Chapter 38

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3rd person POV

Holly woke up at half six, but despite how tired she was could not go back to sleep and so she just laid awake, Taylor still on her chest she noticed that she hadn't had a nightmare, but her dream consisted of nothing but darkness. She laid silently, mindlessly playing with Taylor's hair until she felt Taylor stir in her sleep, she rolled off of Holly and onto the side of the bed, causing the brunette to suddenly feel cold and empty, Taylor stretched herself out and yawned, her face scrunching up as she looked to her girlfriend noticing how awake she was "how long have you been up?" Taylor asked frowning, her initial and instant thought was that Holly had woken in the night and not gone back to sleep, Holly turned to her phone and looked at the time, it had just turned seven and so she replied "only half an hour, I promise" Holly replied back, a hint of defence in her tone, but Taylor was happy still that she had actually had a nearly a full nights worth of sleep. "Well what time is your appointment?" Taylor asked Holly as she sat up in bed, grabbing a big grey jumper that belonged to Holly "it's at..." Holly started as she unlocked her phone to look at her calendar "nine o'clock this morning" she finally told Taylor, looking at her with a nervous smile, Holly had never really liked the doctors, but she doesn't want to find out what is wrong with her either, she was scared of basically nothing, but to her it was everything. "Babe look at me" Taylor said wiping Holly's cheek, the younger girl hadn't realised she'd been crying until she felt the smooth pad of Taylor's thumb on her cheek "please don't cry" Taylor whispered to her as she pecked her lips full of passion. "I'm sorry" Holly spoke softly as she kissed Taylor's forehead "nothing to be sorry about" she replied, nuzzling her face in the crook of Holly's neck "I better get ready" Holly decided aloud as she started to move, Taylor got up after she heard Holly turn the water on and went to make some tea for her and Holly. Upon leaving their hotel room Taylor bumped into Jordan "hey" they both said in unison, laughing slightly "so how's she doing?" Jordan asked Taylor knowing that although the pair had been through a lot holly wouldn't admit she wasn't okay, she wouldn't show that she was scared or nervous, Jordan didn't understand why, but she just knew it was what she was like "she's nervous, she doesn't want to go, but she knows that she has to" Taylor replied putting two cups on the side "want one?" Taylor turned to Jordan "yeah sure" Jordan replied, Taylor turned back and added a third cup before putting tea bags and sugars into the three cups. "she's never liked doctors" Jordan thought aloud "really?" Taylor asked raising her eyebrow as she turned and passed Jordan her tea "thanks. No she hasn't, she's always hated going unless she's practically dying she will steer clear from it" Jordan replied thinking back to all the times Holly had refused to go and see a doctor. "So what's going on with you and that guy? What's his name..." Taylor asked smiling slightly as she took a sip of her tea, Jordan's cheeks turned a light read colour and she looked away, Taylor chuckled slightly, but waited for the reply "well he left late last night after we watched a couple movies and we exchanged numbers, he's a great guy and I really like him" she told Taylor a face eating smile spreading across her face "oh and his names Jimin" she added on. Holly walked out of the bedroom dressed in high waisted light blue jeans a grey tshirt and a white and black stripped cardigan on along with some converse "you look nice" Taylor complimented her as she walked to her wrapping her arms tightly around Taylor's torso as she put hers around Holly's neck, they both shared a simple kiss before Holly said "thanks love" and walked to the side picking up her tea and drinking from it whilst scrolling through her phone, a silence grew in the room and Holly looked up at Jordan, she smirked and wiggled her eyebrows "how's Jimin?" She laughed at her best friend putting her cup into the sink, Jordan got up to put her cup in the sink and hit Holly as she ran to her room, Holly laughed because she wasn't going to chase after her.

Holly's POV

"I'm gonna get dressed and I'll come with you, I'm sure Jordan will have plans for today with Jimin" Taylor spoke as she started to leave the kitchen area, I looked at my phone and saw that the time was twenty past eight, I sat in the kitchen scrolling through my twitter retweeting some nice tweets from Taylor's fans and looking through quotes pages on Instagram. Taylor walked out of the room twenty minutes later in black skinny jeans and a white top that I noticed was mine "you have a habit of wearing my clothes" I pointed out as I deliberately made a motion of checking her out "yeah well, you shouldn't buy clothes that I want to wear" Taylor replied as she pecked my lips "that's not a good reason to wear my clothes, you can buy your own that are the same" I replied back chuckling and standing to get my car keys "that would defeat the object of wearing your clothes, plus if I buy my own they won't smell like you and it won't be the same" she told me still laughing "she has a point" Jordan shouted as she walked out of her room to get her car keys to "and where are you going?" I asked as she started to go for the elevator " meet Jimin" she replied as the three of us walked down the hall to the elevator door. "Well have fun" I replied as we reached the ground floor and left the hotel, both of us going their separate ways "good luck" Jordan called as she got into her car.
"Well it's just you and me" Taylor said as we both climbed into the car "that doesn't sound too great" I teased looking at Taylor "what?" She asked mocking offence and feigning hurt "I'm joking love you know that I love spending time with you" I replied as I pulled out of the parking lot and drive in the direction of the doctors "I love you" Taylor said after a few minutes, placing her hand on my knee and rubbing it slightly before leaving it to rest there, her way of silently comforting me already sensing that my nerves had kicked in and I was really now starting to reconsider whether or not I should actually go inside the doctors surgery or just leave. "Come on let's go" Taylor told me as she got out of the car, I breathed in deeply and sighed heavily as I took the keys from the car and got out closing the door behind me and locking it with the button on my key. Taylor grabbed my hand and we walked in together, as soon as we walked in my name was called, so we made out way down the corridor to the room that held the doctor, I was not looking forward to this as we opened the door and walked in.

