness more than there is light, only you can equal it out again." I shake my head.

"You have the wrong person." I say and start stepping back.

"Karma." He says reaching for me. I turn now and try to run but he's grabbed me and lifted me from the ground. Looking down, the ground wasn't even in sight as we were soaring through the night sky. It must be true, all of it.


"Where are we?" I ask as we land on a polished marble floor, the walls tall and light.

"Heaven." Gabriel answers. I turn to him just in time to catch a glimpse of his wings dissolving into the bright sky.

"How is this possible if I'm-"

"Shunned to Hell?" Gabriel laughs. "Heaven easily forgives, even to those of the prophet." He holds out his hand to me, myself slowly taking it. "I want you to meet someone." He says eagerly and leads me down a maze of halls.

"Who is this?" A voice booms. I jump and cling onto Gabriel's hand tighter.

"This is Karma. I found her." Gabriel beams.

"Karma..." The guys rolls the name around on his tongue. I find myself shying away.

"Her child, daughter." Gabriel hints at. Finally recognition hints and the mans light face softens.

"And so she lives!" He cheers and envelopes me in a hug. I tense and he soon puts me down. "After all of those years has he kept you in hiding?"

"Is it true about my mom?" I ask, ignoring the question of his own. The man sighs and nods his head with sad eyes.

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