Chapter 23

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(A/n I've decided to go forward a week instead of the same thing happening, it's the same routine in each chapter and I wanted to speed up the process slightly)

No ones point of view (third person)

Taylor and Holly had been sleeping for a few hours before Holly screamed herself awake, her usual nightmare haunting her eyes and mind as her eyelids flew open, beads of cold sweat slipping down her forehead and dripping off her brow. Taylor jumped up seemingly startled by the screams from her girlfriend at first, then acknowledging what was going on she pulled Holly into a tight, warm embrace and rubbed soothing circles on the small of her back "everything is fine, it's okay. It was just a nightmare" Taylor repeatedly whispered whilst Holly's body trembled in her own, muffled sobs coming from her as her face was nuzzled into Taylor's chest, her cries growing weaker at the sound of Taylor's soothing pleas, she soon calmed down her breathing rapid from the exasperated sobs that now filled the seemingly empty room "I'm so tired" she yawned out, almost as though nothing had happened, yet she knew all too well that each night one of her terrors took her over, taking a bigger chunk out of her every time, Taylor had noticed the extreme fatigue that took over her girlfriend daily, it caused an aching pain in her chest as it throbbed slightly at the look on Holly's face, she seemed so terrified, like a small child about to start their first day of school, not knowing what could happen. Taylor wrapped her arms around Holly tightly as her actions were reciprocated with Holly enveloping her arms around Taylor's thin torso and tightening them once they sat where they always did. Holly sighed into Taylor's hair, it was a sigh of exhaustion, she was sick of not being able to sleep a full night, sick of the ever same recurring nightmare that haunted her mind as soon as her eyelids consumed her to it, but still she tried to continue as though she wasn't so worn out, as though by each passing second she didn't just want to collapse, her limbs aching and sore trying to carry her around, her eyes heavy as though they were connected to weights.
The two spent the night laying awake in each other's arms, listening to the light wind that knocked against their windows, both of them eliciting in small talk, small blissful kisses shared here and there after one of them had said something dearly sweet or meaningful, sometimes just simply to show compassion towards each other. They lay like this until the sun started to dawn and eventually Taylor had fallen into a peaceful slumber, a smile on her face, yet still a slight aching in her chest, feeling almost selfish that she could sleep peacefully and her girlfriend couldn't. Holly stayed there just admiring Taylor's peaceful sleeping stance, the way her arm sprawled lazily across her lower torso, her head resting on Holly's chest and her legs tangled with Holly's, granting a slight warmth to Holly with the amount of contact that her and her girlfriend shared, she smiled contently to herself, the blond petite girl running around in her mind.

Taylor's point of view

I woke up feeling revitalized and refreshed after my short hours worth of sleep, I looked up to find Holly looking at me, her eyes full of love and her smile big "good morning" she rasped out, her voice was so tired, it was so hoarse and I guessed it was either caused by her lack of sleep, a lack of fluids in her system, or the constant screaming that she inflicted on herself during the painful memories and scenarios her cruel mind insinuated upon her every evening "why are you looking at me like that?" I smiled to her a slight twinge of insecurity ran through me but I ignored it "you're just so stunning, even when you sleep you're beautiful, the peaceful stance that takes over your features I admire" she spoke truthfully her voice so full and pure, I smiled and blushed as I crushed my head into her chest trying to hide it, she placed her hands under my chin and lightly pulled my face up to look at her "I love it when you blush, please don't hide it" she said, her voice so raspy it was such a turn on "you know, your voice like that is" I breathed out, a smirk grew on her face and it made my stomach churn "hmm does it now?" She replied lowering her voice slightly a huge swarm grew in my stomach and flung myself onto her front and collided our lips viciously. I felt Holly's hand roam my sides before one of them became firmly placed on my butt cheek, pushing my hips down onto her own properly, our bodies together completely, not a single gap, my right hand sat on her neck as my left roamed her chest down to the hem of her shirt, her abdomen already exposed from where her shirt had rode up as I threw myself onto her, I drew circles on her abdomen as they became taut under my touch, I moved further up her shirt and placed a hand over her exposed breast, massaging it lightly, this caused a throaty moan to leave her mouth, her hand gripping my butt cheek harder causing a moan to leave my own mouth, she moved her hand and slipped it into the thin material of my booty shorts and laced underwear, I'd missed feeling our bodies pressed together so tightly and the warmth hers brought mine, I also missed this, the fact that we gave ourselves to each other happily, drawing new feelings and true emotions to run through us. I'll spare the details of what happened as I know that it's easy to tell, we had sex and the intimacy that we expressed towards each other was something that I'll never forget, we had done it before but this time was full of so much emotion, it was so pure and what we shared was something more than sex, I feel that we have each other more, maybe I'm being ridiculous but that's how I feel.