Taylor's POV

When we got to the door of the doctors room Holly's face fell pale, extremely pale, I didn't know what to do or say, I just kinda stood awkwardly "Holly are you going to be okay?" I whispered to her as the doctor introduced himself to us "hello ladies" he started "I'm doctor hill" he introduced formally as he took Holly's hand and shook it, taking mine after and repeating his actions, he had a right grip, but his shake was short and friendly. "So Holly what seems to be the problem?" Dr.Hill asked, Holly seemed to hesitate as she gulped lightly, of course I noticed it because I was watching her every move, scared that maybe she'd faint "I suffered from a head injury a while ago and suffered from a shooting injury in my shoulder. Ever since both these incidents I've had recurring nightmares that seem to get worse each time. A few nights ago I was having one and I actually hurt my girlfriend as I was having it, but I couldn't wake up, I knew I was supposed to and that I had to, but I couldn't escape the dream" she told the doctor, keeping her cool the whole time and not once breaking down, I though shed a slight tear at remembering that night, I was so scared she wouldn't wake up "I can only suggest that you're suffering from some kind of traumatic distress from the memories, there's not much that I can do. Would you maybe want to some sleeping pills?" He replied, his voice sympathetic towards Holly, I could tell she was frustrated and felt patronised by his tone, but she didn't bite "I can try sleeping pills, if you believe that will help" she finally said after contemplating the benefits of them and the negatives of them, the doctor wrote out a prescription for Holly and told her to go to the pharmacy in the doctors surgery to pick up her medication. We both thanked him and left. "That was a complete waste of fucking time" Holly muttered angrily as she made her way to the pharmacy "calm down" I told her patiently, as I drew small circles on the back of her hand "let's just get this and go" Holly said. So we got the prescription and made our way to the hotel, Holly didn't say a word at all, I knew she was annoyed, but she would calm down eventually.
"Taylor, what do you wanna do?" She asked me as we walked into the hotel room and towards the kitchen, she put the medication on the side and started making some tea. I swear if this girl drinks any more tea she'll turn into it. She was starting to lighten up and turned around leaning against the counter. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her neck, hers instantly fell to my hips as she pulled me in for a kiss, it started off quite passionate and soft, before it became hungrier and rough. Both of us weren't paying attention as Jordan and Jimin walked out of Jordan's room laughing together about something "oh okay then" Jordan said as she coughed slightly, we both stopped and turned to look at the two "hi guys" Holly breathed out, both of our chests moving up and down rapidly "hey" Jimin replied waving slightly "hey Jimin" Holly said smiling at Jordan deviously, Jordan glared at Holly before going to make both Jordan and Jimin a beverage.

Jimin's POV (New)

I was really staring to like this girl and it felt weird, not a bad weird, but a good weird. I have never felt this was before and I really wanted to get things right, I wanted to take her out on a date, but was scared to ask. Her best friend Holly seemed like a really cool person from what I had seen, she came across as really laid back and calm and her girlfriend was pretty cool too. I didn't realise she was a rock star, but I accepted their relationship and they really did look good together. "Jordan?" I asked my thick Korean accent coming through, I could speak English, but not greatly "please, we talk?" I asked, Jordan nodded her head and stood from her seat walking towards me, Holly whistled and Taylor chuckled whilst Jordan just glared at the two of them "where did you wanna go?" Jordan asked me, her voice was like music to my ears and she made my heart do little jumps in my chest. "I want to take you on a date" I told her, she smiled widely and looked like she was going to cry "I'm sorry" I said as I wiped a stray tear off her cheek "don't be silly" she replied kissing me on the cheek, it made the area tingle and I smiled widely "I pick you up at seven?" I asked her and she nodded in return, I was going to take her out for dinner, give a good first impression, so I left saying my goodbyes to all of the girls and going to make arrangements for tonight.

How everything started (taylor momsen girlxgirl)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum