Chapter 2

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Holly's point of view

3:00 couldn't have come any faster, we both quickly ran and stumbled into toilet cubicles to get changed as quick as possible. I wore black skinny jeans, my blazers and my black pretty reckless tee with the going to hell cross printed across it. "Ready?" Jordan sighs excitedly as she grabs her bags and heads out of the main school entrance. I swiftly follow behind saying my goodbyes on the way out. On the way down the pathway I felt like I was walking for hours, so many faces passed and most said "have a good time" or "have fun" in which I replied a short "thanks" or "I will" as I was to busy focusing on the path ahead of me. When we finally reached the bottom we got into the car with Jo (Jordan's mum) Jo said "are you girls ready to go?" We both replied with and enthusiastic "yeah". Sitting in the back seat me and Jordan sang the whole car ride, even Jo joined in on the songs she knew, but my fun was being interfered with the excitement, the car journey felt like a long time and I started to get impatient. When we finally arrived at the venue me and Jordan were beyond excited, jumping around, dancing and singing in line. Assessing the line we realised we had a while to wait but we were patient, after lining for about an hour we got bored and our legs hurt, but we didn't care we just wanted to get into the venue, quickly the line started to move and before we knew it we were at the front, upon entering the building we got our wrist bands and ran to the standing area to find we were very close to the front of the stage, so before the concert started and as everyone else flooded in we made our way more and more to the front.

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