Holly's point of view

We laid together naked wrapped up in the sheets and entangled in each other's arms, Taylor lightly traced my wound, examining it as she ran her fingers around it "does it hurt?" She asked concentrating on my now flawed shoulder "not to much, the pain killers help a lot" I replied truthfully, the pain killers were so strong I barely remembered it was even there, she leaned up and placed a light chaste kiss onto my bullet hole and then to my lips "let's go and get ready" she said dragging me to the bathroom, we showered together and then got dressed in casual clothes, I examined my neck the growing bruise from the love bite Taylor had given me not to long ago, I smiled to myself as I traced it, the memory flooding my mind "come on you, let's go to the hospital" Taylor spoke from the doorway she was lent against watching me amused by the mark she'd left on me "sure" I replied grabbing my beanie and putting it in my head as I grabbed her hand and walked out of the apartment grabbing the car keys and closing the door behind me, Taylor locking it with her key. We walked down the apartment block stairs passing neighbors giving a slight wave and subtle 'hello' trying to avoid conversation pretending to be in a hurry, we climbed into the car and completed our usual routine, a week had passed and we had come so used to the journey that I had now become sick of the car, sick of the hospital and sick of the routine, this caused a sigh to escape my lips as Taylor's head flicked to the side watching my features in worry, looking for a sign of what had caused the sigh "what's wrong?" She asked placing a hand on my knee and rubbing it slightly "I'm just sick of this, it's the same thing everyday, I dunno it's selfish cause Jordan needs to get better but I'm just sick of this car and the hospital" I replied honestly, my voice bored and hurting, the fact I'd practically nearly ripped my vocal chords numerous times waking up screaming "well I have a surprise for you, it should make the next week seem lighter" she said, not even attempting to hide the excitement from her voice "oh yeah? What's that then?" I couldn't help but smile, Taylor never seemed to displease me with surprises when they came every once and again, she came back from an interview last week with flowers and a horror movie, it's small but it surprised me, because of course she hates horror movies but was willing to watch it for me, truth is id had a bad day, id mopped around all day after visiting Jordan and then returning home early to tired to even talk to anyone.
"Well it involved traveling, plus you and Jordan are gonna be there, with me. It can get crazy too" she hinted, I took a moment to figure out what it was before it registered in my mind, I had recalled she had to go on tour and finally remembered the date, it was to be a week after Jordan left the hospital "oh my god" I breathed out excited "we are going on tour with you" I stated, I turned my head slightly and saw Taylor smile happily at my reaction "you betcha" she replied returning to her previous position looking out the window, my eyes returned to the road and we pulled into the hospital seconds later.
Taylor climbed out the car and came round to my side waiting for me to get out the car, she was lent against the passenger door, I climbed out and closed the door, she went to walk but I pulled her back and connected our lips in a thank you kiss, my hands resting on the car behind her as hers wrapped around my neck, I pulled back and grabbed her hand walking to the hospital doors, the crowds and paps had died down over the past week and few remaining, we signed more autographs on the way in and ignored the paps shouting ridiculous things and their obscene questions. As we neared the door I felt something heavy collide with my head, I turned to find a microphone from one of the paps on the floor, I then felt a slight thick damp ooze making its way down my neck and onto my shoulder, I touched the back of my head and realized I was bleeding, not thinking the microphone could cause me to bleed, I grabbed it and looked for the source who'd thrown it, anger bubbling inside of me, the culprit stepped forward looking at me, I threw him a questioning eyebrow raise as he came closer, he stopped dead when I flung my arm back and launched the microphone, it connected with his face and caused a load crack to sound from his nose as blood gushed out, the next thing I know everything went blurry and I couldn't see anything, I could hear my name being called as I stumbled into the hospital, two arms supporting me firmly as we got to the desk, only to find myself fall into a darkness and collide with the cold hard floor all the whole hearing a scream in my final second of consciousness coming from Taylor's mouth "HOLLY!!!"

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