Chapter 31

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Jordan's point of view

We ordered room service before the concert tonight, Holly was going on like normal, but I knew something was up and so did Taylor, from the looks of things and if I know Holly well it seemed she did too, she just didn't want to admit it, to me and Taylor nor herself. "So are you excited for the show tonight?" I asked her, I was excited to see her perform, ever since we were younger all she had done was dream and talk about performing on stage one day and going on tour, now she was finally doing it I couldn't be more proud of her. "Yeah, super excited. Remember when I would talk about it performing all the time?" She asked her voice full of excitement and she chuckled at the memories "yeah, those were good days" I replied sincerely smiling to her, she had cheered up a lot since earlier and I was glad. We sat laughing for a good ten minutes when Taylor finally joined us "hey guys, what's so funny?" She asked as she kissed Holly and took a seat next to her "oh we were just talking about old memories and videos" I replied still laughing at one particular on where I had made Holly scream really high pitched whilst doing something weird with her hand, I still had the video and we had sat and watched it a couple of times before Taylor had arrived laughing harder every time "really? Still got any?" She asked smiling herself, it was funny cause it was only ever Holly who had videos because I had always caught her doing silly things "oh yeah, this one was so funny. We laughed at it for hours" I replied showing her the video, Taylor immediately started to laugh, her eyes becoming glassy from laughing so hard as I played the video over and over again, Holly's face blushed a light red as Taylor told her that she looked cute when she was younger. We watched some more videos, before we ate and then finally left to go to the venue.

Holly's point of view

We got into the car and drove to the venue, I was finally allowed to drive again and didn't want to pass up any opportunity that I had, we got to the venue after driving for about twenty minutes. I pulled into the parking lot and park the car before me Taylor and Jordan entered through the stage door at the back of the venue to avoid any fans. As soon as we walked in Taylor and I were pushed off to make up and Jordan went to the dressing room "don't talk to anyone on the way there" I shouted to her after what happened last time "don't worry, I wasn't planning to" she shouted back before we both went in our separate directions and got ready for the show. I was beyond excited and had little butterflies in my stomach, I was quite nervous too, this would be my first time performing in front of such a big crowd so it's understandable. We got our make up done then went to get our outfits, Taylor had a wide range of different outfits to choose from, I had a much smaller selection which I was happy with when I found a simple grey coloured cropped top and a pair of skinny white jeans that were ripped, the outfit looked great and Taylor well, she looked amazing "hey miss ogle eyes? Let's go" she said as she grabbed my hands "well you shouldn't wear such tight clothing" I replied stubbornly as I walked slowly behind her still eyeing her, she was wearing a tight cream coloured corset and some fish net tights along with high heels, I couldn't help but stare, the corset was pretty revealing "will you walk faster?" She huffed out turning to look at me, I pouted stubbornly and picked up my pace slightly "Holly come on" she said again sighing exasperated, I decided to walk ahead of her, so I picked up my pace and got in front of her "what are you doing?" She asked confused by my sudden presence in front of her "walking" I replied simply not even turning to look at her "why so blunt?" She asked a hint of joking in her voice "cause" I replied simply again, I knew it'd annoy her, but next thing I know she's on my back and I'm giving her a piggyback ride to the stage "get off my back, you can walk yourself" I said but still held on, not wanting her to fall "nope" she replied bluntly "now look who's being blunt" I muttered to myself and I felt her kiss my neck before asking me to put her down.

Taylor's point of view

I stood firmly onto the ground as I spun Holly around and connected our lips, she was shocked at first but then wrapped her arms around my torso as mine snaked around her neck. I moved out of the kiss and smiled at her "are you excited?" I asked, my own excitement leaking through in my sentence "of course, this is what I've always dreamed of doing" she replied sincerely, she looked like she was going to cry, I mean it must have been overwhelming, wishing and dreaming to perform in front of hundreds of people, I would blame her if she did cry, but if anything I've learnt that she hates crying in front of others and try's her hardest not to. "I can't wait till you come out to perform with me" I said honestly, I was so excited it was crazy how much emotion she put into the song and how much meaning she gave to it every time she sung it. "I just can't wait to get out there, it sounds so full" she replied her tone betraying her emotions a hint of nervousness coming through "hey don't be nervous. They'll love you" I whispered to her as I took her into an embrace snaking my arms around her neck whilst hers found their way around my torso holding me firmly against herself. Her hugs were seriously something I've always loved, they are always so warm and as the embrace comes in it's one of those ones where she pulls you in a little tighter and it makes you feel safe. "Have I ever told you that I love your hugs?" I asked laughing slightly into her chest, I felt it vibrate in my head as she let out a throaty chuckle "why I don't believe you have" she replied and kissed the top of my head "I love..." I started but was rudely interrupted "Taylor you're on in 2 minutes" the stage director called to me "yeah thanks" I replied bluntly agitated that he had interrupted "you were saying?" Holly pushed me to continue "I love you" I replied as I kissed her lips lightly "I know" she replied smirking "I love you too" she continued as she kissed my forehead.

*2minutes later*

I walked onto the stage finding my way in the darkness careful not to fall as I walked to my microphone centre stage, I could hear people screaming and cheering, chanting my name and my first song started playing, as soon as the drums were hit the lights shot on and I could see everyone, I started to sing 'Follow me down' I loved this song, it was one of my favourites and I didn't shy away from dancing around the stage or walking back and forth. The fans too far away for me to reach, I continued singing and when I got to the bridge and stood still, trying to catch my breath slightly from all the dancing around, before I moved again and then finally finished the song, the fans screamed and cheered, my smile growing with every thing I heard 'I love you Taylor' and 'oh my god you're so amazing' my fans truly made me smile.

I sung about and four songs before it was time for me and Holly to finally perform together "hello everyone" I screamed into the microphone and had a reply of screams "are you all having a good time?" I asked to be returned with screams again "so this next song, is gonna be a little different because I have someone special coming out here tonight, I know you guys all love her. You tell me all the time on twitter, yeah I see the hashtags and trends" I laughed out as my ears were filled with an array of screams "so please give the one the only, my girlfriend Holly Williams and round of applause" I shouted as Holly came walking out the right wing and up to me with a guitar in her hand, we had agreed that she would play so she got her own guitar a week ago. It was amazing, a black vinyl guitar with white lines going around the outside, I loved it. Anyways I turned and smiled at her as we sat on two stools side by side and she spoke into the microphone "hey everyone, how are you all doin?" She asked, the whole place screamed in response and she smiled "good I feel like that too" she chuckled "so are you guys having a good time? I know I am" she asked again and got the same reply "so this song" she started is one of my favorites personally and it's called 'Under the water' so I hope you guys like it" she finished, screams erupted and I was now really excited, she started playing and everyone went quiet, I started singing first looking straight at Holly as she concentrated on playing the song, she looked up and smiled at me as I got to the chorus she joined in, our voices crashing together in perfect harmony, and she turned to the audience and huge smile spreading across her face as she did so, I also looked to find they all had their flashlights on and were swaying side to side, the whole arena lit by cellphone torches, I was amazing. Holly carried on playing and sung the next verse, I closed my eyes and just took in her voice, the emotion so raw I felt a lump form in my throat, we sung the chorus again and I saw Ben, Mark and Jamie all watching me from the curtains, all three of them smiling widely, at that moment I was truly happy, they could see what Holly meant to me and completely accepted it, which made me even happier. I then saw them come onto the stage and they all stood at the back taking pictures of the scene in front of them, finally the song came to an end and everyone was screaming, the applause deafening "thank you so much guys, you are amazing" Holly said as she stood and kissed my cheek before walking back off stage. The crowd still screaming crazy and chanting 'Haylor' I'm guessing our shipping name.

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